1、**不仅是一种**行为,而且是一种真正的**工具,是**交往的继续,是**交往通过另一种手段的实现。 War is not only a kind of political behavior, and it is a real political tool, is a continuation of the political exchanges, is the realization of political exchanges through another way.

2、**不是达到**目的手段,**必须消除,而不仅仅是限制。 War is not the way for political purposes, must eliminate, rather than just limit.

3、**也爱吃精美的食品,他带走好人,留下坏人。 War and love to eat nice food, he take a good man, leave the bad guys.

4、**使多数人流血,却养肥了少数人。 War makes most people bleeding, enriching the minority.

5、**是人类之间互相的一种残杀,因此它一定是一个非常血腥、非常坏的一件事。 War is a kind of killing each other between human, so it must be a very bloody, very bad thing.

6、**是骄傲之子,骄傲是财富之女。 War is the child of pride, and pride is the daughter of wealth.

7、**来临时,真理是第一个牺牲品。 The war came, and the truth is the first victim.

8、**的先决条件是:以好斗为唯一美德,以求和为唯一耻辱。 War is a prerequisite for: aggressive as the only virtue, in order to and for the only shame.

9、**的发生往往是由于玩弄了危险的词句,由于刺激了民族的热情。 The occurrence of war is often the result of playing with a dangerous words due to stimulate the enthusiasm of the nation.

10、**的目的必须是为了和平。 The purpose of war must be for the sake of peace.

11、**的目的是杀伤敌人,而不是消耗弹药。 The purpose of war is to kill your enemy, rather than consumption ammunition.

12、**重要的是求取**上的成果,而不是军事上的成功。 War is important to obtain the political achievements, rather than military success.

13、一种最高的斗争形式。**是不流血的**,**是流血的**! A highest form of struggle. Politicsis a bloodless war, war is bleeding politics!

14、一般所想念的和平,大抵与没有**或**停止同一意义,这是并不正确的。 General longed for peace, and no war or stop the same meaning, this is not correct.

15、不为**和毁灭效劳,而为和平与谅解服务。 Don't do for war and destruction, and for peace and understanding.

16、世上的暴君,若准备打一场**,不到万事俱备,总是要侈谈和平的。 The tyrant in the world, if ready to fight a war, not everything, always want to engage in the luxury of peace.

17、世界上是一片战场,在这战场上,只有当机立断的统帅才能取得胜利。 The world is a battlefield, in the battlefield, only decided commander can win.

18、两国关系好时,谁也感觉不到大使的存在。只有两国关系不好时,大使才受世人瞩目。**出名使。和平无名使。 Good relations between the two countries, who don't feel the ambassador's existence. Only bad relations between the two countries, the ambassador was graced. Famous make war. Peace of the unknown.上一页12下一页

19、人们发现,劳动是最伟大的征服者,它比最辉煌的**更有把握使国家繁荣昌盛。 It has been found that labor is the greatest conqueror, it more than the most glorious war is sure to make the country prosperous.

20、人民**必须向云雾一样,在任何地方也不凝结成一个反抗的核心。 The people's war must be the same to the cloud and mist, nor anywhere condenses into the core of a rebel.

21、从来就不存在好的**,也不存在坏的和平。 Never exist good war, there is no bad peace.

22、任意对待被征服者是**给予征服者的权利。 Treating the conqueror is the right of war to the conqueror.

23、兵在精而不在多,将在谋而不在勇。 Soldiers in the fine not much, will not yong.

24、再没有别的任何艺术或科学,比**艺术或**科学更困难的了。 There is no other any art or science, more difficult than war art or science.

25、决定**胜负的是人,而不是物。 Decide the outcome of war is people, not things.

26、包括懦夫在内的任何人都可以发动**,但要结束**却得到胜利者的同意。 Including a coward, anyone can start a war, but the winner of the consent to end the war.

27、历史会对我友好的,因为我正在创造历史。 History will be friendly to me, because I was made history.In the event of a nuclear war, please ignore this event.

28、只有对那些需要**的人来说,**才是正义的。 Only for those who are in need of the war, the war is just.

29、只有胜利者,才能用**去换取和平。 Only the winner, with war for peace.

30、只要不失败就是胜利。这正是对抗强大的先进国家军事力量的人民**战略取得胜利的关键。 As long as you don't fail is victory. This is the very advanced countries against the powerful forces of the people's war strategy the key to success.

31、只要还有一个德国人活下来,**就将继续。 As long as there is a German survived, the war will continue.

32、和平不是一厢情愿和单相思,更不是对合理**的回避。 Peace is not wishful thinking and unrequited love, more is not reasonable for the avoidance of war.

