1、一个人只有一个心脏,却有两个心房。一个住着快乐;一个住着悲伤。不要笑得太大声,不然会吵醒旁边的悲伤。 A man has only one heart, but two hearts. A live happy; a live sad. Don't laugh too loudly, or you will wake the sadness.

2、一个人可以非常清贫、困顿、低微,但是不可以没有梦想。只要梦想一天,只要梦想存在一天,就可以改变自己的处境。 A person can be very poor and poor, humble, but don't have dreams. As long as the dream one day, as long as the dream of one day, you can change your situation.

3、一个人想要成功,想要改变命运,有梦想是重要的。我觉得每个人都应该心中有梦,有胸怀祖国的大志向,找到自己的梦想,认准了就去做,不跟风不动摇。同时,我们不仅仅要自己有梦想,你还应该用自己的梦想去感染和影响别人,因为成功者一定是用自己的梦想去点燃别人的梦想,是时刻播种梦想的人。 One wants to be successful, to change one's fate, to have a dream is to be important. I think everyone should be a dream in the heart, have ambition to the motherland in mind to find their own dreams, assign to do, do not follow suit without wavering. At the same time, we do not simply want to have their own dreams, you should also use their dreams to the infected and affected by others, because success is his dream to ignite people's dream is always sowing dreams.

4、一个人有钱没钱不一定,但如果这个人没有了梦想,这个人穷定了。 A man has no money to do not have money, but if the person does not have a dream, this person is poor.

5、一个人的真正伟大之处就在于他能够认识到自己的渺小。 The real greatness of a man lies in the fact that he is able to recognize his own.

6、一块砖没有什么用,一堆砖也没有什么用,如果你心中没有一个造房子的梦想,拥有天下所有的砖头也是一堆废物;但如果只有造房子的梦想,而没有砖头,梦想也没法实现。 A piece of brick with nothing, a pile of bricks nor with what, if your heart is not a dream to build a house, with the world all brick is a pile of waste; but if only the house of dreams, and without bricks, dreams can not achieve.

7、一路上我都会发现从未想像过的东西,如果当初我没有勇气去尝试看来几乎不可能的事,如今我就还只是个牧羊人而已。 Along the way, I will find something I never imagined, if I didn't have the courage to try it seems almost impossible, but now I am just a shepherd.

8、不是每个人都应该像我这样去建造一座水晶大教堂,但是每个人都应该拥有自己的梦想,设计自己的梦想,追求自己的梦想,实现自己的梦想。梦想是生命的灵魂,是心灵的灯塔,是引导人走向成功的信仰。有了崇高的梦想,只要矢志不渝地追求,梦想就会成为现实,奋斗就会变成壮举,生命就会创造奇迹。 Not everyone should like me to build a crystal cathedral, but everyone should have their own dreams, design their own dreams, the pursuit of their own dreams, to realize their dreams. The dream is the soul of life, is the soul of the lighthouse, is to guide people to the success of the faith. With lofty dreams, as long as the unshaken pursuit, dream will become a reality, the struggle will become a heroic, life will create a miracle.

9、人性最可怜的就是:我们总是梦想着天边的一座奇妙的玫瑰园,而不去欣赏今天就开在我们窗口的玫瑰。 The most pitiful of humanity is: we always dream of the horizon of a wonderful rose garden, not to enjoy today opened in our window of the rose.

10、人有了物质才能生存,人有了梦想才谈得上生活。你要了解生存与生活的不同吗?动物生存,而人则生活。 People have the material to survive, people have a dream to talk about life. Do you want to know the difference between survival and life? Animals live, but people live.

11、人生最苦痛的是梦醒了无路可走。做梦的人是幸福的;倘没有看出可以走的路,最要紧的是不要去惊醒他。 Life is the most painful wake of nowhere. The dreamer is happy; if there is no way to see it, the most important thing is not to wake him.

12、人生需要亮点,而这些亮点需要有梦想才能点燃。没有梦想,人的一辈子都会缺乏色彩,只会是灰蒙蒙的一片。 Life needs a bright spot, and these highlights need to have a dream to light.There is no dream, lack of color are the person's life, will only be a gray.

13、学识不如知识,知识不如做事,做事不如做人。 Knowledge is better than knowledge, knowledge is betterthan doing things, things as a man.上一页12下一页

14、对坚强的人来说,不幸就像铁犁一样开垦着他内心的大地,虽然痛,却可以播种。 The strong people, unfortunately, like his heart the same common cultivated land, although the pain, but you can sow.

15、平凡朴实的梦想,我们用那唯一的坚持信念去支撑那梦想。 Ordinary simple dream, we use the only belief to support the dream.

16、很难说什么是办不到的事情,因为昨天的梦想,可以是今天的希望,并且还可以成为明天的现实。 It is difficult to say what is impossible, because the dream of yesterday, can be today's hope, and also can become tomorrow's reality.

17、我是个小丑,原来我斑斓的鼻子开不出和你在一起的夏天。 I am a clown, originally my beautiful nose can not open with you in the summer.

18、拥有梦想的人是值得尊敬的,也让人羡慕。当大多数人碌碌而为为现实奔忙的时候,坚持下去,不用害怕与众不同,你该有怎么样的人生,是该你亲自去撰写的。加油!让我们一起捍卫最初的梦想。 People who have dreams are worthy of respect, but also make people envy. When most people toil and bustle of reality, insist on, don't be afraid to be different, you should have what kind of life is that you personally to write. Come on. Let us join together to defend the original dream.

