1、一恋爱就变得超能吃,超爱笑,超矫情还有超在意他。 A love will become super eat, super love to laugh, super affectation, and super care about him.

2、不怕你女人缘好,就怕你来者不拒。 I'm not afraid that you're a good woman, but I'm afraid that you will not refuse.

3、不要凡事都为自己找借口,别一便秘就怪地心没引力。 Don't make excuses for yourself. Don't blame gravity for constipation.

4、不要总是玩手机,那样对手机本身不好;不要总是吃鸡蛋,那样对母鸡身体不好。 Don't always play with mobile phones, it's bad for mobile phones; don't always eat eggs, it's bad for hens.

5、不要让我看见你,不然见一次爱一次。 Don't let me see you, or I will love you once.

6、人不是玩具,想玩就玩,想扔就扔。 People are not toys. They can play and throw when they want.

7、众里寻她千百度,踏平脚下路,蓦然回首细环顾,大婶大娘无数。 They searched for her thousands of times and leveled the road under their feet. Suddenly they looked back and looked around. There were countless aunts and aunts.

8、你出生后是不是被扔上去3次,但只被接住2次? After you were born, were you thrown three times, but only caught two times?

9、你肺活量是多少啊,能把牛逼吹得这么大。 What's your vital capacity? It's so big.

10、你还没来,我就已经想好了千百种理由让你不要走。 Before you come, I've thought out a thousand reasons for you not to leave.

11、减肥没有那么容易,每斤肉有它的脾气,过了吃不胖的年纪,挣挣扎扎不如放弃。 It's not so easy to lose weight. Every kilo of meat has its temper. It's better to give up if you're too old to eat.

12、别太把自己当什么人物,你顶多是一个动物。 Don't take yourself too seriously. You are an animal at most.

13、别数绵羊了,可怜的绵羊们都失眠了。 Don't count the sheep. The poor sheep can't sleep.

14、只因为在人群中多看了你几眼,从此便瞎了眼。 Just because I saw you more in the crowd, I became blind from then on.

15、听说我的作文获奖了,我大喜过望,脚下仿佛踩着一朵幸福的云。 I was overjoyed to hear that my composition won the prize. It seemed that I was stepping on a cloud of happiness.

16、好不容易习惯了自己的长相,理了个发,又换了一种丑法。 Finally get used to their looks, a haircut, but also for a ugly method.

17、如果你前男友和现男友同时掉进海里,那你愿意和我在一起吗? If your ex and current boyfriend fall into the sea at the same time, would you like to be with me?

18、如果我爱不到你,我就生一个像你一样的儿子。 If I can't love you, I'll have a son like you.

19、如果把我的人生拍成一部电影,那么电影名我已经想好了,就叫穷极一生。 If my life is made into a movie, then I have already thought about the title of the movie. It's called poor life.

20、对的时间遇见对的人,不是强烈的动心,而是永久的安心。 Meeting the right person at the right time is not a strong feeling, but a permanent peace of mind.

21、就觉得你很可爱,想把你骗回家去藏起来。 I think you are very cute and want to cheat you to go home and hide.

22、希望合适,和喜欢能撞个满怀。 I hope it's suitable and I like it.

23、快乐是一种心态,不是一种状态。 Happiness is a state of mind, not a state.

24、怎么把脑子的钱转到银行卡里,在线等,急! How to transfer the brain money to the bank card, online and so on, urgent!

25、情不弃,时光温暖;爱不离,岁月不寒;心无澜,碧海青天。 Love does not abandon, time is warm; love does not leave, time is not cold; heart without waves, blue sea and blue sky.

26、我们是最好的朋友,你跌倒的时候我会扶你一把,不过要先等我笑完。 We are best friends. I'll help you when you fall down, but wait until I finish laughing.

27、我只是觉得你很甜想把你尝遍。 I just thought you were sweet and wanted to taste you all over.

28、我找对象只有一个要求:能跟我其他对象和睦相处。 I only want to get along with other people.

29、我承受了这个年纪不该有的饭量。 I've had the appetite I shouldn't have at my age.

30、我是一个很好亲近的人,不信你亲一下试试。 I am a very close person, do not believe you kiss try.

31、我是真的喜欢你,永远把你放在第一位,先不说了,游戏开了。 I really like you, always put you in the first place, not to mention, the game opened.

32、我有一颗早起的心,可我的被窝不同意。 I have an early heart, but my quilt doesn't agree.

33、我这人从不记仇,一般有仇当场就报了。 I'm a man who never takes revenge. I usually take revenge on the spot.

34、所谓真爱就是明明两个人都那么丑,还担心对方被抢走。 The so-called true love is clearly two people are so ugly, but also worried about each other being robbed.

35、收银员说:没零钱了,找你两个塑料袋吧。 The cashier said: there is no change, give you two plastic bags.

36、是我的就是我的,不是我的争一争就是我的。 It's mine, it's mine, it's not mine, it's mine.

37、最近的愿望是:闭眼就睡,睁眼有你。 The recent wish is: close your eyes to sleep, open your eyes to have you.

38、每天都在纠结着三件事:晚上睡不着,早上起不来,后悔昨天睡太晚。 There are three things in my mind every day: I can't sleep at night, I can't get up in the morning, and I regret sleeping too late yesterday.

39、每次我看你吃猪肉都万分感慨。本是同根生。相煎何太急。 Every time I see you eat pork, I feel very sad. This is from the same root. It's too urgent to fry each other.

40、炎炎夏日,避暑的最好办法就是来看男神卖萌耍酷,心情好的都要飞起来了! In the hot summer, the best way to avoid summer is to see the male god to be cute and cool. Those who are in a good mood are going to fly!

41、现在早恋并不可怕,可怕的是你对异性失去兴趣了。 Now puppy love is not terrible, terrible is that you lose interest in the opposite sex.

42、答应我,你的嘴只用来吃饭。 Promise me, your mouth is only for eating.

43、被特别在乎的人忽略,会很难过。而更难过的是,你还要装作不在乎。 It's sad to be ignored by people who care so much. And what's more sad is that you have to pretend you don't care.

44、西游记告诉我们,有个猪一样的队友能让团队上西天。 Journey to the West tells us that a team mate like a pig can make the team go to the West.

45、要好好努力,然后多挣钱,才养得起自己这个爱吃A胃。 To work hard, and then earn more money, in order to raise their favorite stomach.

46、请勿骚扰本人,本人正在骚扰别人。 Please don't harass me. I am harassing others.

47、走千条路,只一条适合;遇万般人,得一人足够。 Walk a thousand ways, only one is suitable; meet all kinds of people, one person is enough.

48、跌倒了站起来,换个好看的姿势再倒下去。 Fall, stand up, change a good posture and then fall down.

49、除了先生的美色,不接受任何贿赂。 I don't accept any bribes except the beauty of my husband.

50、麻麻问我为什么不整理房间,笑话,我可是乱室佳人。 Ma Ma asked me why I didn't clean the room. I'm a lady in a mess.