1、**的后台老板总是金钱。 The backstage boss always money politics.
2、一个丰富的天性,如果不拿自己来喂养饥肠辘辘的别人,自己也就要枯萎了。 A rich nature, if you don't take yourself to feed hungry people, oneself also will wither.
3、一个人不怕自讨苦吃的时候,才是爱情最强的时候。 When a person is not afraid of suffering, love is the strongest.
4、一个人是因为他的心灵而伟大的。 A man is great because of his heart.
5、一个人要帮助弱者,应当自己成为强者,而不是和他们一样变成弱者。 A person to help the weak, should become the strong, rather than and they become weak.
6、一旦自私的幸福,变成了人生惟一的目标,人生就会变得没有目标。 Once the selfish happiness, become the only goal of life, life will become no goal.
7、不是我要关心**,而是**总在关心我。 It's not that I care about politics, but that politics is always about me.
8、不管你穿什么衣服,人总还是那样的人。 No matter what clothes you wear, people always do that.
9、不结果的树没人去摇,只有那些果实累累的才有人用石头打。 The tree did not result in a shake, only those who have the fruit of the people to play with a stone.
10、与其不尝试而失败,不如尝试了再失败。 Instead of trying and failing, it is better to try and fail again.
11、世界上只有一种真正的英雄主义,就是在认清生活真相之后仍然热爱生活。 There is only one kind of true heroism, after recognizing the truth of life is still love life.
12、世界上还有些国家更重要的,那便是人类的良心。 Some countries in the world more important, it is the conscience of mankind.
13、严厉的话像烧红的铁,深深地打下烙印。 Harsh words like burning red iron, deeply marked.
14、人不能光靠感情生活,人还得靠钱生活。 People can not only rely on emotional life, people have to rely on money to live.
15、人人都谈及幸福,但真正理解幸福的人少而又少。 Everyone is talking about happiness, but people who really understand it are few and far between.
16、人们不能给**规定一个时间。 People can't set a time for lust.
17、人们烦恼,迷惑,实因看的太近,而又想得太多。 People worry, confuse, real because too close, and think too much.
18、人生不售来回票,一旦启程绝不能返回。 Life does not sell back and forth, once the trip will never return.
19、人生只有一种英雄主义,那就是理清生活后仍然热爱生活。 Life is only a kind of heroism, that is to clarify the life after still love life.
20、人生是共同使用的葡萄园,一起栽培,一起收获。 Life is the common use of the vineyards, together with the cultivation, together with the harvest.
21、人生有如一股奔流,没有暗礁,激不起美丽的浪花。 Life is like a torrent, no reef, stimulated not beautiful waves.
22、人的一生当中应该做点错事。做错事,就是长见识。 One should do something wrong in his life. Do wrong, is a long experience.
23、从来没有人读书,只有人在书中读自己,发现自己或检查自己。 No one has ever read a book, only one in the book to read themselves, to find themselves or to check their own.
24、从远处看,人生的不想还很有诗意呢,一个人最怕庸庸碌碌的生活。 From afar, life does not want to have one of the most poetic, afraid of ordinary life.
25、从远处看,灾难也富有诗意。人们只是惧怕眼下庸常的生活。 From a distance, the disaster is also full of poetic. Now people just fear of an ordinary life.
26、以适当的娱乐调节工作过度后的疲劳,是非常有益的事情。 It is a very useful thing to adjust the work of excessive fatigue with proper entertainment.
27、伟大的诚实是雄辩的利斧。 Great honesty is an eloquent advantage.
28、伟大诚实是雄辩的利斧。 Great honesty is an eloquent advantage.
29、信仰不是一种学问,信仰是一种行为;它只在被实践的时候,才有意义。 Faith is not a kind of knowledge, belief is a kind of behavior; it is only in the practice of the time, it is meaningful.
30、前进吧!前进吧!永远也不要停息。 Go ahead! Go ahead! Never stop.
31、即使毫无希望,抗争本身就是一种希望。 Even if there is no hope, the struggle itself is a kind of hope.
32、和声称已经拥有真理的人是无法进行讨论的。 Harmony says that the person who has the truth is not to be discussed.
33、唯其痛苦,才能欢乐。 The only pain, to be happy.
34、善与恶是同一块钱币的正反两面。 The good and the bad are the two sides of the same coin.
35、善与恶是同一块钱币的正反面。 Good and evil are the opposite of the same coin.
36、天才免不了有障碍,因为障碍会创造天才。 Talent inevitably has a barrier, because obstacles will create a genius.
37、天才有的弱点并不少于普通人,也许更多一些。 Some weakness of genius is not less than ordinary people, maybe more.
38、失败对我们是有好处的,我们得祝福灾难,我们是灾难之子。 Failure is good for us, we have to bless the disaster, we are the children of disaster.
39、如果你想独占真理,真理就要嘲笑你了。 If you want to hold on to the truth, the truth will laugh at you.
40、就像爱人似的贴近我的枕衾看着我。 Like a lover like to look at my pillow I.
41、幸福是灵魂的一种香味,是一颗歌唱的心的和声。而灵魂的最美的音乐是慈悲。 Happiness is a fragrance of the soul, a harmony of the heart of a song. And the soul of the most beautiful music is mercy.
