1、一切幸福都并非没有烦恼,而一切逆境也绝非没有希望。 All happiness is not without worry, and all adversity is not hopeless.

2、不能和你一起幸福,那就都不要幸福好了。 You can't be happy with you, so don't be happy.

3、两人牵手时间长了,新鲜感就淡了,慢慢就有裂痕了。 Two people hold hands for a long time, fresh feeling is light, slowly there are cracks.

4、也许爱你只是我一个人的事,我也不奢求两个人的情。 Maybe it's just my one thing to love you, and I don't want the feelings of two people.

5、人生需要一些刻骨铭心的经历,让我们警醒,催我们奋进。 Life needs some memorable experiences, let us wake up, urge us to advance.

6、人间烟火,山河阔远,无一是你,无一不是你。 Fireworks, mountains and rivers are wide and far away, none of them is you, none is you.

7、什么时候我那颗漂浮不定的心、能安定下来。 When can my floating heart settle down.

8、他心里还有别人,我是该放手还是装傻。 He has others in his heart. Should I let go or pretend to be stupid.

9、以后,碰见自己喜欢的女孩,一定好好爱她。 After that, meet the girl that I like, must love her well.

10、伤我如此之深,我心里却全是你的甜言蜜语。 I am so hurt so deep, but my heart is all your sweet words.

11、你也不必牵强再说爱我,反正我的灵魂已片片凋落。 You don't have to be far fetched and love me, but my soul is gone.

12、你对我的爱,就算剥开你的心为什么我也看不懂。 Your love for me, even if you peel your heart why I can not understand.

13、你给我的爱已不在,可我还在等着你回来。 The love you gave me is no longer there, but I'm still waiting for you to come back.

14、你要再说分手,我就亲手灭了你! You want to break up again, I will kill you by myself!

15、俄就好像风一样只有方向没有中心。 Russia is like a wind, but there is no center in the direction.

16、做了太多无用功,我想停下休息了。 I tried to stop and rest after doing too much work.

17、其实你不用这么冷淡,我也没想过要纠缠。 Actually, you don't have to be so cold, and I didn't want to get entangled.

18、冰块握久了,连泼杯凉水都觉得温暖。 Ice has been held for a long time, even throwing a cup of cold water feel warm.

19、分开后,我的失落,谁知道呢? After separation, my loss, who knows?

20、别和我谈温柔,一杯浊酒一支烟,冷漠无情才是我的惯性。 Don't talk to me gently, a cup of wine and a cigarette, apathy and ruthlessness is my inertia.

21、别太轻易把心交出去,收回来的时候伤痕累累你才知道痛。 Don't give your heart too easily. You know the pain when you get back.

22、别希望过度,止于适度和有所保留其实挺好的。 Don't want to be over - moderate and reserved is actually good.

23、华丽的躯壳上,隐藏着几处不经意的悲伤。 On the gorgeous body, there are several inadvertent sadness.

24、华灯初上,我许你们的天荒地老。 When the lights are on, I promise your land is old.

25、即使孤身一人面对全世界,依然有可为与不可为。 Even if one person faces the world alone, there is still something to do and can not do.

26、即使难过的要死,在镜头面前还是保持着笑容。 Even if sad to die, in front of the camera still smile.

27、原来,当你真的爱上一个人的时候,连错误都是那么美丽! Originally, when you really love someone, even mistakes are so beautiful!

28、命运决定谁会进入我们的生活,内心决定我们与谁并肩。 Destiny determines who will enter our life, and the heart determines who we are with.

29、哪里有人会喜欢孤独,只不过是不喜欢失望罢了。 Where someone would like to be lonely, it is just not like disappointment.

30、在一起多不容易,分手易说重来难。 It's not easy to be together, it's easy to say it's hard to break up.

31、备胎就是备胎,一句不爱就能够给你多年的等待一个交代。 Spare wheel is spare wheel, a word of love can give you many years of waiting for a presentation.

32、多少人生气不喜欢说话,难受了一个人憋着。 How many people are angry and dislike to speak, and they feel uncomfortable to hold one person.

33、多想,今生为了缘分哪怕去私奔也行! Think more, this life for fate even to elope also can!

34、夜里的霓虹映月光,而思念渐渐地迷惘,无眠的街上浓光芒。 Night neon reflects the moonlight, and miss gradually lost, sleepless Street on the thick light.

35、女生伪装幸福,只是害怕被最心爱的男生发现她伤心。 The girl disguises happiness, just afraid to be found by the most beloved boy she is sad.

36、好羡慕你手中的画笔,它可以无时无刻的陪着你。 I envy the brush in your hand, it can accompany you all the time.

37、如果以后全世界都没人要你,一定要记得还有我也不要你。 If nobody wants you in the world, remember that I don't want you.

38、如果我们分手了不能做朋友,那么请忘了彼此好么! If we can't be friends after we break up, please forget each other!

39、如果爱情是一场梦境,那我愿在深夜里永远都不要醒。 If love is a dream, I would never wake up in the night.

40、如果说天长地久,那我宁愿和你永远不离不弃。 If it is long, I would rather not leave you.

41、如若你还愿意,如若我还可以,下一世,再来爱你! If you still want, if I can, next generation, love you again!

