1、一个人想事好想找个人来陪。一个人失去了自己。不知还有没有要再追的渴望。 I want to find someone to accompany me. A man lost himself. I don't know if there is any desire to chase.

2、一个幸福晚年的秘决不是别的,而是与孤寂签订一个体面的协定。 The secret of a happy old age is nothing else, but a decent agreement with loneliness.

3、一个幸福晚年的秘诀不是别的,而是与孤寂签订一个体面的协定。 The secret of a happy old age is nothing else, but a decent agreement with loneliness.

4、一分钟的和好抵得过一辈子的友谊。 A minute of peace is worth a lifetime of friendship.

5、一如既往坚定忠诚,当初怎样为胜利而战,如今便怎样为失败而战。 As always, we are firm and loyal. How did we fight for victory in the first place, now we fight for failure.

6、不要死,也不要孤独的活。 Don't die, don't live alone.

7、与其逃避,不如享受孤独。 It's better to enjoy loneliness than to escape.

8、乌尔苏拉反驳了他,温和而坚定:如果非要我死了才能留下,那我就去死。 Ursula refuted him, gentle and firm: if I have to die to stay, I will die.

9、事实上,死亡跟他没什么关系,生命才对他有意义。 In fact, death has nothing to do with him, life is meaningful to him.

10、人生最遗憾的,莫过于轻易地放弃了不该放弃的,固执地坚持了不该坚持的。 The most regretful thing in life is to easily give up what shouldn't be given up and stubbornly stick to what shouldn't be.

11、他大权独揽却在孤独中陷入迷途,开始失去方向。 However, he lost his way in loneliness and began to lose his direction.

12、他对哗哗的雨声也习已为常,两个月后,这雨声就成一种新的寂静。 He was used to the sound of rain. Two months later, it became a new kind of silence.

13、他对那条路不感兴趣,因为它只能将他带回到过去。 He was not interested in that road because it could only bring him back to the past.

14、他走过荣誉和怀念荣誉的阶段,到达希望的终点。 He went through the stage of honor and memory of honor, and reached the end of hope.

15、他逐渐明白,安度晚年的秘诀不是别的,而是跟孤独签订体面的协议。 He gradually understood that the secret of living in peace in his old age was nothing else, but to sign a decent agreement with loneliness.

16、你们的幸福和甜蜜,请别炫耀,我会忌妒。 Please don't show off your happiness and sweetness. I will be jealous.

17、你看那天,看那墙,看那秋海棠,今天还是星期一。 Look at that day, look at the wall, look at the Begonia, today is still Monday.

18、像梦游人一般穿过阴惨的世界,肺叶间满溢令人窒息的鲜血的味道。 Like a dream traveler through the miserable world, the lungs are filled with the smell of suffocating blood.

19、其实他在意的不是死亡,而是生命! In fact, what he cares about is not death, but life!

20、别信男人的花言巧语,一旦他们达到目的,就再也不会忍受你的种种坏毛病。 Don't believe men's rhetoric. Once they achieve their goal, they will never tolerate your bad habits.

21、原来时间也会失误和出现意外,并因此迸裂,在某个房间里留下永恒的片段。 The original time will also make mistakes and accidents, and therefore burst, leaving an eternal fragment in a room.

22、只有孤独的人,才拥有丰富的内心世界。 Only lonely people have rich inner world.

23、哪儿有贫穷,哪儿就有爱情。 Where there is poverty, there is love.

24、如果不是战争,那就是死亡把他带走。 If it's not war, it's death that takes him away.

25、如果你认识从前的我,那么你就会原谅现在的我。 If you know me before, then you will forgive me now.

26、如果我有一颗心,我愿将所有的仇恨写在冰上,然后等待太阳的升起。 If I have a heart, I would like to write all the hatred on the ice, and then wait for the sun to rise.

27、家族中第一个人被捆在树上,最后一个人正被蚂蚁吃掉。 The first person in the family is tied to a tree, and the last person is being eaten by ants.

28、家族的第一个人被捆在树上,家族的最后一个人正在被蚂蚁吃掉。 The first member of the family is tied to a tree, and the last member of the family is being eaten by ants.

29、对一个姘头来说,什么羞辱都是应得的。 For a mistress, any humiliation is deserved.

30、对我来说,只要能确定你我在这一刻的存在就够了。 For me, it's enough to be sure that you and I exist at this moment.

31、往日的推心置腹已经一去不返,同谋和交流变成敌意与缄默。 The old days of heart to heart have gone, conspiracy and communication become hostility and silence.

