1、一个人只要能完全拥有良心上的安宁,就可以不断进食直到疲惫无力为止。 As long as a person has complete peace of conscience, he can eat until he is tired and weak.

2、一个人的孤单,未曾有过的寂寞心情被这暗夜层层包裹。 A person's loneliness, never had the lonely mood by this dark night layer upon layer package.

3、万物新始,一切尚未命名,提起来时人们只能用手,指指点点。 Everything has a new beginning, everything has not been named, people can only use their hands to point.

4、上帝啊!费了那么大力气培养你的好习惯,结果你倒活得像猪一样。 Oh, my God! It took so much effort to cultivate your good habits that you live like a pig.

5、不用他说出是为了爱情而悲伤,她一下就猜出那是人类最古老的眼泪。 Without saying that he was sad for love, she guessed that it was the oldest tear of human beings.

6、世界新生伊始,许多事物还没有名字,提到的时候尚需用手指指点点。 At the beginning of the world's rebirth, many things have no names and need to be pointed out.

7、世间没有什么值得以这样的沉沦为代价。 Nothing in the world is worth the cost of such degradation.

8、人不是该死的时候死的,而是在能死的时候死的。 People don't die when they die, but when they can.

9、人们一派懈怠,而遗忘却日渐贪婪,无情地吞噬一点一滴的记忆。 People are slack, but forgetting is greedy day by day, devouring every bit of memory mercilessly.

10、人的很多苦痛无法言说,许多人的举措无可奈何。 A lot of people's pain can not be said, and many people's actions are helpless.

11、他一直凝视着孩子们,直到双眼湿润。 He gazed at the children until his eyes were moist.

12、他们或因饥饿而死,或怀着一腔怒火苟活或在精致的荣誉粪堆中衰老腐烂。 They either die of hunger, or live with anger, or decay in the delicate dunghill of honor.

13、他渴望孤独,对整个世界的怨恨咬噬着他的心。 He longed for solitude, and hatred for the whole world gnawed at his heart.

14、他痛恨这个世界,渴望孤身独处。 He hated the world and longed to be alone.

15、他的确经历过死亡,但是忍受不了孤独,所以回到这儿来了。 He did experience death, but he couldn't stand loneliness, so he came back here.

16、他隐约知道,幸福生活的秘诀不是别的,而是与孤独签一个体面的协定。 He vaguely knows that the secret of a happy life is nothing else, but to sign a decent agreement with loneliness.

17、任何东西都有生命,一切在于如何唤起它们的灵性。 Everything has life. It's all about how to arouse their spirituality.

18、你想做什么蠢事就做吧,而我想说什么蠢话就说吧。 Do what you want to do, and I'll say what I want to say.

19、别错过机会,人生比你想象中的要短。 Don't miss the chance. Life is shorter than you think.

20、即使你不害怕上帝,你也会害怕金属。 Even if you're not afraid of God, you're afraid of metal.

21、只有用水将心上的雾气淘洗干净,荣光才会照亮最初的梦想。 Only when the mist on the heart is washed clean with water, the glory will light up the initial dream.

22、只要没有死人埋在地下,你就不属于这个地方。 As long as there are no dead people buried in the ground, you don't belong in this place.

23、回忆没有尽头,未来才有方向。 Memory has no end, the future has direction.

24、在坎坷中奔跑,在挫折中涅,我们累却无从止歇,我们苦却无法回避。 Running in the rough, Nirvana in the frustration, we are tired but unable to stop, we are bitter but unable to avoid.

25、她并不想以这种方式打破孤独,相反,想以这种方式来保持孤独。 She doesn't want to break loneliness in this way, on the contrary, she wants to keep loneliness in this way.

26、她才不会在乎下雨,她的一生中本就阴雨不停。 She doesn't care about rain. It's been raining all her life.

27、她的身影只出现在他心中,填满了他可怕的孤独。 Her figure only appeared in his heart, filled with his terrible loneliness.

28、她虽表面热情坦诚,实际秉性孤僻,从不敞开心扉。 Although she was warm and frank on the surface, she was actually eccentric and never opened her heart.

29、她身上披着蔑视一切的厚厚的盔甲,这是世间的任何诱惑都无法刺破的。 She was wearing thick armor of contempt for everything, which could not be pierced by any temptation in the world.

