1、世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我。 The world abandoned me, but there was basketball with me.

2、乔丹从来都没有把火炬传给下一个人,因为我们都知道传承不是别人给的,是自己赢来的。看到我有多努力,有多专研比赛。他相信我是那个接过火炬的人,所以这不是一种传承而是一种赢得,而且需要时间来验证,我相信很多球员可以做到这一点,现在,给他们的时间开始了! Jordan never passed the torch to the next person, because we all knew that inheritance was not given to others, but he won. I see how hard I have, and I have a multi - research competition. He believed that I was the one who took the torch, so this is not a heritage but a win. It takes time to verify it. I believe many players can do that. Now, the time to start it is!

3、低头不是输,是看清自己的路;抬头不是骄傲,是要看清自己的天空。拿了第二名只能说明你是头号输家。总有一个人要赢的,那为什么不能是我! The low head is not to lose, is to see their own way; the rise is not proud, it is to see their own sky. Taking second names can only indicate that you are the number one loser. There is always one person to win, so why can't it be me!

4、你不可能变得比我更好,因为在打篮球上,你花的时间绝对没有我多。你也想花时间投入到篮球中,但是你做不到,因为你总是有其他事情要做,其他责任要去承担,你会分心。所以,我已经赢了。 You can't be better than me, because in playing basketball, you don't spend as much time as I do. You also want to spend time in basketball, but you can't do it because you always have other things to do, other responsibilities to take, you will be distracted. So, I've won.

5、你不可能强过我,因为你没我那么花时间在篮球上。即使你想,你也做不到。因为你还有其他牵绊,其他分散你精力的责任。所以我已经赢了! You can't be stronger than me, because you don't spend so much time on basketball. Even if you think, you can't do it. Because you have other ties and other responsibilities that distract your energy. So I've won!

6、你自己做出的抉择,要历经千山万水,到达那里。等那一刻真的来临,你已经不应该感到惊讶。 You make the choice, should go through the numerous hills and streams, get there. When that moment really comes, you shouldn't be surprised.

7、你起早努力的日子,那些熬夜努力的时光,那些你太累觉得再也站不起来,却依然支撑着自己起身的夜晚,那才是梦想的力量。 The days when you work hard, those who work hard at night, those who are too tired to feel you can't stand anymore, but still support the night that you wake up, that's the power of dreams.

8、八小时的训练,痛的只是身体,但如果输球,你痛的是心。 Eight hours of training, pain is only the body, but if the loss, you pain is the heart.

9、即使全世界都抛弃了我,至少我还有篮球。 Even if the whole world abandoned me, at least I had basketball.

10、即使是耶稣,也会有人对他怀恨在心,我不需要解释什么。 Even Jesus, there will be a grudge against him, and I don't have to explain anything.

11、即便是这样,我依然可以用一只手打球。 Even so, I can still play with one hand.

12、压力、挑战,这一切消极的东西都是我能够取得成功的催化剂。 The pressure, the challenge, all these negative things are all the catalysts that I can succeed.

13、在我还是孩子的时候,我就想象过我的生涯要以怎样的方式结束。我希望球迷们在想到我的时候,能觉得我的成就超过了预期,也超过了我的天赋。让别人这样想,对我来说意义重大,因为这就说明我真的努力了,他们承认了我下的功夫,也认可了我的毫无保留。 When I was a child, I imagined how my career was going to end. I hope that when the fans think of me, I can feel that my achievements are more than expected and that I have more than my talent. It'svery important for me to make others think this way, because that means I really worked hard. They admitted my efforts and recognized my unreservedly.The most important thing is that you have to make everyone aware of your existence and perceive that you are really competitive. From the beginning, I don't want to be a meteor player. I don't want to be one or two all - star players. I want to be the best in history. When I make up that determination, every game is very meaningful to me and I will do my best.

14、如果你害怕失败,那意味着你已经输了。 If you are afraid of failure, that means you have lost.

15、如果我感觉一些东西不对 If I feel something wrong, I'll stay there and train until I do it right.

16、如果注定有人要赢,那为什么不是我。 If someone is doomed to win, then why notme.

17、得到一切,必须付出一切、征服一切。 To get everything, you must pay for everything and conquer all.

