1、一个人站在路边,看着你消失在灯火珊澜处。 A person standing on the side of the road, watching you disappear in the lights.

2、一念起,万水千山;一念灭,沧海桑田。 When you think about it, there are thousands of rivers and mountains; when you think about it, there are many vicissitudes.

3、一辈子爱一个就足够了,因为真的很累。 A lifetime of love is enough, because really tired.

4、与其等别人来爱你,不如自己多爱自己一点。 It's better to love yourself a little more than to wait for others to love you.

5、你付出了别人不需要的真心,又有什么理由在此抱怨。 You have paid the sincerity that other people don't need, and there is no reason to complain here.

6、你再也找不到,长这么好看还瞎的姑娘了。 You can't find a blind girl who looks so good.

7、你的世界只有你,如何看到别人的存在? You are the only one in your world. How can you see the existence of others?

8、你的出现,是在我的伤口上撒盐。 Your appearance is to sprinkle salt on my wound.

9、你的容颜,还留在我心间,苦苦的想念。 Your face, still stay in my heart, bitter miss.

10、你身边需要一个怎样的角色,我来扮演。 What kind of role do you need? I'll play it.

11、你退出了我的世界,却还占据着我的记忆。 You quit my world, but still occupy my memory.

12、偏偏是遇上了,不早不晚,就在这个时候,就在他心里。 But it happened, not sooner or later, at this time, in his heart.

13、再也不会奋不顾身去爱一个人,哪怕是你。 I will never be desperate to love someone, even you.

14、准备好了吗?一个很开朗的人要消失了。 are you ready? A very cheerful person is going to disappear.

15、原来天长地久,只是误会一场,我只是你的路人甲。 Originally, it's a long time, just a misunderstanding, I'm just your passer-by a.

16、喜欢吸烟是因为它可以伤肺,却不会伤心。 Like smoking because it can hurt the lungs, but not sad.

17、太多心酸无处诉说,太多难过如何洒脱。 Too many sad nowhere to tell, too many sad how free and easy.

18、就让记忆中的你慢慢老,老去了谁也得不到。 Let the memory of you slowly old, old no one can get.

19、心疼自己是应该的。对自己好是必须的。 It's right to love yourself. It's necessary to be good to yourself.

20、总是装作不在意,又总是想引起你注意。 Always pretend not to care, and always want to attract your attention.

21、悲从何来,喜从何来,一切如浮云飘渺。 Where does Sorrow come from? Where does joy come from? Everything is like floating clouds.

22、懂我的人,不必解释。不懂我的人,何必解释。 People who understand me don't have to explain. People who don't understand me, why explain.

23、我不愿意想起来你,是因为我爱你,而你从没爱过我。 I don't want to think of you because I love you and you never love me.

24、我们总是在辜负着一些人,却理所当然。 We are always failing some people, but of course.

25、我假装不在乎你,但痛的是我自己。 I pretend I don't care about you, but it hurts me.

26、我努力不放,你冷淡,你让分手就这样。 I try not to let go, you cold, you let break up on this.

27、我只能用强颜欢笑,来祭奠我不明的伤。 I can only use the forced face to laugh, to sacrifice my unknown injury.

28、我唱的情歌不够动听,感动不了你的心。 The love songs I sing are not good enough to move your heart.

29、我怎么会没有心事,那一直都是你的名字。 How can I not worry? That's always your name.

30、我笑着说不爱你,你转身的时候我哭了。 I smiled and said I don't love you. I cried when you turned around.

31、我若不是可有可无,你又怎会忽冷忽热。 If I am not dispensable, how can you be hot and cold.

32、我要多失望,才会希望从来没遇见过你。 How disappointed I am to hope I never met you.

33、我走了很久,回头一看,你却还在原地。 I walked for a long time, looking back, you are still in place.

34、我颠覆整个世界,只为扶正你的倒影! I subvert the whole world just to support your reflection!

35、担心失去一个不在乎我的人,没有必要。 There's no need to worry about losing someone who doesn't care about me.

36、挥手触摸着冷空气,用心感受早已不再的温存。 Wave and touch the cold air, and feel the warmth you have no longer.

37、放不下,舍不得,忘不掉,却又得不到。 Can not put down, reluctant to forget, but can not get.

38、无论什麽时候,我都在你触手可及之处。 I'm at your fingertips anytime.

39、明目张胆的爱你,却也只能爱仅此而已。 Love you openly, but only love it.

40、春天没有花,人生没有爱,那还成个什么世界。 Spring has no flowers, life has no love, what kind of world is it.

41、有些事情,不谈事隔结,谈开了是个疤。 Some things, do not talk about the separation, talk about a scar.

42、有些事,我假装不知道,知道了,只会让自己更加心痛。 Some things, I pretended not to know, knew, only can let oneself more heartache.

43、有时沉默不是不快乐,只是想把心放空。 Sometimes silence is not unhappy, just want to empty the heart.

44、有的人说过再见,就再也不见了。 Some people say goodbye, and they will never see again.

45、每个人都在变,而唯一不变的还是痴情。 Everyone is changing, and the only constant is infatuation.

46、每个微笑的背后,又隐藏着多少的伤呢? How many wounds are hidden behind each smile?

47、流落的红尘,是爱用泪水刻写下的伤痕。 The wandering world of mortals is a scar engraved with tears.

48、爱情过了甜蜜期,剩下的只有无尽的凄凉和孤寂。 After the sweet period of love, there is only endless desolation and loneliness left.

49、爱是一种感觉,感觉对了就会放逐去飞。 Love is a kind of feeling. If you feel it right, you will be exiled to fly.

50、爱过,痛过,哭过,才知道,不是我的,我就不该要。 Love, pain, cry, just know, not my, I should not want.

51、看你和她玩在一起,我总有一总失落感。 I always feel lost when you play with her.

52、看到的洒脱,都是心碎之后的无可奈何。 See free and easy, are heartbroken after the helpless.

53、看着你幸福,我就幸福。默默的祝福你。 Looking at your happiness, I will be happy. Bless you in silence.

54、真爱就像UFO,都只是听说过,却没有人见过。 True love is like UFO. It's just heard of, but no one has seen it.

55、破碎的爱情,就像破碎的玻璃,握的越紧伤的越重。 Broken love is like broken glass. The tighter you hold it, the heavier you hurt it.

56、等我熬过这段难熬的日子,以后谁给的糖都不要了。 Wait for me to get through this tough time, no one will give me any more sugar.

57、要我被你伤害到什么地步,你才会心疼。 Only when I am hurt by you can you feel hurt.

58、说好不联系的,为什么还访问我的空间。 Why do you visit my space if you don't contact me.

59、贱。一贯风格、或许自己已经适合了贱。 Cheap. Consistent style, perhaps I have been suitable for cheap.

60、走过了悲伤,走过了荒凉,却走不到你和我的天长。 Through sorrow, through desolation, but not to you and my God.

61、那首关于我们的歌、你把结局唱给了谁。 Who did you sing the ending of that song about us.