1、一门七进士,父子三探花。 There are seven Jinshi in one school and three explorers in father and son.

2、上帝创造了爱情,所以世界上有了白痴。 God created love, so there are idiots in the world.

3、下辈子我要做你的心脏,我不跳你就挂了。 I'll be your heart in the next life. If I don't jump, you'll die.

4、不经意,你的笑容就成了谁的整个世界。 Inadvertently, your smile will become whose whole world.

5、不被重重的击倒,又怎么能华丽的站起。 How can you stand up magnificently without being knocked down heavily.

6、与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。 Better light a candle than curse the darkness.

7、丢球咱已习惯,丢人在慢慢适应中。 I'm used to losing the ball. I'm getting used to losing face.

8、举杯消愁愁更愁,不如来根黄鹤楼。 Raise your glass to relieve your worries. It's better to come to the Yellow Crane Tower.

9、人生本来就是一场戏,演完就得死。 Life is a play, you have to die.

10、人要有脾气,才能长志气! A man must have a temper to grow ambition!

11、什么时候想嫁人就告诉我,我娶你。 Tell me when you want to marry. I'll marry you.

12、他人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿。 Others laugh at me for being too crazy. I laugh at others for not seeing through.

13、伤情最是晚凉天,出门兜里没带钱! It's the coldest day. I don't have any money in my pocket!

14、低质量的社交,不如高质量的独处。 Low quality socializing is better than high quality solitude.

15、何不借风雷,一回天地颜。 Why not take advantage of the wind and thunder to return to heaven and earth.

16、你一出门,千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。 As soon as you go out, thousands of birds will fly away and thousands of people will disappear.

17、你一定要和她好好走下去,我坐车。 You must go down with her. I'll take a bus.

18、你不对自己好点,谁还能把你当回事。 If you are not good to yourself, who can take you seriously.

19、你不是人造革,你是真皮。 You're not leather, you're leather.

20、你又不是调色板,少给我颜色看! You're not a palette. Don't show me the colors!

21、你就委屈点,栽在我手里行不行。 You can be aggrieved and planted in my hands.

22、你有什么重要,你不是空气也不是水。 What's important about you? You're not air or water.

23、你有多不屑,我就有多敷衍。 How disdainful you are, how perfunctory I am.

24、你看啊,失去一个人的消息可真容易。 You see, it's so easy to lose someone.

25、你都没有成功,怕什么失败? You didn't succeed. What are you afraid of?

26、傻人有傻福,但傻比没有。 A fool has his fortune, but a fool is better than none.

27、先说喜欢我能死啊?别闹,听话。 Can I die if I like it? Don't be noisy and be obedient.

28、减肥努不努力,取决于要追的人有多帅。 It depends on how handsome the person is.

29、别什么都往别人身上想,太善良是罪。 Don't think of others with everything. It's a sin to be too kind.

30、别告诉我年少轻狂,我才知道胜者为王。 Don't tell me I'm young and frivolous. I know the winner is king.

31、别跟我谈感情,我很忙的,忙着发财。 Don't talk about feelings with me. I'm busy. I'm busy getting rich.

32、千万不要低头,双下巴好明显啊。 Don't bow your head, double chin is so obvious.

33、只要你不跪着,这个世界没人比你高。 As long as you don't kneel, no one in the world is taller than you.

34、天行健,君子以自强不息。 As Heaven keeps vigor through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.

35、失眠的人,连做梦的资格都没有。 Insomniacs are not qualified to dream.

36、姐妹是一切闺蜜大过天。 Sisters are all best friends.

37、姑娘,你的床总是人来人往,那么繁忙。 Girl, your bed is always full of people, so busy.

38、孤独,是给你思考自己的时间。 Loneliness is to give you time to think about yourself.

39、宁可高傲的发霉,不去卑微的恋爱! Rather arrogant moldy, not to humble love!

40、床上运动也可以减肥的,你们都不知道吗? Bed exercise can also lose weight, don't you know?

41、当你不在乎一个人时,最好的态度是无视。 When you don't care about someone, the best attitude is to ignore them.

42、心若没有栖息地,到哪里都是流浪。 If the heart has no habitat, it will wander everywhere.

43、怀念曾经的幸福,却忘了现在拥有的美好! Miss once happiness, but forget now have beautiful!