42、孤独,是一场无人送药的重感冒。 Loneliness is a cold that no one has given medicine.

43、寂寞伴着我长眠,你走时坚决的身影,枯竭了爱恋。 Lonely with me long sleep, you walk firm figure, exhausted love.

44、对我的感情,可以像对人民币一样的坚定! My feelings can be as firm as RMB!

45、岁月为笔,相思入墨,字里行间全是你。 Years for pen, Acacia into ink, the lines are all you.

46、希望我退让的每一步,都会让我们离彼此更近一点。 I hope every step of my retreat will make us closer to each other.

47、很多时候你只是某个人的练爱对象,而非恋爱对象。 Most of the time you are just someone who practices love, not love.

48、我们之间最遥远的距离,是我自己亲手划开的。 The furthest distance between us was my own hand.

49、我们像一首最美丽的歌曲,变成两部悲伤的电影。 We are like one of the most beautiful songs, and we become two sad movies.

50、我们都曾彼此爱过,只不过不是在同一时间。 We all loved each other, but not at the same time.

51、我会牢牢记住你的脸,我会珍惜你给的思念。 I will remember your face firmly, I will cherish your missing.

52、我已经寻寻寻觅觅这么多年,到底谁人许我一生一世。 I have been searching for so many years, who in the end allowed me to live my life.

53、我总是这么不争气,梦里还是梦到你。 I always don't fight. I dream of you in my dream.

54、我想牵你的手,可是你给我的只有背影。 I want to hold your hand, but you give me only back.

55、我曾以为我肆意妄为,你也会陪我终老,后来只是我以为。 I thought I was reckless, you would accompany me to grow old, but later I thought.

56、我的世界没有爱,命中注定要分开。 My world has no love, and it is destined to be separated.

57、我知道我只能陪你走这一段路,但我想伴你久。 I know I can only accompany you on this road, but I want to be with you for a long time.

58、我记得你所有的爱好,却唯独不记得你不爱我。 I remember all your hobbies, but I don't remember you don't love me.

59、数学里有一个既霸道又温婉的词叫做;有且仅有。 There is a strong and gentle word in mathematics called; there is and only.

60、无法拒绝的从来不是开始,只有结束。 What can't be rejected is never the beginning, it's just the end.

61、既然你在我心中挥之不去,那就留在这里呆着把。 Since you can't go in my heart, stay here and stay.

62、曾在一起,不在一起,都是感情。 Once together, not together, are feelings.

63、最值得我骄傲的是,在歇斯底里的痛过后还能没心没肺的笑。 What I am proud of most is that I can laugh heartlessly after hysterical pain.

64、有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么期望自我再度迷失。 With you, I lost myself. How I expect myself to lose again, without you.

65、有些人他不爱你,也不放过你。 Some people he doesn't love you, and he doesn't let you go.

66、有些人,有些事。能不能让一辈子都拥有? Some people, some things. Can you have it all your life?

67、有些异性舍不得拿来做恋人,也舍不得给别人。 Some heterosexuals are reluctant to be lovers or give them to others.

68、有情人终成房奴,有房人终成眷属。 A lover becomes a house slave, and a man who has a house will eventually become a family member.

69、有时候,接纳不了一个人,是因为忘不了另一个人。 Sometimes, one person can not be accepted because I can't forget another person.

70、梦中梦见你时疼的厉害却舍不得睁开眼。 Dream of you when the pain is severe but can not open eyes.

71、梦里把泪流干,醒来笑容满面。 Dream to dry tears, wake up smiling.

72、横笛倚夜凝飞雪,丝竹伴风掠心间。 The flute lean against the night to set the snow, and the bamboo wind sweeps the heart.

73、没有眼泪,没有思想,安安静静。 No tears, no thoughts, peace.

74、泪水模糊了谁的视线,青丝佛过了谁的脸面。 Tears blurred who the sight, who the green Buddha passed by whose face.

75、爱得痛了,痛得哭了,原来,爱到最后总会受伤。 Love hurts, pain cry, original, love will always hurt until the end.

76、爱我一点都不容易,若你没有足够刚强的心,请不要爱上我。 It's not easy to love me at all. If you don't have a strong enough heart, please don't fall in love with me.

77、疼吗?疼也不要说,有事自己扛着,别人不是你,不会懂你。 do you have any pain? Pain also do not say, something to carry, others are not you, will not understand you.

78、真爱的往往都分了,胡闹的却走到了最后。 Love is often divided, but the nonsense has come to the end.

79、矍檠Y的“欲擒故v”不是l都可以做到的! Love of "to capture" is not everyone can do!

80、结局和过程都有了再去纠缠连自己都觉得贪婪。 The end and process have to entangle again, even if they feel greedy.

81、花开再谢,人来又走。假若注定是过客,起初又何必招惹。 Thanks for the flowers, people come and go. If it is destined to be a passer-by, why should you provoke at first.

82、该放弃的,我都能放弃,为何我就不能放弃你。 I can give up what I should give up. Why can't I give up you.

83、请你一定过得比我好,不然就浪费了我的离开。 Please be better than me, or you will waste my leave.

84、趁热情尚未退却,好好把握我。 Take advantage of enthusiasm but not retreat, take good advantage of me.

85、这次我真的痛了,真的彻底醒了。 This time I really hurt, really completely awake.