1、一席话,因她而哽咽。 A word, because of her choked.

2、一段尘,因她而落寞。 A piece of dust, because of her and lonely.

3、一生相伴,永不分离。 Life together, never separated.

4、不理你了,真讨厌。 I don't care about you. I hate it.

5、书尽泛黄,扉页是你。 The book is yellow, the title page is you.

6、亲爱的,我爱你永不变! Honey, I love you forever!

7、人生无常,而我常在。 Life is impermanent, but I am always there.

8、但愿,马上见到你。 I hope to see you soon.

9、你的魅力,让我迷恋。 Your charm, let me infatuate.

10、候你已久,何时归来。 I have been waiting for you for a long time. When will you come back.

11、初见起点,晚年终点。 The beginning of the beginning, the end of the old age.

12、只因爱你,所以愿意等你。 Just because I love you, I'm willing to wait for you.

13、和你在一起,你是一切! With you, you are everything!

14、和你碰碰头,两悦情相投。 When I meet you, I feel like you.

15、在你怀里的,安全感。 Security in your arms.

16、坐车想你,过站了。 I miss you by bus. I passed the station.

17、夏花依旧,物是人休。 Summer flowers still, things are people rest.

18、好久不见,何止想念! Long time no see, more than miss!

19、好好生活,一直爱你。 Live a good life and love you all the time.

20、心跳多久,陪你多久。 How long my heart beats, how long I will accompany you.

21、悄悄把梦,变成现实。 Quietly turn dreams into reality.

22、我想和你在一起。 I want to be with you.

23、我爱你,胜过爱自己! I love you more than myself!

24、我用生命,在爱你。 I love you with my life.

25、我的未来,余生是你。 My future, the rest of my life is you.

26、我,越来越喜欢你了。 I like you more and more.

27、戒不了烟,戒不了你。 I can't quit smoking. I can't stop you.

28、携子之手,陪你到老。 Hand with children, accompany you to old age.

29、时光不染,回忆不淡。 Time does not dye, memories do not fade.

30、春风十里,只想要你。 Spring breeze ten miles, just want you.

31、有你,永远没烦恼。 With you, never worry.

32、有你,雨水如此浪漫。 With you, the rain is so romantic.

33、有彩虹的时候,想你。 When there is a rainbow, I miss you.

34、有点扛不住想你了。 I can't bear to miss you.

35、没你一秒,生命不跑。 Life doesn't run without you for a second.

36、没有你的天,不蓝! No sky without you, no blue!

37、温柔,只给意中人。 Gentle, only for the right person.

38、满目芳华,都是你。 It's all about you.

39、爱上了你,我很开心。 I'm happy to fall in love with you.

40、爱在身边,爱在梦中。 Love in the side, love in the dream.

41、爱就是不问值不值得。 Love is not asking whether it is worth it.

42、琥珀心,奈何九世醉。 Amber Heart, but nine generations drunk.

43、生死挈阔,与子成说。 Life and death are broad, and Zicheng.

44、相知,共约白首。 Know each other, about white head.

45、等你,是一种考验。 Waiting for you is a test.

46、累了,我的肩膀让你倚。 Tired, my shoulder let you lean.

47、老婆,别吃太多凉的。 Wife, don't eat too much cold.

48、花不若你,天恨妒。 If flowers are not like you, heaven is jealous.

49、芸芸众生,我只甜你。 All living beings, I only sweet you.

50、若你微笑,自得繁花。 If you smile, you will be proud.

51、苦尽甘来,所以你来了。 You're here because you're here.

52、贪恋,你的霸道。 Greed, your tyranny.

53、这一世,我只在乎你。 In this life, I only care about you.

54、邂逅相遇,适我愿兮。 Meeting by chance is my wish.

55、陪你慢慢走,直至山无棱。 Walk slowly with you until the mountain is clear.

56、陪你,到成熟西装。 With you, to the mature suit.

57、青山长河,世代绵延。 Green mountains and long rivers stretch for generations.

58、静静地,说句我等你。 Quietly, say I'll wait for you.

59、静静想你心在等待。 I think your heart is waiting.

60、风雨兼程,同舟共济。 We are in the same boat.