1、一字一句,是幸福的记忆。 Every word is a happy memory.

2、一朵玫瑰,三生来相守。 A rose, born together.

3、一生不变,相爱永远。 Life is the same, love forever.

4、万物是你,无可躲。 Everything is you, there is no hiding.

5、不在身旁,却在心上。 Not by my side, but in my heart.

6、与君初相识,犹如故人归。 The first acquaintance with you is like the return of an old friend.

7、久久的我,爱你! I love you for a long time!

8、亲吻你,如食蜜糖。 Kiss you like honey.

9、人来人往,繁华似锦。 People come and go, and prosperity is like a brocade.

10、今生有幸,遇见你。 I'm lucky to meet you in this life.

11、众生皆苦,唯你是甜。 All beings are bitter, but you are sweet.

12、你怎么现在,才出现。 How can you show up now.

13、你我相识,有份。 You and I know each other.

14、你是偏爱,你是例外。 You are the preference, you are the exception.

15、你是我,永恒的期待。 You are me, eternal expectation.

16、你爱我,溺爱我。 You love me and spoil me.

17、初识你名,久居我心。 I know your name for a long time.

18、努力挣钱,好好养你。 Try to earn money and raise you well.

19、千里遥遥,难度那鹊桥。 Thousands of miles away, the difficulty of the magpie bridge.

20、半夏彼岸,似水流年。 On the other side of the pinellia, the river flows like water.

21、回首更妩媚,牵手永相随。 Looking back more charming, hand in hand forever.

22、天地不仁,终不忘你。 Heaven and earth are merciless and never forget you.

23、天黑了陪你走回家。 Walk home with you when it's dark.

24、山河拱手,为君一笑。 Smile for the mountains and rivers.

25、往后余生,万般皆你。 For the rest of your life.

26、往后余生,你好难忘。 For the rest of your life, you'll never forget.

27、往后余生,我只要你! For the rest of my life, I just want you!

28、恩恩爱爱,一生期待。 Love, love, life expectancy.

29、情之所至,生死相许。 Where love comes, life and death are mutually agreed.

30、想你,不论天晴下雨。 Miss you, no matter whether it's sunny or rainy.

31、想和你一起慢慢变老。 I want to grow old with you.

32、愿一生,为你痴狂。 Wish you crazy all my life.

33、我喜欢,看到你微笑。 I love to see you smile.

34、我望向月亮,却只看见你。 I look at the moon, but only see you.

35、我爱你,此生不变! I love you, this life does not change!

36、撕开云雾,你就是光。 Tear open the clouds and you are the light.

37、放心,家里有我呢! Don't worry, I'm at home!

38、无一是你,无一不是你。 None is you, nothing is not you.

39、日日夜夜,想见你。 Day and night, I want to see you.

40、有你相伴,余生无憾。 I'll live with you for the rest of my life.

41、有生之年,与你为伴。 In my lifetime, I will be with you.

42、此生相依,人间白首! This life depends on each other, the world white head!

43、浮生三事,你你你。 Floating life three things, you, you, you.

44、清风湿润,茶烟轻扬。 The wind is moist and the tea smoke is light.

45、热爱,可抵岁月漫长。 Love is long.

46、爱你时,地面都在移动。 When I love you, the ground moves.

47、爱你的心,永不悔。 Love your heart, never regret.

48、爱的港湾,是含情脉脉。 The harbor of love is affectionate.

49、琴瑟在御,莫不静好。 The gal plays the Guqin and the lad plays the psaltery, making harmony and happiness sound together.

50、痴痴眷眷,无悔无怨。 Infatuated family members, no regrets.

51、真心实意,呵护你。 Take care of you sincerely.

52、细水流年,与君同。 Fine current year, with Jun.

53、给你做饭,陪你睡觉。 Cook for you, sleep with you.

54、苦尽甘来所以你来了。 You're here because you're here.

55、见面吧,我想吻你! Meet me, I want to kiss you!

56、遇你如梦,竟梦多年。 Meet you like a dream, but dream for many years.

57、遇见你后,心不由己。 After meeting you, I can't help myself.

58、野心不大,你和天下。 Not ambitious, you and the world.

59、陪你,到长发及腰。 With you, to long hair and waist.

60、静静地,我会守候你。 Quietly, I will wait for you.