1、一个人走在街上连手都不知道往哪放。 A person walking in the street didn't know where to put.

2、一切的一切,都是我在咎由自取,怪不得别人。 All in all, all is me in to blame, blame.

3、一双手在键盘上敲出来的感情能有多深? A pair of hands on the keyboard to knock out the feelings can be how deep?

4、一直说自己没心没肺,可是到最后还不是一样撕心裂肺。 Always said his heartless, but in the end is not the same.

5、不是我不联系你,只是你每次给我的感觉都好像是我打扰到你了。 It's not that I don't touch you, but every time you give me the feeling that I'm bothering you.

6、不要丢下我,没有你,我感受不到自己的存在。 Don't leave me, without you, I can't feel my existence.

7、不要什么都对别人讲,你说的是心里话,他们听的是笑话。 What all don't talk to others, what you say is the truth, they hear is a joke.

8、世上最无法掩饰的,是你不爱一个人的时候的那种眼神。 The most impossible to hide, is that you do not love a person when the kind of look in the eyes.

9、世界上最酸的痛是,看着曾信誓旦旦说爱自己的人,转身爱了别人。 The most sour pain in the world is, looking at once letter oath once love oneself, turn around and love others.

10、久违的熟悉感,总能引起令人心酸的怀念。 Returning to the familiar feeling, always causes the sad memory.

11、什么叫多余,夏天的棉袄,冬天的蒲扇,还有等我心冷后你的殷勤。 What is superfluous, summer jacket, winter stalk, and your heart cold hospitality.

12、什么时候放下,什么时候就没有烦恼。 When to put down, when there is no trouble.

13、从来不去相信,却每次都铭记在心里。 Never to believe, but always remember in my heart.

14、你会不会突然想起我而心痛不已,因为我们什么也不是了。 Will you suddenly think of me and heartache, because we are nothing.

15、你是我隐匿多年,不愿提笔书写的往事。 You are my pen to write long hidden memories.

16、你说你爱我,我觉得好可笑,你对她们说过了多少次如此深情的我爱你。 You say you love me, I feel so funny, you said to them how many times so deep I love you.

17、你说我不爱你,可是我爱你了又能怎样。 You say I don't love you, but I love you and how can.

18、做男人的最高境界不是你去泡妞,而是让妞来泡你。 The highest realm of men do not you go because of who, but let the girl to pick you up.

19、其实我没那么坚强,只是像多数人一样学会了伪装。 In fact, I was not so strong, just like most people learn to disguise.

20、几度如此缠绵忍把流年换了浮生虚晃流年,耗尽浮生。 A few degrees can change the time so touching a feint fleeting, exhausted life.

21、即便是流泪,也是一种纪念。就算是流泪,也回不到童年。 Even tears, but also a kind of memory. Even shed tears, also can not return to childhood.

22、可惜你不能做我的诗我不能做你的梦。 But you can't be my poem I can't be your dream.

23、吃醋的感觉就像吃了许多碎玻璃,吐不出,也吞不下。 Jealous feeling like eating a lot of broken glass, spit, or swallow.

24、后来在遇到喜欢的人,我摇摇头,做朋友就好,真的很好了。 Later in the encounter like the person, I shook his head, to do a good friend, really good.

25、在爱的国渡没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 In the country of love, who is not sorry for the crossing, only who do not know how to cherish.

26、多少时候,因为得不到,所以假装不想要。 How many times, because of not, so pretend not to want to.

27、多没心没肺的笑究竟在掩饰什么,其实累了,很累很累。 What in my smile to cover up, really tired, very tired.

28、太阳知道:向日葵的执着。感动了土壤。 The sun knows: sunflower persistent. Moved the soil.

29、失恋的感觉,就像个大病初愈的人,始终有痛不完的创口。 The feeling of disappointment in love, like a more serious illness beginning, always have endless wound pain.

30、头发分叉就剪了吧,不能在一起就离开吧。 Hair fork on the cut it, can not be together to leave it.

31、她可以爱烟爱酒爱自残爱鲜血却再也爱不上任何人了。 She can love love love self love blood wine smoke but never love anyone.

32、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。 Alone is not born, but by the moment you fall in love with a person.

33、孤独是听见某个熟悉的名字,不小心想起某些故事。 Loneliness is heard a familiar name, do not remember some of the stories.

34、就算你让我掉望千次万次,我都不会不睬你。 If you let me down a thousand times, I will not ignore you.

35、帮人帮到底,送佛送到西,流氓流上床。 Help people to help in the end, sent to the west, the rogue flow to go to bed.

36、并不是只有眼泪,才代表伤心,并不是只有你,才代表爱情。 Not only the tears, only on behalf of sad, and not only you, just represent love.

37、当情太深而缘太浅,至少要好好说再见。 When the situation is too deep and too shallow, at least to say goodbye.

38、当我对你说:你玩吧。其实我多么希望你说:你重要,我陪你。 When I say to you: you play. In fact, I want you to say: you are important, I accompany you.

39、心被深深的给了一刀,再也痊愈不了。 Heart is deeply to a knife, and then can not heal.

40、心里不舒坦也不会多说,或许这就是长大。 My heart is not comfortable will not say, perhaps this is growing up.

