1、一个人宁可听一百句谎言,也不想听一句他不愿听到的真话。 A man would rather listen to one hundred words of lies, also don't want to listen to a word he didn't want tohear the truth.

2、世界上没有人人都不信的谎言,也没有一句谎言都不信或只相信谎言的人。 Not everyone in the world do not believe the lies, no don't believe a lie or only believe lies.

3、为了他人能够更好的生存下去,而说的谎。 For others will be better able to survive, but tell lies.

4、人们喜爱谎言,不仅因为害怕查明真相的艰难困苦,而且因为他们对谎言本身具有一种自然却腐朽的爱好。 People love lies, not only because of afraid to find out the truth of difficulties and hardships, but also because they are rotten to lie itself has a natural interest.上一页12下一页

5、人才难得又难知,就要爱惜人才,就要用人不疑。 Talent is rare and difficult to know, will cherish talents, employing not suspect.

6、人既尽其才,则百事俱举;百事举矣,则富强不足谋也。 People as its only, Pepsi burden; Pepsi for yi, the lack of rich also.

7、人类的食粮大半是谎言,真理只是极少一点。 The food of the human most is a lie, truth is just little bit.

8、善意的谎言是美丽的,开诚布公直截了当是一种错误,我选取谎言。 White lie is beautiful, frank and straightforward when it is a mistake, I choose lies.

9、大家都不听谎言,说谎的人也就绝迹了。 Everyone don't listen to your lies, liar would be extinct.

10、好人迫不得已的时候也会说谎。 Good people will lie when forced.

11、宁愿在所有人之前被一个人说坏话,不愿在一个人之前被所有人说坏话。 Would rather ill before all people by one person said, than by all before one person said bad words.

12、常识是我所知道的最高的通情达理。 Common sense is the highest I know is reasonable. Sometimes, a lie is very beautiful, and her name is called "white lie".

13、当我们得到理解的时候,智慧是不人地枯竭的;智慧同智慧相碰,就迸溅出无数的火花。 When we get to understand that it is not wise to the dry; Wisdom with touching one another, they splashed out millions of spark.

14、无言的纯洁的天真,往往比说话更能打动人心。 Wordless purity naive, often can move more than speak.

15、智慧之于灵魂犹如健康之于身体。 Wisdom is to the soul what health is to the body.

16、最成功的说谎者,是那些使最少量的谎言发挥最大的作用的人。 One of the most successful liar, is a lie that makes the least amount of play the biggest role.

17、有时人们也痛恨阿谀奉承,但只痛恨阿谀奉承的方式而已。 Sometimes people also hated flattery, but hated flattery only way.

18、有时候,谎言也很美丽,她的名字叫“善意的谎言”。 Sometimes, a lie is also very beautiful, and her name is called "white lies".


20、每当一个人宣称所有人类都是坏蛋之时,你尽可放心好了,在这当儿他是把自己作为例外演出的。 Whenever a person claimed that all humans are bad guys, you may rest assured that in all this while he is himself as an exception.

21、爱情,是我们都相信的谎言。 Love, is we all believe lies.

22、生命不可能从谎言中开出灿烂的鲜花。 Lies in the life can't leave from the bright flowers.

23、生活中,善意的谎言可以让生活增添色彩。 Life, white lies can make life add color.

24、相信谎言的人必将在真理之前毁灭。 People who believe in lies will destroy before truth.

25、真情告白坦率无忌是一种伤害, True confession frank mowgli is a kind of hurt, I choose to lie to the world of governance in the talent, into the world of people in the enlightenment.

26、真情告白坦率无忌是一种伤害,我选择谎言。 True confession frank mowgli is a kind of hurt, I choose to lie.

27、知识是产生对人类*的热爱和原则的唯一源泉。 Knowledge is the love of human freedom and the only source of principle.

28、给自己辩护的人,告发了他自己。 To defend himself, turn on his own.

29、谄媚从来不会出自伟大的心灵。 Flattery never out great minds.

30、谣言是越散播越浓厚的东西。 Rumors are spreading more and more strong.
