1、“不可能”这个字,只在愚人的字典中找得到。 The word "impossible" can only be found in a fool's dictionary.

2、不理你怎样了,别担心,还有我,我也懒得理你。 Ignore you how, don't worry, and I, I also don't care about you.

3、不要轻易评论我的好与坏,我没吃过你家一口饭。 Don't comment on my good or bad easily. I haven't eaten a bite of your family.

4、习惯双手揣兜,漫无目的的游走在陌生的大街上。 Accustomed to both hands Chudou, aimlessly wandering in the strange street.

5、以后不要再说你一无所有了,你不还有病吗。 Don't say you have nothing in the future. Don't you still have a disease.

6、你不喜欢我,这是一种病,得治,一定要治。 You don't like me. It's a disease. It has to be treated. It must be treated.

7、你爱,或者不爱我。我就在那里,死死缠着你。 You love me, or you don't love me. I'll be there, clinging to you.

8、全天下最好的东西都应该归我所有,包括你! The best things in the world should belong to me, including you!

9、再牛逼的将来,也比不上曾经一起傻逼的岁月。 No matter how strong the future is, it can't be compared with the years when we were together.

10、凡事换个角度,假如你是我,你未必有我大度! Everything changes an angle, if you are me, you may not have me magnanimous!

11、别把自己当主角,因为你没有那么多的观众。 Don't take yourself as the main character, because you don't have that much audience.

12、前世一千次的卖萌,才能换来你今生一次的回眸。 A thousand times in the past life can bring you a look back in this life.

13、势均力敌的爱情才是好的爱情,而我从未体验过。 A close match is a good love, and I have never experienced it.

14、原来外表骄傲的人,骨子里埋得是深深的自卑。 The original appearance of proud people, buried in the bones is a deep inferiority.

15、可不可以,在我想你的时候,你也能偶尔想起我。 Can you think of me occasionally when I miss you.

16、喜欢就灌醉,讨厌就杀掉,反正我不择手段。 If you like it, you'll get drunk. If you hate it, you'll kill it.

17、喜欢的就争取,得到的就珍惜,失去了就忘记。 Strive for what you like, cherish what you get, and forget when you lose it.

18、喝杯敌敌畏提提神,你的忧愁一下就全没了。 Take a drink of dichlorvos to refresh your spirits, and your sorrow will be gone.

19、在这个世上,有一个女人就有个接受折磨的男人。 In this world, there is a woman, there is a man suffering.

20、坚强的信心,能使平凡的人做出惊人的事业。 Strong confidence can make ordinary people make amazing career.

21、如果有一天,我走了,不再烦你了,你会想我吗? If one day, I left, no longer bothering you, you will miss me?

22、姐上网永远不用流量,邻居家的wifi就够我用了。 I will never use the Internet traffic. The WiFi of my neighbor's house will be enough for me.

23、小三都成职业了,结婚证书比奖状还更不值钱。 Junior three has become a profession, and the marriage certificate is even less valuable than the certificate of merit.

24、小子,人可以有个性,但是不能跟着个性走。 Boy, you can have personality, but you can't follow your personality.

25、小时候我的胆子特小,放个p都能把自己吓哭了。 When I was a child, I was very timid, put a P can frighten myself to cry.

26、就是那个叫义务教育的,把我的青春都荒废了。 It's the one called compulsory education that has wasted my youth.

27、已经开始研究开学第一天,怎样走进教室比较帅。 Has begun to study the first day of school, how to enter the classroom more handsome.

28、度娘比我知道的多,所以你有问题找她准没错。 Du Niang knows more than I do, so you must be right to ask her if you have any questions.

29、当时说在一起的是你,现在说到此为止的也是你。 At that time, it was you who said that we were together, and now it is you who have said so far.

30、心里只有你一个频道,最可恨的是还没有广告。 You are the only channel in my heart. The most hateful is that there is no advertisement.