18、总是有人要赢的,那为什么不能是我呢? There are always people who want to win, so why can't you be me?

19、总有一个人要赢的,那为什么不能是我! There is always one person to win, so why can't it be me!

20、总有人是要赢的,那为什么不是我呢? There are always people who want to win, so why not me?

21、总有人要成功,那为什么不能是我。 There's always someone to succeed, and why can't it be me.

22、恨我,因为我渴望你伟大,而伟大,需要不惜一切代价。 Hate me, because I want you to be great and great, and it needs to beat all costs.

23、我只会继续投,无论怎样,那怕跌了十次,我第十一次绝对会进!第十一次跌了,第十二次绝对会进!反正总会有进的那一球! I'll just go on, no matter what, I'm afraid I'll drop ten times, and I'm going to get in eleventh times. Eleventh falls, Twelfth times! Anyway, there's always that goal!

24、我打算成为史上最伟大球员的那一刻,篮球就是我的一切。 The moment I plan to be the greatest player in history, basketball is everything to me.

25、我爱我的家人,我的妻子瓦妮莎,女儿娜塔莉和吉安娜,感谢你们为我所做的牺牲,我在外训练打比赛期间,你把家里照料的这么好,瓦妮莎谢谢你,打心底说一声谢谢你。 I love my family, my wife Vanessa, daughter Natalie and Jaina, thank you for sacrificing for me. When I was out for training, you were so good at home, Vanessa, thank you, and thank you in the bottom of my heart.

26、我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求更加完美。 All I do now is to pursue more perfection.

27、我的听力越来越差了,在每个球场都听不见嘘声。 My hearing is getting worse and worse. I can't hear the hiss at every court.

28、我知道每天凌晨四点洛杉矶的样子。 I know the way Losangeles looks at four a.m. every day.

29、我能接受失败,但无法接受放弃。 I can accept failure, but I can't accept it.

30、扑捉猎物的猛兽又怎么在意细小的虫子。 How the beast of prey catches the tiny bugs.


32、最重要的是你必须向所能人摆明你是真材实料!我不是那种昙花一现和球员,我不是那种全明星只进了一两球的球员,我来就是要成为史上最伟大级别的! The most important thing is that you must be capable to clear you are real! I'm not a flash in the pan and a player. I'm not a all - star player who has only scored one or two goals. I'm coming to be the greatest level of history.

33、朋友来来往往,总冠军的旗帜却一直在那里,随风飘荡。 When friends come and come, the banner of the championship is always there, fluttering with the wind.

34、每次进入球馆,我感觉自己能击败所有人。 Every time I get into the gym, I feel I can beat everyone.上一页12下一页

35、比赛总会有人会赢,为什么那个人不能是我。 Some people will win the game, why that man can't be me.

36、没有人见过洛杉矶早上四点钟的样子,我见过。 No one has seen Losangeles at four o'clock in the morning. I've seen it.

37、猎豹捕猎时会在意小昆虫吗? Do cheetahs care for small insects when they hunt?

38、第二名只能说明你是头号输家。 Second can only indicate that you are the number one loser.

39、肯定有人要赢的,那个人为什么不能是我? There must be someone who is going to win. Why can't that man be me?

40、英雄是一时的,但传奇是一世的。 The hero is a moment, but the legend is the first life.

41、要抓住一切机会,向所有人证明你自己,证明你能够迎接挑战。 Take all the opportunities, prove yourself to all, and prove that you are able to meet the challenge.

42、那些你早起的时光,那些你努力工作的时光,那些你熬夜的时光,努力学习的时光,那些你感觉自己没有在努力工作,感觉太疲惫的时光,那些你不想再逼迫自己,但仍还是选择继续那样做的时光,那就是追寻梦想的意义。 The time you get up early, the time you work hard, you stay up those times, hard times, that you don't feel hard at work, feeling too tired time, that you don't want to force myself, but still choose light to do, that is to pursue a dream significance.

43、面对过去的篮球职业生涯,我每一天都做出了自己最大的努力,每一分每一秒都倾尽了自己的所有,每一刻我都当作是最后一次在打球。 Facing the past basketball career, I made every effort to do my best every day, every minute and every second, and I poured out all my own. Every moment I saw it as the last time I was playing basketball.