44、成不了楷模,当个凯子也是可以的。 If you can't be a model, you can be a hero.

45、我也想浪荡一生却一不小心钟情了一个人。 I want to be a vagabond, but I fall in love with someone accidentally.

46、我们浪漫一点好不好,你浪点,我慢点。 Let's be romantic. I'll slow down.

47、我就是这样坦然,你舍得伤,就伤。 I am so calm, you are willing to hurt, hurt.

48、我想我仍旧很喜欢你,哪怕没有言语。 I think I still like you very much, even without words.

49、我才不会试图摘月,我要月亮奔我而来。 I won't try to pick the moon. I want the moon to come to me.

50、我才不绝情,我也很想你。 I'm not heartless. I miss you very much, too.

51、我有感情洁癖,不能独有的我不要。 I have a passion for cleanliness. I don't want to be unique.

52、我深知我要比别人努力更多,我才有机会。 I know that I have to work harder than others to get a chance.

53、我生性坚强,只要没死,我还能笑的猖狂。 I have a strong nature. As long as I don't die, I can laugh wildly.

54、我舍不得,只是时间只有流失没有回头。 I am reluctant to give up, but only the loss of time, there is no turning back.

55、我虽然相信海誓山盟,但是未必相信你啊。 Although I believe in vows, I may not believe you.

56、我袒护的人,你跟我讲什么道理。 What reason do you have with me.

57、我输过,我败过,但我从未放弃过。 I lost, I lost, but I never gave up.

58、放弃你这颗破树,我可以获得整片的森林! Give up your broken tree, I can get the whole forest!

59、早点睡吧,熬夜对手机不好。 Go to bed early. Staying up late is not good for mobile phones.

60、是人是狗,是敌是友,时间长了自己瞅。 It's a man, a dog, an enemy and a friend. I'll see for myself after a long time.

61、有媳妇的都抱稳了,老子要开始摇微信了。 Those who have a daughter-in-law hold fast. I'm going to start wechat.

62、没必要感到遗憾,不合适的人始终要分开。 There's no need to feel sorry. The unsuitable people should always be separated.

63、温柔坚定说不,心甘情愿说好。 Gentle and firm say no, willing to say yes.

64、爱上一匹野马,可我的家里没有草原。 I fell in love with a wild horse, but there was no grassland in my home.

65、爱情无需道歉,是爱你的人犯贱。 Love doesn't need to apologize. It's cheap for those who love you.

66、用人不疑疑人不用,一次不忠百次不用。 You don't need to be suspicious when you use people. You don't need to be unfaithful a hundred times at a time.

67、男人拽,照样甩,一样在我黑名单摇摆。 Men pull, still swing, the same in my blacklist swing.

68、留了青山在,还是没柴烧。 There are still no firewood left.

69、盲目的崇拜别人,不如骄傲的欣赏自己。 Blind worship of others, as proud to appreciate themselves.

70、直如朱丝绳,清如玉壶冰。 Straight as silk rope, clear as jade pot ice.

71、看不惯我你可以滚,没人逼你。 If you don't like me, you can go away. No one forces you.

72、看看你的排名,就知道你们班上有多少人。 Look at your ranking and you'll know how many people are in your class.

73、真爱就像鬼,听过的人多,见过的人少。 True love is like a ghost. Many people have heard of it, but few have seen it.

74、能错过是福气,能遇见也是。 It's a blessing to miss, and it's also a blessing to meet.

75、菇凉你别哭,你的眼泪是自来水么。 Mushroom cool you don't cry, your tears are tap water.

76、被误会没有关系,我有做坏人的勇气。 It's OK to be misunderstood. I have the courage to be a bad person.

77、觉得你好,是馅饼也跳。不对,是陷阱。 I think you're good, even if it's pie. No, it's a trap.

78、讨厌我的人多了,你算老几。 There are many people who hate me. Who are you.

79、那人长得吧,怎么说呢。像素比较低。 That person looks good, how to say. The pixels are low.

80、都是第一次做人,我凭什么要让着你。 It's the first time to be a man. Why should I let you.

81、青春就是疯狂的奔跑,然后华丽地跌倒。 Youth is running crazily, then falling magnificently.