19、梦想是遥远的,但又是触手可及的。梦想是什么可能没有人知道。梦想是千变万化的。一个没有梦想的人就像一具行尸走肉一样。没有了梦想,就像没有了灵魂一样。 The dream is far away, but it is within reach. What is the dream that no one knows. The dream is ever changing. A man without a dream is like a like a dead-alive person. Without dreams, without a soul.

20、梦想绝不是梦,两者之间的差别通常都有一段非常值得人们深思的距离。 Dream is not a dream, the difference between the two usually have a very worthy people to think about the distance.

21、梦想,是坚信自己的信念,完成理想的欲望和永不放弃的坚持,是每个拥有她的人最伟大的财富。 Dreams, is to believe that their own beliefs, to complete the ideal of desire and never give up, is each have her people the greatest wealth.

22、榕树因为扎根于深厚的土壤,生命的绿荫才会越长越茂盛。稗子享受着禾苗一样的待遇,结出的却不是谷穗。 Banyan because deep down in the soil, life shade will flourish longer. The tares enjoying seedlings treated like, bear is not an.

23、正如心愿能够激发梦想,梦想也能够激发心愿。 Just as the wish can inspire the dream, the dream can also inspire the desire.

24、没有一定目标,智慧就会丧失,哪儿都是目标 Without a certain goal, the wisdom will be lost, where is the goal, where there is no target.

25、海浪的品格,就是无数次被礁石击碎又无数闪地扑向礁石。 The character of the waves, is the countless shattered rock and lots of shining on the reef.

26、生命不在于活得长与短,而在于顿悟的早与晚。 Life is not to live long and short, but in the early and late.

27、生命力的意义在于拼搏,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场。 The life significance lies in the struggle, because the world itself is an arena.

28、生意,可以掌控努力与投资,却无法掌控结果。人生得意时找出路,失意时才有退路,宝马都有备胎,您的人生呢? Business, can control efforts and investment,but can not control the results. When you find a way of life, frustrated when the only way out, BMW has a spare tire, your life?

29、生活呆以是甜的,也可以是苦的,但不能是没味的。你可以胜利,也可以失败,但你不能屈服。 Life is sweet, and it can be bitter, but it can not be without taste. You can win, you can fail, but you can't give in.

30、生活的激流已经涌现到万丈峭壁,只要再前进一步,就会变成壮丽的瀑布。 The torrent of life has come to a cliff, just a step forward, it will become a magnificent waterfall.

31、生活的理想就是为了理想的生活,每个人都应该为此而担负起自己的责任—对生活,对未来要有一种责任感,不管遇到怎样的困难与挫折,都应以勇往直前的毅力坦诚踏实的态度前进。 The ideal of life is to the ideal of life, everyone should therefore assume their responsibilities, for life, for the future to have a sense of responsibility, no matter what difficulties and setbacks encountered should move in the courage of perseverance candid and pragmatic attitude.

32、生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口! Life like this cup of liquor, again and again without refining ah, will not be so delicious!

33、经过大海的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。 After the sea a grounding, pebble becomes more beautiful and smooth.

34、聪明的人看得懂,精明的人看得准,高明的人看得远。 The wise man knows, the wise man knows, and the wise man looks far away.

35、要用你的梦想引领你的一生,要用感恩、真诚、助人圆梦的心态引领你的一生,要用执着、无惧、乐观的态度来引领你的人生。 To guide your life with your dream, with gratitude, sincerity, help people realize their dreams of mentality to lead your life. To persistent, fearless, optimistic attitude to lead your life. 23 、愿你是一棵树:春天,吐一山淡淡的香味;夏天,洒一抹如泉的凉荫;秋天,举一树甜甜的青果;冬天,做一个养精蓄锐的好梦! Wish you are a tree: spring, vomit a mountain light fragrance; summer, sprinkle a touch of such as spring cool shade; fall, give a sweet olive tree; winter, a refresh dream!

36、要用你的梦想引领你的一生,要用感恩真诚助人圆梦的心态引领你的一生,要用执着无惧乐观的态度来引领你的人生。 To guide your life with your dream, to gratitude sincerely help people realize their dreams of mentality to lead your life. To use persistent no fear optimistic attitude to lead your life.

37、读万卷书不如行千里路,行千里路不如阅人无数,阅人无数不如名师指路。经师易得,人师难求。 Read as traveling thousands of miles, traveling thousands of miles is better than reading countless people, reading countless people as guiding teacher. The division is easy, hard to find a teacher.

38、青年时准备好材料,想造一座通向月亮的桥,或者在地上造二所宫殿或庙宇。活到中年,终于决定搭一个棚。 Young people ready to make a material, want to build a bridge to the moon, or on the ground to build two palaces or temples. To middle age, finally decided to take a shed.

39、青春、阳光、欢笑,为这属于你的日子,舞出欢乐的节拍。祝宝贝生日快乐! Youth, sunshine, laughter, for this is your day, dance out of the joy of the beat. Happy birthday to you!

40、青春是人生最快乐的时光,但这种快乐往往完全是因为它充满着希望,而不是因为得到了什么或逃避了什么。 Youth is the most happy time in life, but this is often because it is full of hope, not because of what has been or what to escape.

41、面对命运不妥协,面对困难不退缩,这样才能做自己的英雄。 Faced with the fate of not compromise, face difficulties do not retreat, so as to make their own hero.

42、骄傲,是断了引线的风筝,稍纵即逝;自卑,是剪了双翼的飞鸟,难上青天。这两者都是成才的大忌。 Pride is a broken wire kite, transient; inferiority, is cut the wings of birds, to the sky. Both are taught taboo.
