1、为你爱靠岸。 For your love.

2、余生一个你。 One you for the rest of my life.

3、你是我的命。 You are my life.

4、你笑暖我心! You smile warm my heart!

5、你给我快乐! You give me happiness!

6、做你的暖阳。 Be your sunshine.

7、十梦九有你。 Ten dreams nine have you.

8、很帅只宠你。 It's very handsome. I only like you.

9、得你心我幸。 I'm lucky for you.

10、想着你很美。 I think you are beautiful.

11、我们结婚吧。 marry me.

12、我只想要你。 I just want you.

13、我在你身边。 I'm by your side.

14、我心属于你。 My heart belongs to you.

15、我爱你依旧。 I love you still.

16、我还在爱你。 I still love you.

17、把爱交给你。 Give love to you.

18、没你怎么活。 How to live without you.

19、深拥意中人。 I love you very much.

20、爱是我心愿。 Love is my wish.

21、爱没有期限。 Love has no time limit.

22、牵住,你的手。 Hold on, your hand.

23、真心爱着你。 I love you so much.

24、眸中尽是你。 Eyes are full of you.

25、眼里只有你。 Only you in your eyes.

26、眼里尽是你。 It's all about you.

27、等风也等你。 Waiting for the wind, waiting for you.

28、遇一人白首。 I met a white head.

29、陪伴你左右。 Stay with you.

30、陪你到来生。 Accompany you to the next life.