33、和平孕育着**,**孕育着和平。 Peace breeds war, war breeds peace.

34、在恋爱和**中先发制人,都是天经地义的。 In love and war, pre-emptive is granted.


36、如果我们不结束**,**会结束我们。 If we don't end war, war will end us.

37、如果没有可能得到大量的财宝,如果得到的只有失败,那么聪明人也决不会发动**自己往里面栽。 If not likely to get a lot of treasures, if only failure, so the wise will not go to war to their own plant.

38、守卫他人的权利是人类最神圣和美丽的事情。 Defend the rights of others is the most sacred and beautiful things.

39、成功不是终点,失败也不是末日:这才能赋予我们继续的勇气。 Success is never a destination, failure is not the end of the: this can give us courage to continue.

40、我从不主张**,除非为了和平。 I never advocated war unless for the sake of peace.

41、我们可以失掉一场战役,不能失掉整个**。紫光要做的是百年老店,因此不必计较一时得失。 We can lose a battle, not to lose the war. Purple light to do is one hundred years old, so don't care about gain and loss at the moment.

42、我们拍这个电影其实能够使唤起大家对这样一些,在**的洪流中献出他们生命的这些人的尊敬。 We made this film is to draw attention to some that the war gave their lives in the flood of these people's respect.

43、我只愿意牵你的手, I just want to hold your hand, regardless of war, earthquake, to destroy the world, I will not let go.

44、我宁愿在岁而不是在或岁发动**。 I would rather in years, not in or go to war.

45、我看见过挨饿的孩子。我看见过母亲和妻子们的悲痛。我痛恨**。 I seen a starving child. I have seen mothers and wives of grief. I hate war.

46、我真想发明一种具有那么可怕的大规模破坏力的特质或机器,以至于**将会因此而永远变为不可能的事情。 I want to invent a so terrible mass destructive characteristics or machine, that war will thus become impossible forever.

47、我虽然是个反战主义者,但是为自卫,为抵抗强权的**,我却拥护,而且认为是必要的。 Although I was a pacifist, but for self-defense, for the war of resistance power, but I support, and that is necessary.

48、所有的**都是内部的**,因为所有的人类都是兄弟。 All wars are internal war, because all human are all brothers.

49、所有的母亲都憎恨**。 All mother hated war.

50、最初的奋力一击,是**成功的分水岭。 The original struggled to blow, successful watershed is war.

51、有意义的战斗胜过无意义的生活。 Significant combat is better than a meaningless life.

52、机在于应事,战在于治气。 Machine is should do, is to treat gas.

53、每一代都至少应该经历一场**的洗礼。 Each generation should at least through the baptism of a war.

54、永远不要在敌人犯错误的时候打断他们。 Never interrupt the enemy to make mistakes.

55、没什么比中了弹却安然无恙更让人兴奋的事情了。 Nothing in the play is safe even more exciting.

56、没有军队可能就没有和平,有了军队可能就有了**。 There is no army could there is no peace, the army may have war.

57、没有好**,也没有坏和平。 Have no a good war or a bad peace.

58、爱情和**都是不择手段的。 All is fair in love and war.

59、生者有功挂玉印,死者谁复招孤魂。 The living active hang a jade seal, the dead who answer for the wandering soul.

60、真正而持久的胜利就是和平,而不是**。 True and lasting victory is peace, not war.

61、美德是一种**状态,我们生活于其中,就要常常与自己作斗争。 Virtue is a state of war, in which we live, will often fight with yourself.

62、袭击是游击**的基本作战形式。 Attack is the basic operational form of guerrilla warfare.

63、要进行**只有一个借口,即通过**我们可以生活在不受破坏的和平环境中。 Only an excuse for war, we can live in are not destroyed by war in the peaceful environment.

64、赢得**只不过是使和平有一个良好的开端。 Win a war is to make peace with only a good place to start.

65、这是**中一条万古不易的公理,确保你自己的侧翼和后方,而设法迂回敌人的侧翼和后方。 This article is a war of ages is not easy to axiom, make sure your own flanks and rear, and managed to outflanking the enemy's flanks and rear.

66、通过**手段比通过广开言路更能牢靠地维护**。 By means of war than through airing to firmly safeguard regime.

67、金钱是爱情的基础,也是**的资本。 Money is the foundation of love, is also the capital of the war.

68、闲暇当然是一种幸福。因为,我们为了获得闲暇而工作,为了获得和平而**。 Leisure is a kind of happiness, of course. Because we work for a leisure, in order to achieve peace and war.

69、黄金和财富是**的主要根源。 Primary sources of gold and wealth is war.