30、如果真是那样,请代我拥抱他,因为我不会再见到他了。 If that's the case, please hug him for me, because I won't see him again.

31、孤独才是寂寞的唯一出口。 Loneliness is the only outlet of loneliness.

32、孤独是一首缠绵的诗,丝丝缕缕笼罩着你。 Loneliness is a lingering poem, which envelops you.

33、孤独有时便是畅快的源头,孤独便意味着灵魂的释然。 Loneliness is sometimes the source of happiness, loneliness means the release of the soul.

34、守信是一项财宝,不应该随意虚掷。 Keeping one's word is a treasure and should not be thrown at will.

35、平庸将你的心灵蒸发到没有一丝水分,然后荣光才会拨动你心灵最深处的弦。 Mediocrity will evaporate your soul without a trace of water, and then glory will stir the deepest chord of your heart.

36、当初如何为胜利而战,如今便如何为失败而战。 How to fight for victory at the beginning, how to fight for defeat now.

37、当她把心里话一吐为快时,有人把月光熄灭了。 When she let her heart out, someone put out the moonlight.

38、我们打了这么多年仗,一切都是为了我们的屋顶别涂成蓝色。 We've been fighting for so many years, and it's all for our roof not to be painted blue.

39、我只是一个没有回忆的手工匠,剩下的唯一梦想就是被人遗忘。 I'm just a craftsman with no memory. The only dream left is to be forgotten.

40、我年轻过,落魄过,幸福过。我对生活一往情深。 I've been young, down and happy. I have a passion for life.

41、我来是为了王的下葬。 I'm here to bury the king.

42、我生下来就不走运,到死也是倒霉鬼。 I was born unlucky, and I'll die unlucky.

43、既然奥雷里亚诺这么说,奥雷里亚诺就有把握。 Since Aureliano said that, Aureliano is sure.

44、最好的朋友,是刚刚死去的朋友。 The best friend is a friend who just died.

45、最讨厌的事情,就是变来变去而把生活搞得十分复杂。 The most annoying thing is to make life very complicated by changing.

46、死神一直追随他的脚步,嗅闻他的行踪,但尚未下定决心,给他最后一击。 Death has been following in his footsteps, sniffing his whereabouts, but has not yet made up his mind to give him a final blow.

47、爱情是一种本能,要么与生俱来,要么永远不会。 Love is an instinct, either born or never.

48、生命不曾离开过孤独而独立存在,孤独犹如影子一样存在于生命一隅。 Life has never been separated from loneliness, and loneliness exists in a corner of life like a shadow.

49、生命中曾经有过的所有灿烂,原来终究,都需要用寂寞来偿还。 All the brilliance in life, after all, needs to be paid back by loneliness.

50、生命中曾经有过的所有灿烂,终究都需要用寂寞来偿还。 All the brilliance in life, after all, need to use loneliness to repay.

51、生命中真正重要的不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。 What really matters in life is not what you encounter, but what you remember and how you remember it.

52、生未百年,死不孤独。 Life is not a hundred years, death is not lonely.

53、百年一参透,百年一孤独。 One hundred years of understanding, one hundred years of loneliness.

54、知音少,弦断有谁听。 If there are few bosom friends, who will listen to the broken string.

55、等到人类坐一等车厢而文学只能挤货运车厢的那一天,这个世界也就完蛋了。 When human beings take the first class car and literature can only squeeze the freight car, the world will be over.

56、背影是真的,人是假的。 The back is true, the person is false.

57、走路时,每跨一步,就如同把脚带到地面,我们要把快乐、祥和、宁静带到地面。 When we walk, every step is like taking our feet to the ground. We should bring happiness, peace and tranquility to the ground.

58、这次第,怎一个愁字了得! This time, what a sad word!

59、那些日子家中空前忙乱,但崭新的煤油灯终究在预定的日期和时刻点燃。 In those days, the house was busy, but the brand-new kerosene lamp was lit at the scheduled date and time.

60、那力量教会他朝内呼吸和控制心跳,使他明白人们为什么会惧怕死亡。 That power taught him to breathe inward and to control his heartbeat, to understand why people fear death.

61、面对掠夺和孤单,我们的回答是生活。 In the face of plunder and loneliness, our answer is life.