1、一个真正的摄影师像真正的诗人或真正的画家那样少见。 Like a real photographer as rare true poet or a true painter.

2、不是每个人都信任绘画,但是人们相信摄影。 Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.

3、人们都说照片不会说谎,可我的照片会。 People say photographs don't lie to my photos.

4、人像摄影是放大一个人的优点。 Portrait photography is a personal advantages of amplification.

5、光给了我创意的形状和脚本,也是我成为摄影师的原因。 Light gives me the creative shape and scripts, is also the reason why I become a photographer.

6、别跟我说你没拍着的照片,就让我看看你拍到的好照片。 Don't tell me you didn't take the photo, let me see pictures of you.

7、只有好照片,没有好照片的准则。 Onlygood photos, no rules for good photographs.

8、因为我一个人在远方静静的爱你,我爱上了摄影。 Because I love you a person quietly in the distance, I fell in love with photography.

9、在我看来,某个东西你不把它拍下来就不能说你见过。 In my opinion, something you don't take it down and will not be able to say that you have met.

10、好演员在生活中都不是美人, Good actors in life is not a beauty, just is good in the camera.

11、好照片是技术和艺术的成功合成。 A good photo is the success of the synthetic technology and art.

12、好的摄影首先是怎么想,然后才是怎么拍。 Good photography first is how to think, then how to shoot.

13、如果你的照片拍得不够好,那是因为你离得还不够近。 If your pictures aren't good enough, that's because you're near enough.

14、如果你的照片拍的不够好,那是因为你靠的不够近。 If your pictures is not good enough, that's because you're not close.

15、如果我知道如何拍出好照片,我每次都会拍出好照片了。 If I know how to take good photos, I always take a good photo.

16、如果我能够用文字讲故事,我就不必拖着一部相机。 If I could tell a story in words, I don't have to drag a camera.

17、如果我能用语言来讲述故事,我就不必带上相机了。 If I can use language to tell the story, I don't have to bring a camera.

18、学摄影就是为了让自己多看一眼这个美妙的世界。 Learn photography is to allow yourself to look at this wonderful world.

19、对于伟大的摄影作品,重要的是情深,而不是景深。 For great photography works, the important thing is deep, not depth of field.

20、对于摄影,故事活在光影中。 Live in the light of photography, story.

21、想象力跑焦了,眼力就靠不住了。 The imagination run, and eyesight is unreliable.

22、我之所以喜欢摄影师,是因为你们不提问。 I was like a photographer, because you don't ask questions.

23、我总是在头脑里拍摄一切事物,以此作为练习。 I have always taken in mind everything, as a practice.


25、我拍照是为了看看事物被拍摄下来的样子。 I take pictures to see things being filmed.

26、我最好的作品常常是无意识的,且超出我理解能力之外的。 My best work is often unconscious, and beyond my comprehension.

27、我相信凡事对每个人都是平等的,但记者和摄影师除外。 I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers.

28、我真的相信有些东西如果我不拍下来就没人会看见。 I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them.

29、找到最适合拍的是最难的。 Taken to find the most suitable is the hardest.

30、拍一个蛋糕也能成为艺术品。 Pat a cake can be art.

31、摄影师就是空想家、旅行家,拥有视觉世界观的人。 Photographer is visionaries, traveller, with the visual world view.

32、摄影师必须是照片的一部分。 The photographer must be a part of the picture.

33、摄影师是美的缔造者,是心灵的艺术家。 A photographer is beautiful, is the artist of the mind.

34、摄影师眼里没有偏爱,旅行家脚下没有归途。 Photographer's eyes no preference, the foot of the traveler no return.

35、摄影师眼里的真实就是他们照片所表现的那些东西。 Photographer's eyes real is their photos of those things.

36、摄影技艺的获得是靠花功而不是靠花钱。 Is photography skills acquired by spending power rather than by spending it.

37、摄影既是客观的,又是主观的。 Photography is both objective and subjective.

38、摄影是我的第二语言。 Photography is my second language.

39、摄影棚里充满了炫人耳目的商品。 Studio is full of cool and fresh goods.

40、摄影的伟大就是把瞬间定格成了永恒。 Great photography is the instantaneous fixation has become eternal.

41、摄影除了抓住美之外,还需要打破常规。 In addition to seize the beauty of photography, also need to break the routine.

42、摄影风格首先是每个摄影人自己最喜欢的表现方式。 First is everyone in photography photography style your favorite expression.

43、摄影,重视给你不经意的惊喜,这是她的魅力之一! Photography, attaches great importance to the casual surprise for you, this is one of her charm!

44、摄影,难的是在风霜雨雪中的坚持。 Photography, the hard part is to adhere to in the weathered rain and snow.

45、文字的重量,照片的震撼。 The weight of the words and pictures.

46、有时最简单的照片是最难拍的。 Sometimes the simplest picture are the hardest.

47、每一位摄影人,都有一颗爱美且善良的心。 Every photographer, have a love of beauty and kind heart.

48、每一张照片,都是时光的标本。 Specimens of each picture, it is time.

49、现在你可以拍摄任何东西。 Now you can take anything.

50、画家旨在创建;摄影师旨在披露。 The painter aims to create; The photographer to disclosure.

51、相信别人,放弃自己,这是许多摄影师失败作品的开始! Believe in others, give up on yourself, this is the beginning of many photographers failed!

52、相机如果不是诗人脑袋上的一只眼睛,其中的胶卷就没用。 Camera if not poet one eye on the head, the film is useless.上一页12下一页

53、相机是我的工具。透过它,我给周遭的事物一个理由。 The camera is a tool for me. Through it, I things around for a reason.

54、相机是顺畅地邂逅那另一个现实的手段。 Camera is smoothly meet the means of another reality.

55、真正爱好摄影的人,他们眼中总能多出几道光彩。 Real people who love photography, their eyes can always several more glorious.

56、真相是最好的照片,最好的宣传。 The truth is the best of the best photos, propaganda.

57、胶卷比机会便宜。 Film is cheaper than opportunity.

58、艺术中的新形式是边缘形式的正典化创造的。 New forms of art is the Canon of edge form creation.

59、运气是用心摄影师之最好的老师。 Luck is the attentive photographer's best teacher. Me I don't want to paint, I can't shoot.