31、懒的和你吵,有那力气不如多吸几口新鲜空气。 Lazy and you quarrel, have that strength as well as take a few more fresh air.

32、我不争不代表你可以抢,我善良不代表我好欺负。 I do not argue does not mean you can rob, I am good does not mean I am good bully.

33、我不知道这段爱情正不正确,但我选择试一试。 I don't know this love is wrong, but I choose to have a try.

34、我从未想过,我错过了的,是怎样的一个永远。 I never thought, I missed, is what kind of a forever.

35、我只有一份爱,要么不付出,要付出,就是全部。 I have only one love, or do not pay, to pay, is all.

36、我就喜欢你不喜欢我,偏偏又干不掉我的样子。 I like the way you don't like me, but I can't do it.

37、我就算是一只癞蛤蟆,我也决不娶母癞蛤蟆。 Even if I were a toad, I would never marry a mother toad.

38、我忘了世界还有一种人火星人,你从那来的吧。 I forgot that there is another kind of man in the world, Martian. You come from there.

39、我是一个强装微笑的胆小鬼,所以不要害怕我。 I'm a coward who puts on a smile, so don't be afraid of me.

40、我用画笔画出你的样子,却怎么也画不出你的心。 I draw your appearance with a brush, but I can't draw your heart.

41、我的东西你别碰,即使不要了,也只能由我来丢。 Don't touch my things. Even if you don't want them, I can only lose them.

42、我表白的方式一向简单粗暴,有时间一起睡觉。 My way of confession is always simple and rough. I have time to sleep together.

43、我觉得有一点冷,可能是我的心里空了一座城。 I feel a little cold, maybe my heart is empty a city.

44、我躲在你生命的角落,然后假装是你错过了我。 I hide in the corner of your life and pretend you missed me.

45、或许我们都太过于年轻,说过的话经不起考验。 Maybe we are all too young to stand the test.

46、把你家的地址说出来,我要把它改成公共厕所。 Tell me your address. I'm going to change it into a public toilet.

47、撞脸撞衫无所谓,怕的是撞见你和她站在一起。 It doesn't matter if you bump into your face and your shirt. What you're afraid of is that you're standing with her.

48、放不下真的不是因为还爱你,而是因为不甘心。 It's not because I still love you, but because I'm not reconciled.

49、有时最难的并非放下过去,而是学会重新开始。 Sometimes the hardest thing is not to let go of the past, but to learn to start over.

50、杀一为罪,屠万为雄;杀的万中万,方为雄中雄。 To kill one is a crime, and Tu Wan is a male; to kill ten thousand is to be a male.

51、渐渐知道了,现实如此无奈,自己真的长大了。 Gradually know, the reality is so helpless, I really grow up.

52、现在超想把房子卖了去旅游,可房东死活不愿意。 Now I want to sell the house to travel, but the landlord is not willing to.

53、生活再苦再累,请在心里对自己说:给老子笑! No matter how hard and tired life is, please say to yourself in your heart: smile to Laozi!

54、生活累,一小半源于生存,一小半源于攀比。 Life tired, a small part of the source of survival, a small part of the source of comparison.

55、真正的装逼,敢于直面本身没有厚度的脸皮。 The real pretending force, dare to face their own thick skin.

56、穿的一个比一个危险,长得一个比一个安全。 Wearing one is more dangerous than the other, and growing one is safer than the other.

57、*不是靠别人来施舍,而是靠自己去追求的。 Freedom is not given by others, but pursued by ourselves.

58、若你能把一生托付于我,我便倾尽一生博你欢笑。 If you can entrust your life to me, I will devote my whole life to make you laugh.

59、过错只是短暂的遗憾,而错过就是永远的遗憾。 Fault is only a temporary regret, and missing is a permanent regret.

60、除了不可爱的时候,其他时间里我都是可爱的。 Except when I'm not cute, I'm cute all the time.