1、一首离别,说明你要远走,既然你要远走,我为何还要挽留? A parting, that means you want to go, if you want to go, why do I have to retain?

2、人在曲终散,爱在离别时。 When people in the song, love is in part.

3、伤离别,离别虽在眼前 Injury parting, parting is around the corner. Will say goodbye, goodbye forever.


5、原来,离别是很简单的事,轻轻的转身,轻轻的挥手。 Originally, parting is very simple, gently turn around, gently waved.

6、叹离别,伤离别,世界每分每秒都在上演离别。而越是离别时刻,越是感情正浓。 Sigh separation, separation, world each minute on departure. The more and more is the departure time, feelings are strong.上一页12下一页 You don't return on time, and this is the meaning of separation.

7、向来不喜欢离别的人,又怎么愿意面对离别。 Always don't like to leave people, how to face the separation.

8、如果我说离别,你会不会爱我多一点。 If I say leave, will you love me more.

9、小小年纪还未真正懂得什么叫离别,却已经为离别在哭泣。 Age is not really know what call to leave, but had to leave crying.

10、我不习惯离别,也不喜欢离别。 I'm not used to leave, also don't like to leave.

11、我不怕离别,我只是受不了离别之后的突如其来落寞。 I am not afraid of parting, I just can't stand leave after the sudden loneliness.

12、我不知道离别的滋味是这样凄凉,我不知道说声再见要这么坚强。 I don't know the taste of separation is so bleak, I do not know to say goodbye to so strong.

13、我们没有再见,我们用离别诠释了离别。 We have no goodbye, we use leave interpretation of departure.

14、我害怕回家,不是因为我不想家。而是害怕在离别时彼此不舍的痛。 I am not afraid to go home, because I don't want to home. But be afraid when parting give up each other's pain.

15、我希望,离别的离别的离别之后,我们总能再相聚。 I hope, after parting parting parting, we always can get together again.

16、我憎恨离别。但若,离别能让你牵挂,我愿意离开你。 I hate to leave. But if leave can let you worry, I am willing to leave you.

17、最痛的,不是和你离别,而是离别后,回忆还紧紧缠绕。 The most painful, not leave with you, but after parting, memories is tightly wound.

18、最痛苦的不是离别,而是等待离别的过程。 The most painful is not parting, but the process of waiting for departure.

19、有一种寂寞,叫做离别。有一种伤感,叫做回忆。 There is a lonely, is called theparting. There is a sad, called memories.

20、有一种相聚叫离别,有一种离别是为了更好的相聚。 There is a gathering called leave, there is a parting is in order to better meet.

21、每一次出门都是离别,每一次回家都是相遇。 Every door is departure, every home is met.

22、每一次的离别都在夏天,明明是最火热的季节,却承载着最盛大的离别。 Every parting in the summer, it is the hottest season, is bearing the weight of the separation of the biggest.

23、永远离别青春,再见曾经你给与我一切记忆。 Never leave the youth, goodbye once you give my all memory.

24、没有疤痕的伤最痛,没有再见的离别最重。 Thereis no scar injury is the most painful, goodbye the heaviest parting.

25、相遇总比离别好的多,可我更喜欢离别。因为离别。 Encounter than leave much better, but I prefer to leave. Because the separation.

26、离别不说再见,但愿彼此心中都念。 Leave don't say goodbye, I wish in the heart of each other.

27、离别之前的曙光微亮,才是让人悲伤所在。 To leave before dawn dim, is the sad place.

28、离别也需要慢慢练习,以后会慢慢好起来的! Leave also need to practice slowly, later will slowly getting better and better!

29、离别使爱情热烈,相逢则使它牢固。 Absence makes love warm, meet is to make it strong.

30、离别前的一声抱歉,走之后的一句再见。 Leave a sorry before, after saying good-bye.

31、离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。 Leave and disappointed hurt, has not sent out the sound.

32、离别必须匆匆,这样才不显得落寞。 Leave must be in a hurry, so don't be lonely.

33、离别是为了相聚,只要能相聚,无论多痛苦的离别都可以忍受。 Parting is in order to meet, as long as can together, no matter how painful departure can endure.

34、离别没有离别,就像爱没有声音。 Leave no departure, is like love without sound.

35、离别的季节总会有离别,伤心的时候缺少的是眼泪。 Leave season there will always be a departure, sad lack is tears.

36、离别的话一旦说出口,就真正成为离别了。 Parting words once said that exports, truly become a parting.

37、离别,我们得感谢它,因为它,才使我们更加珍惜彼此不是么? Parting, we have to thank it, because it makes us more cherish each other, isn't it?

38、而我们终将离别,在一个银杏叶暮然落尽的深秋黎明。 And we will leave in a ginkgo biloba may all the late autumn of the dawn.

39、要问离别是什么?离别是迷眼的沙。 What is you would like to ask to leave? Parting is eye of sand.

40、让人心疼的不是离别,而是离别后的回忆。 Let a person love dearly not parting, but after the departure of memories.

41、许多离别,是因为有意外的重逢。而有些离别,只是离别。 Many parting, because of unexpected reunion. And some parting, just leave.

42、转瞬即逝的相逢与离别,每一个瞬间,我都想要珍惜。 Fleeting meeting and parting, every moment, I want to cherish.

43、都说离别苦,还迈离别步。此生唯离别,叫人长踌躇。 All said to leave suffering, also separation step. This life only to leave, long pause.

44、面对离别,能轻易说出再见的人还很年轻,而我已经老了。 In the face of separation, can easily say goodbye was very young, and I am already old.

45、默行离别路,静听一首歌。 Line's parting road, listen to a song.