41、感动太少真话太少好友太少笑容太少。 Moving too little too little too little friends too little smile.

42、我一直活在自己的情绪里,在自己的情绪里长大。 I have been living in their own emotions, in their own emotions, grow up.

43、我不是在等待你爱我,而是等待我不在爱你的那一天。 I'm not waiting for you to love me, but I'm waiting for the day when I'm not in love with you.

44、我不知道是因为什么爱上,而后也找不到出借口淡忘。 I don't know what love is, but I can't find the excuse to forget.

45、我们并不是因为幸福才笑,而是因为笑了才幸福。 We do not laugh because happiness, but because it is a happy smile.

46、我们总是忙着自己成长,却忘了他们也在变老。 We are always busy with their own growth, but forget that they are getting older.

47、我们放下个性,放下原则,放下*,只是因为放不下一个人。 We put down the character, put down the principle, put down the freedom, just because can not put a person.

48、我们的关系多像积木啊,不堪一击却又千变万化。 We're more like blocks, but the myriads of changes cannot withstand a single blow.

49、我做了一场关于你的梦,确定不是黑白的。 I had a dream about you, and I'm sure it's not black and white.

50、我把你的名字念一千遍,你就出现好不好? I read your name one thousand times, you will be good?

51、我时常警告自己,自作多情是种病,可是我是个重症患者,经常犯病。 I warned myself, love is a kind of disease, but I am a severe disease, often fall ill.

52、我爱你,为了你的幸福,我愿意放弃一切,包括我。 I love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything, including me.

53、我生掷中的暖和本就未几,而你也仅此一次。 In my life the more warm, and you are only one.

54、我落日般的忧伤就像惆怅的飞鸟,惆怅的飞鸟飞成我落日般的忧伤。 My sunset like sadnesslike melancholy birds, the birds fly into my sunset like sadness.

55、所谓坚强就是,得不到一份感情,至少要用骄傲的姿态目睹它完整的离去。 The so-called strong, is not a feeling, at least to see it with a proud gesture to leave the full. I think that as long as a very serious like, you can move a person. Originally, I moved only myself.上一页12下一页

56、撑着伞走在雨中,却找不到曾经的影子。 Walking in the rain with an umbrella, but can not find the shadow of the past.

57、新伤覆旧伤,盖不及,修不好,唯有勇敢是唯一自救武器。 New injuries cover the old wounds, can not cover, repair is not good, only the brave is the only self-help weapons.

58、新来的同学叫郭爱卿 The new student is called Guo Aiqing, every time he felt that he was the emperor.

59、无缘还想要你的挽留,失去的还要想再去祈求。 No chance also want you to retain, lost even want to go to pray.

60、时间像笨小偷把玻璃打破,留下碎片让人难过。 Time is like a fool to break the glass, leaving the pieces to make people sad.

61、是要该怎样的的心情,才能诉说的情你这样的百无聊赖。 Is how the mood, to tell you that feeling bored.

62、曾经你皱下眉头他都担心,现在一个人深夜哭,他也不会在乎了。 Once you frown, he is worried, now a person cry at night, he will not care about the.

63、曾经我爱你爱到骨子里,如今我恨你恨进血液里。 I love you, love to the bones, now I hate you into the blood.

64、最恐惧寂寞、却总是被这种恐惧缠绕着。 The most afraid of loneliness, but is always haunted by this fear.

65、梦已逝,心已碎,留下只是在为离开做准备。 The dream is dead, the heart has been broken, leaving only to prepare for departure.

66、每次都在心里说就这样算了吧,却还是放不下。 Every time I said in my heart so forget it, but still can not put down.

67、没有很爱你,只是在大街上拼命追逐,和你背影很像的人。 I do not love you, but in the street to chase, and you look like the people.

68、爱你,就尊重你的选择,即使你选择离开。 Love you, respect your choice, even if you choose to leave.

69、爱情是奢侈品,拥有欣慰,没有无谓。 Love is a luxury, have a happy, not meaningless.

70、爱真的是一种毒,它让人死不了,却让人生不如死。 Love is really a kind of poison, it makes people can not die, but the life is not as good as dead.

71、真正的放弃并不会张扬而是慢慢不联系。 Really give up and will not make publicity but slowly not contact.

72、终于有一天你的名字成了我身边闺蜜们的禁言。 Finally one day your name into my side bestie 'gag.

73、若爱,请深爱。放弃,请彻底。等待,本身就是一个错误。 If love, please deep love. Give up, please completely. Wait, in itself is a mistake.

74、越是在最需要人的时候发现越没依靠。 The more you need people in the most time to find that the more did not rely on.

75、迩就在峒且淅锔袷交、下一秒再也记不起迩了。 You in my memory format, the next second doesn't remember you.

76、那一刻才发现,幸福只是虚惊一场,爱根本什么都不是。 The moment that happiness is just a false alarm, what is not love at all.

77、那些日子,总会让你感到自己的渺小和微不足道。 Those days, always make you feel small and insignificant.

78、都想抓住青春的尾巴,可惜青春是只壁虎。 Want to seize the youth of the tail, but it is only house lizard.

79、阳光下,我要带你去看属于我们的那一片蓝天。 Under the sun, I will take you to see the blue sky belongs to us.
