1、一两重的真诚,其值等于一吨重的聪明。 A twofold sincere, its value is equal to the smart one ton.

2、一个人严守诺言,比守卫他的财产更重要。 A person keeping promise, is more important than the guard his property.

3、一个正直的人在无论什么地方应该知道自重。 A man of integrity should know self-respect in whatever place.

4、一言得而天下服,一言定而天下听,公之谓也。 A word and the world clothing, a word set and listen to all over the world, the male is called also.

5、不信不立,不诚不行。 Don't believe it or not, and if not.

6、修学不以诚,则学杂;为事不以诚,则事败。 Study is not sincere, tuition; To things not sincere, then the matter.

7、坚信别人诚实,是本人正直的一个有力证据。 Believe that others honest, is just a strong evidence.

8、坦白是诚实与勇敢的产物。 Frank is the product of honesty and courage.

9、坦诚是最明智的策略。 Honest is the most sensible strategy.

10、失去了真,同时也失去了美。 Lost the truth, at the same time also lost the beauty.

11、如果习惯于说空话, If used to empty talk, the most respectable one will lose dignity.

12、如果要别人诚信,首先要自己诚信。 If want others to honesty, the first thing to his honesty.

13、学贵信,信在诚。诚则信矣,信则诚矣。 Study your letter, believe in honesty. Sincere letter yi, cheng yi letter.

14、对自己真实,才不会对别人欺诈。 True to oneself, don't fraud to others.

15、忠诚,即使是深深的忠诚,也从不会是洁白无瑕的。 Faith, even the deep faith, also never is pure white and flawless.

16、推诚而不欺,守认而不疑。 Person without deceit, without doubt.

17、没有一处遗产像诚实那样丰富的了。 Not a legacy as rich as honesty.

18、百种奸伪,不如一实。 One hundred kinds of rape pseudo than a reality.

19、真诚与朴实是天才的宝贵品质。 Sincerity and simplicity is the precious quality of genius.

20、真话说一半常是弥天大谎。 Half the truth that often is a big lie.

21、私人的信用是财产,公众的荣誉是保证金。 The honor of personal credit is the property of the public is deposit.

22、衡量生活的尺子不是长度,而是诚实。 Measure the ruler is not length of life, but to be honest.

23、诚实人说的话,像他的抵押品那样可靠。 An honest man's word, as reliable as his collateral.

24、诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。 Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates.

25、诚实是智慧之书的第一章。 Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.

26、诚实是最丰富的传代物。 Honesty is one of the most abundant batches.

27、诚实永生不灭。 Honest life eternal.

28、诚者,圣人之本,百行之源也。 Honesty, sage, one hundred lines of source also.

29、说谎话的人所得到的,就只即使觉说直话也没有人相信。 Get a liar, just said straight talk and no one believed that even sleep.上一页12下一页

30、连上帝也会去帮助诚实而勇敢的人。 Even god also to help the people in honest and brave.

31、金子会使诚实的人变成恶人。 Gold can make honest people become wicked.

32、非信无以使民,非民无以守国。 Not letter can make the people, not the people who can keep.

33、马先驯而后求良,人先信而后求能。 Ma Xian trainer and then asks people good, letter before they can.