42、应当细心地观察,为的是理解;应当努力地理解,为的是行动。 Should be carefully observed, in order to understand; should strive to understand, in order to act.
43、当你用神采奕奕的眼神看世界,世界也会用他宽容的怀抱接纳你。 When you look at the world in the eyes of the world will be in good out of a bandbox, with his embrace of tolerance to accept you.
44、当你知道世界上受苦的不是只有你,你会减少痛苦,也会在绝望中燃起希望。 When you know that the world is suffering not only you, you will reduce the pain, but also hope in despair.
45、心灵极其需要欢乐,所以当他没有欢乐时,他就得自己制造欢乐。 The soul needs joy, so when he is not happy, he has to make his own joy.
46、必须经过祖国这一层楼,然后更上一层楼,达到人类的高度。 Must go through this layer of the motherland, and thena higher level, to the height of the human.
47、怀疑能把昨天的信仰摧毁,也能替明日的信仰开路。 Doubt can destroy the faith of yesterday, but also open the way for tomorrow's faith.
48、情感是一种巨大的力量,在它面前,纵然是坚冰也能融化。 Emotion is a kind of great power, in front of it, even the ice to melt.
49、成功算不了什么。重要的是伟大,而不是显得伟大! Success is nothing. It is important to be great, not to look great!
50、我创造,所以我生存。唯有创造才有欢乐。 I create, so I live. There is joy in creation.
51、我已经说过,他们确实很幸福。 I have said that they are indeed very happy.
52、我必将重生并投入新的战斗。 I will be reborn and put into a new battle.
53、我是替人类酿制醇醪的酒神。是我给人以精神上至高的热狂。 I am the human strong wine brewing wine. I give a person with mental high enthusiasm.
54、我的艺术应当使可怜的人得益。 My art should benefit the poor.
55、所谓幸福,是在于认识一个人的界限而爱这个界限。 The so-called happiness, is to recognize the boundaries of a person and love the boundaries.
56、智慧、友爱,这是照明我们的黑夜的光亮。 Wisdom, love, this is the light of our night.
57、最可怕的敌人就是没有坚定的信念和顽强的毅力。 The most terrible enemy is no firm belief and tenacious perseverance.
58、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。 The worst enemy is the lack of strong faith.
59、有一些在推心置腹时所说的私房话,日后有被知己用来作为武器的危险。 Some private words said in the days after the treat a person with sincerity, is in danger of being used as a weapon of friend.
60、有了朋友,生命才显出它全部的价值。 With a friend, life shows its full value.
61、有些记忆被焚烧掉,有些记忆被埋在心底,纯真年代如流水划过金色年代。 Some memories are burned, some memories buried in the bottom of my heart, pure age, such as water across the golden age.
62、没有伟大的品格,就没有伟大的人,甚至也没有伟大的艺术家,伟大的行动者。 There is no great character, there is no great man, not even a great artist, a great actor.
63、没有志向的青年,就像断线的风筝,只会在空中东摇西晃,最后必然丧失前程。 No ambition of the youth, like a broken kite, only in the air shaking West, the final inevitable loss of the future.
64、渐渐的变成了我的肉的肉,我的骨的骨。 Gradually turned into my flesh, the bones of my bones.
65、灵魂的最美的音乐是慈悲。 The soul of the most beautiful music is mercy.
66、生命是弓,弓弦是梦。 Life is a bow, string is a dream.
67、生命的第一个行动是创造的行动。 The first action of life is the act of creation.
68、生活最沉重的负担不是工作,而是无聊。 The heavy burden of life is not work, but boredom.
69、生活这一把犁一方面割破你的心,另一方面发掘出新的源泉。 Life is a plow on the one hand, cut your heart, on the other hand, to discover new sources.
70、看清这个世界 See the world, and love it.
71、真正的英雄不是永远没有卑下的情操,只是永远不被卑下的情操所屈服罢了。 The real hero is never humble sentiment, just never be humble sentiment that yield.
72、真正的英雄,不是没有卑下的情操,而是能够克服卑下的情操。 The real hero is not low sentiment, butthe ability to overcome the sentiment of inferiority.
73、真理是生活,你不应当从你的头脑里去寻找。 Truth is life, and you should not seek it out of your head.上一页12下一页
74、*向来是一切财富中最昂贵的财富。 Freedom has always been the most expensive of all wealth.
75、要想给别人播撒阳光,首先自己心中必须有一轮太阳。 To give others sow sunshine, first must have a sun in my heart.
76、认识的人多了,我就更喜欢狗了。 I know more people, I prefer the dog.
77、谁有进取的意志,谁就干得成。 Who has the will, who will do it.
78、通过自己的努力即使知道一半真理,也比人云亦云地知道全部真理要好得多。 Through their own efforts even know half the truth, than the parrot to know the whole truth is much better.
79、长远看来也许悲观者是正确的,但乐观者在路上会过得更愉快一些。 In the long run, maybe the pessimist is right, but the optimist will have a better time on the road.
80、问题在于用事实证明有理,没事实,有理也不值一文。 The problem lies in the fact that it is justified, no facts, not worth a text.