1、不爱是一生的遗憾,爱是一生的磨难。 Do not love is a lifetime of regret, love is a lifetime of suffering.

2、与其面对一次次的失望,倒不如习惯孤独。 It's better to get used to loneliness than to face disappointment again and again.

3、人会变,梦会醒,心会碎。 People will change, dreams will wake up, heart will break.

4、人的一生,应该有一次,一见钟情。 There should be one love at first sight in one's life.

5、你可以委屈,但是被让别人看到你的委屈。 You can be wronged, but let others see your grievances.

6、你的敷衍这么明显,我怎么可能看不见。 Your perfunctoriness is so obvious that I can't see it.

7、你让我学会了拥有,却教会了我放弃。 You let me learn to have, but taught me to give up.

8、你走了真好,我不用每天担心你会走。 It's good that you're gone. I don't have to worry about you going every day.

9、偏偏好喜欢你,连翻脸都没底气。 But I like you so much that I can't even turn my face around.

10、凌晨了,能否赐予我安眠无梦。 Early in the morning, can you give me sleep without dream.

11、别人都开心死了,我的开心死了。 Everyone else is so happy. I'm so happy.

12、别把我们的回忆写的这么美,我不想回忆。 Don't write our memories so beautiful, I don't want to.

13、勉强笑着,只有自己知道有多累。 Barely smile, only they know how tired.

14、又是花开花又落,我对你的爱还是没结果。 Flowers bloom and fall, my love for you is still fruitless.

15、发财不过人骗人,舒服不过人玩人。 It's better to be rich than to cheat and comfortable than to play.

16、命运负责洗牌,但是玩牌的是我们自己! Fate is responsible for shuffling, but it's ourselves who play cards!

17、哪有人喜欢孤独,只是不想失望罢了。 No one likes loneliness, just don't want to be disappointed.

18、唱情歌落俗,说爱又太苦。 It's too hard to sing love songs.

19、喜欢你的眉头,哪怕皱起始终清秀。 Like your brow, even if wrinkled, always beautiful.

20、天气冷的像个笑话,日子过得像句废话。 It's cold like a joke, life like a piece of rubbish.

21、如今的我们,天各一方,愿莫失莫忘。 Today's us, each side of the world, would like to never forget.

22、如果当时我不那么倔强,现在也不那么遗憾。 If I was not so stubborn at that time, I am not so sorry now.

23、对于现在的我们,连一句问候都觉得奢侈。 For us now, even a greeting is luxurious.

24、就算很失望,笑容依然要灿烂! Even if very disappointed, smile still to be bright!

25、尽力之后,我选择随遇而安。 After trying my best, I choose to take things as they are.

26、尽力爱了的人,分开之后反而更坦荡。 Those who love as much as possible are more magnanimous after separation.

27、想你想到眼泪流,念你念到白了头。 Think you think of tears, think you read to white head.

28、我不是变了,只是为了你,换了种方式活着。 I didn't change, just for you, to live in a different way.

29、我们都喜欢逞强,总是喜欢流着泪说没事。 We all like to be brave, always like to say nothing in tears.

30、我们都曾盼望过十年,却不曾珍惜这十年。 We all hoped for ten years, but we didn't cherish them.

31、我们都有一个,想回却回不了的过去。 We all have a past that we can't go back to.

32、我对未来很迷茫,或许是我胆怯了。 I am very confused about the future, maybe I am timid.

33、我没难过,就是有点渴。 I'm not sad. I'm just a little thirsty.

34、我爱我的*,我愿享受我的孤独! I love my freedom, I would like to enjoy my loneliness!

35、我过的很好,不好也不会和你说。 I have a good life, and I won't tell you if it's not good.

36、手握得太紧,东西会碎,手会疼。 If you hold it too tightly, things will break and your hands will hurt.

37、有时候,我们错过的不是时间,而是感觉。 Sometimes, what we miss is not time, but feeling.

38、期待,是所有心痛的根源。 Expectation is the root of all heartache.

39、正因不想受伤,因此我学着伪装。 Because I didn't want to get hurt, I learned to pretend.

40、没有不变的承诺,只有说不完的谎言。 There is no constant commitment, only endless lies.

41、泪水模糊了视线,心里却默默想念。 Tears blurred the line of sight, but silently miss in the heart.

42、现实打了我一巴掌,既不道歉也不说话。 Reality slapped me, neither apologizing nor speaking.

43、生活再恶心也得自己过,没人能够替你扛。 No matter how disgusting life is, you have to live by yourself. No one can carry it for you.

44、等不到,宁愿错过。 If you can't wait, you'd rather miss it.

45、背叛者是没有容身之处的。 There is no place for traitors.

46、谁若用真心待我,我便拿命去珍惜。 If anyone treats me sincerely, I will cherish my life.

47、走王者的道路,你注定要学会接受孤独。 Take the road of king, you are destined to learn to accept loneliness.

48、遇见你后,我的快乐和难过都变得那么明显。 After meeting you, my happiness and sadness became so obvious.

49、雨还在下像在寻你,它敲我的窗说找不到你。 The rain is still falling, like looking for you. It knocks on my window and says it can't find you.

50、青春不是游戏,不是输了就可以从来的。 Youth is not a game, it can never be lost.