1、一站二看三通过,人身安全牢记祝。 A stand by watching, personal safety in mind that I wish. Risk factors one by one, don't look down upon both ruled out.

2、举安全之盾,防事故之患。三联转载请保留。 For security shield, accident prevention. Sanlian reprint please keep.

3、事故出于麻痹,安全来于警惕。 Accidents due to paralysis, safety to on alert.

4、互让半步,处处通途。步步小心,平安是金。 Some give and take half a step, everywhere avenue. Tread carefully, peace is gold.

5、人最宝贵,安全第一。我要安全,安全为我。 The most precious, safety first. I want to be safe, safe for me.

6、人民的安全应是至高无上的法律。 The safety of the people should be the supreme law.

7、任何**,如果没有强有力的在野党就不可能开长期安全。 Any government, if there is no strong opposition is impossible to drive long-term security.

8、何愁路途多遥远,遵守法规保平安。 Why should I worry about the journey more distant, and abide by the laws and regulations to protect peace.

9、你对违章讲人情,事故对你不留情。 You speak to violate the rules and regulations, accident no mercy for you.

10、出门无牵挂,先把火源查。火灾不难防,重在守规章。 Go out without a care, check the fire first. It is not difficult to prevent fire, break rules.

11、千条路、万条路,走好安全这条路。 One thousand road, ten thousand road, walk the road safety.


13、即使在最平直的道路上行车,司机也必须紧握方向盘。 Even in the most straight roads, the driver must hold the steering wheel.

14、可爱的城市,平安的一天,两者的结合,就是幸福的。 A lovely city, the day of peace, a combination of both, is happiness.

15、可爱的校园平安的一天,两者的结合,就是幸福。 Lovely campus peace one day, a combination of both, is happiness.

16、在利益和金钱之间。记住,安全才是第一位。 Between interests and money. Remember, safety is first.

17、在薄冰上滑行,速度就是安全。 Slide on the thin ice, speed is safe.

18、处顺境其实非常危险,处逆境反而比较安全。 In prosperity is very dangerous, in adversity better security.

19、多看一眼,安全保险。多防一步,少出事故。 For a safety insurance. More step, less accidents.

20、妻子儿女望穿眼,盼你安全把家还。 His wife and children through the eyes, and look forward to your safe home also.

21、安全和效益结伴而行, Safety and efficiency goes hand in hand, accidents and loss at the same time.

22、安全就是节约,安全就是生命。 Safety is to save, safety is life.

23、安全是宝藏,安全是生命,安全是金钱。 Security is a treasure, security is a life, security is money.

24、安全是幸福家庭的保证,事故是人生悲剧的祸根。 Safety is the guarantee of a happy family, the accident was the bane of life tragedy.

25、安全是最大的效益,违章是犯罪,事故是最大的浪费。 Security is one of the biggest benefit, the crime of illegal accident is the biggest waste.

26、安全是生命的基石,安全是欢乐的阶梯。 Safety is the cornerstone of life, safety is the ladder of joy.

27、安全生产你管我管,大家管才平安。事故隐患你查我查,人人查方安全。 You tube I tube you tube to safe production, and peace. Accident hidden trouble you look at me, everyone Fang Anquan.上一页12下一页

28、安全编织幸福的花环,违章酿成悔恨的苦酒。 Security woven garland, happiness illegally into the remorse of bitterness.

29、寒霜专打无根草,事故爱找偷懒人。 The frost plays no root grass, accident lovelooking for lazy people.

30、小小烟头隐患大,疏忽大意酿成灾。 Small cigarette hidden danger is big, negligence caused the disaster.

31、小心无大错,粗心铸大过。生产秩序乱,事故到处有。 Be careful no mistake, careless cast. Production order disorderly, accident is everywhere.

32、平安校园我爱它,人人安全靠大家。 Safe campus I love it, and everyone safety depends on everybody.

33、平安的防范是容易的,可往往有些人使它变困难了。 Safe guard is easy, but some people often make it difficult.

34、快刀不磨要生绣,安全不抓出纰漏。 A sharp knife not grind to embroider, security is not out of mischief.

35、放弃基本的*以换取苟安的人,终归失去*,也得不到安全。 Give up basic freedoms in exchange for certainly, will lose freedom, not security.

36、暴躁在某种程度上讲是因为有不安全感,或者是自己没有开放的心态。 Temper in some extent because of insecurity, or they do not have an open mind.

37、校园校园我爱你,因为你给了我们一份安全感。 Campus, I love you, because you give us a sense of security.

38、消防通道似血管,堵了通道全瘫痪。 Fire escape as blood vessels, blocking the channel all paralyzed.

39、生命就像一只蜡烛,你不珍惜它,它就会消灭。 Life is like a candle, you don't cherish it, it will be destroyed.

40、管好自己的门,看好自己的人,家家平安,人人开心。 Mind your own door, on their own people, all peace, everyone is happy.

41、绊人的桩不在高,违章的事不在校。 Tripping of the pile is not high, illegal things not in the school.

42、自控互控加他控,劳动安全不失控。 His control, self-control and add the labor security is not out of control.

43、质量是安全基础,安全为生产前提。 Quality is the security foundation, safe premise for production.

44、预防校园侵害,创建平安校园。 Prevention of campus, to create a safe campus.

45、骄傲自满是事故的导火索,谦虚谨慎是安全的铺路石。 Complacency is the fuse of the accident, modest and prudent is a safe paving stone.
