1、世界上最坚强的人就是独立的人。 The strongest man in the world is independent.
2、人啊!还是靠自己的力量吧! People ah! Still on its own!
3、人在独自一人时最坚强。 The most when the person is alone.
4、人独自一人死去吧,所以人的行动也该单独去做。 People die alone, so actions should also be and to do alone.
5、人要独立生活,学习有用的技艺。 People to independent living, learning useful skills.
6、凡能独立工作的人,一定能对自己的工作开辟一条新的路线。 People who can work independently, can open up a new route in their work.
7、制造船炮,为中国自强之本。 Ship cannon, for China's strength.
8、只有我自己才是我的生命和我的灵魂的唯一合法的主人。 Onlymyself is my life and my soul is the only legal owner.
9、可侍者己,难侍者人。 To the waiter, is difficult to the waiter.
10、命运垂青有准备的人。 Fortune favor the minds that are prepared.
12、工作,独立获得食物是尊严。 Work, independent access to food is dignity.
13、思想的*就是最高的独立。In wants to be a marshal of the soldiers, isn't a good soldier.
14、我们一定要自己帮自己。 We must help themselves.
15、我寻找过我自己。 I find myself.
16、我就是我自身的主宰。 I am the master of my own.
17、最好你们能独立处理事情,这将使你们获得自信心。 The best you can the independent processing, this will give you confidence.
18、最本质的人生价值就是人的独立性。 The essential value of life is the independence of the people.
19、有志诚可乐,及时宜自强。 Aspiring sincerely coke, timely appropriate self-improvement.
20、没有单独魄力的人,将依仗别人做坏事。 Not to drive alone, will rely on other people to do bad things.
21、没有独立气魄的人,总是依赖成性,为非作歹。 No independent spirit, always rely on the integrity, undisciplined.
22、独立思考和独立判断的一般能力,应当始终放在首位。 Independent thinking and independent judgment of general ability, should always be in the first place.
23、独立思考,实事求是,锲而不舍,以勤补拙。 Independent thinking and seeking truth from facts, perseverance, diligent.
24、独立性是天才的基本特征。 Independence is the basic characteristics of genius.
25、独立精神和*意志是必须争的, Independent spirit and free will is a must for, and should be to strive for life and death.
26、独立能力是人生的基础。 Independent ability is the foundation of life.
27、生活的意义在于创造,而创造是独立存在的,没止境的。 The meaning of life is to create, and creation is exist independently, without end.
28、眼前多少难甘事,自古男儿当自强。 At present how many sweet things, since ancient times, man be striving to improve.
29、能自立者必有骨也。 Can ZiLiZhe bone will also.
30、自尊不是轻人,自信不是自满,独立不是孤立。 Self-esteem is not young people, confidence is not complacent, independence is not isolated.
31、自己走自己的路。 Go your own way.
32、自强像荣誉一样,是一个无滩的岛屿。 Self-improvement, like honor, is a no beach island.
33、要独立思考问题,不要人云亦云。 To independent thinking problem, do not want echo what other says.
34、谁若游戏人生,他就一事无成;谁不主宰自己,永远是一个奴隶。 If who is the game of life, he accomplishes nothing; Who does not dominate oneself, is always a slave.上一页12下一页 The freedom of thought is the highest of independence.
35、走你的路,让别人去说吧! Go your way, let others say!
36、路要靠自己去走,才能越走越宽。 Road to depend on oneself to go to more walk more wide.
37、除了爱情之外,我认为最宝贵的就是独立精神。 In addition to love, I think the most precious is the independent spirit.
38、风格不是独立的存在的,但万物都具备自己的风格。 Style is not independent existence, but all things have their own style.