32、思恋一个人的滋味就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 Missing someone is like drinking a large glass of ice water and then turning it into tears for a long time.

33、我们战斗了那么久,只不过为了不把墙面刷成蓝色而是刷得像鸽子那么白。 We've been fighting for so long, just to make the walls as white as pigeons instead of blue.

34、我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。 We smile and say goodbye, but we know that goodbye is far away.

35、我删删写写那么多的文字,其实都是毫无意义的! It is meaningless for me to delete so many words!

36、我去旅行,是因为我决定了要去,并不是因为对风景的兴趣。 I travel because I have decided to, not because of my interest in scenery.

37、有一些人活在记忆里,永远走不开;有一些人活在身边,却很遥远。 Some people live in memory and can never leave; There are some people living around, but very far away.

38、有时候,人再多,也会孤独。 Sometimes, no matter how many people there are, they will be lonely.

39、有的人想睡觉,但不是因为困倦,而是出于对睡觉的怀念。 Some people want to sleep, but not because of sleepiness, but out of the memory of sleep.

40、正因为当初对未来做了太多的憧憬,所以对现在的自己尤其失望。 It is because I had too much vision for the future, so I am particularly disappointed with myself now.

41、死人是不会出现的,只不过我们自己受不了良心上的负担。 The dead will not appear, but we can't bear the burden of conscience.

42、每一个才华横溢的脸庞身后,总会是每一个寂寞聊赖的孤独身影。 Behind every brilliant face, there will always be every lonely figure.

43、没有经历过孤独的人,不会有超人的成就。 Those who have not experienced loneliness will not have superhuman achievements.

44、浪掷了多少时光,才找到共享孤独的天堂。 How much time did it take to find a paradise to share loneliness.

45、爱情,首先是一种本能,“要么生下来就会,要么永远都不会”。 Love, first of all, is an instinct, "either born, or never.".

46、现在对她来说,外部世界就是她的身体表面,她的内心是没有任何痛苦的。 Now for her, the outside world is the surface of her body, and there is no pain in her heart.

47、生命中曾经有过的所有喧嚣,都将用寂寞来偿还。 All the noise in life will be paid by loneliness.

48、生命中曾经经历过的所有绚烂,终究都要用寂寞来偿还。 Life has experienced all the gorgeous, eventually have to use loneliness to repay.

49、生命中最重要的不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。 The most important thing in life is not what you encounter, but what you remember and how you remember.

50、离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补,那颗心都会遭遇穿刺的痛。 If you leave me, please don't comfort me. You should know that every time you mend, your heart will encounter the pain of puncture.

51、科学缩短了距离。 Science shortens the distance.

52、等他们睁眼面对现实的时候,看到的就是既成事实。 When they open their eyes to reality, what they see is a fait accompli.

53、等到人类坐一等车厢,而文学只能挤货运车厢的那一天,这个世界也就完蛋了。 When human beings are in the first-class carriage and literature is only in the freight carriage, the world will end.

54、纵然岁月蹉跎天各一方,写信人依然对他深情不改。 Even though the years have gone by, the writer is still affectionate to him.

55、谎言说得越来越真诚,最后连她自己也从中得到了安慰。 The lie became more and more sincere, and finally even she got comfort from it.

56、走在熙熙攘攘的人群中,每一步迈出的都是寂寞,每一脚跨出的都是孤独! Walking in the bustling crowd, every step is lonely, every step is lonely!

57、这实在荒唐,基督信仰的卫士摧毁教堂,共济会的人却下令重建。 This is ridiculous. The guardians of the Christian faith destroyed the church, but the Freemasons ordered the reconstruction.

58、这是牛,每天要挤它的奶;要把奶煮开加上咖啡才能做成牛奶咖啡。 This is a cow, milking it every day; You have to boil the milk and add coffee to make milk coffee.

59、那些靠直觉弄得更清楚的东西,她想用眼睛去看,就失误了。 She made a mistake when she wanted to see things more clearly by intuition with her eyes.

60、重新合好的一分钟,比一生的友好还宝贵。 A minute of reunion is more precious than a lifetime of friendship.

61、钟摆能让任何东西飞起来,却无法使自己腾空。 A pendulum can make anything fly, but it can't make itself fly.

62、预感总是倏然来临,灵光一现,好像一种确凿无疑的信念在瞬间萌生却无从捕捉。 The premonition always comes suddenly, and the aura is like a certain belief sprouting in an instant, but there is no way to capture it.