1、After brushing my teeth,I put on my clothes.   我刷完牙后穿衣。   

2、After eating breakfast,I go back upstairs again.   吃完早饭后,我再上楼。   

3、After getting up,I go into the bathroom and take a shower.   起来以后我会进浴室冲个澡。   

4、After that,I go downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast.   然后,我下楼到厨房去吃早饭。   

5、At bedtime, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas.   晚上我脱掉我的衣服,换上睡衣。   

6、He always forgets to wash behind his ears.   他总是忘记洗耳朵的后面。   

7、He can’t dress himself yet because he’s too young.   因为他太小,他还不会自己穿衣。   

8、He tries to button his own shirt,but he can’t do it.   他试着自己系纽扣,但总是失败。   

9、I get into bed at about 11:30 and go right off to sleep.   我11:30上床睡觉,一会就会入睡。

10、I get out of bed about 7 oclock every morning.   每天早上我7:00起床。   

11、I wash his face and hands,and then I dress him.   我给他洗脸洗手,然后给他穿衣。   

12、I’m always tired when I come home from work.   下班以后我通常很累。   

13、My little brother takes a bath before he goes to bed at night.   我的.弟弟在晚上上床之前通常洗个澡。   

14、Then,I brush my teeth and comb my hair.   然后我刷牙梳头。   

15、Then,it’s usually time to wake up my little brother.   这时通常到了我叫醒我小弟弟的时间了。   

16、关于用英语句子表达个人日常作息   英语谈论个人日常作息   
