1、一个国家文明程度的高低,看它民法和刑法的比例就能知道。 The civilization degree of a country, it can know the proportion of the civil law and criminal law.

2、个人的*以不侵犯他人的*为*。 The freedom of the individual not to infringe others' freedom for freedom.

3、举证责任之所在,即败诉之所在。 The burden of proof, namely the loser.

4、人人同等重要,并且负担起各自的特殊责任。 Everyone is equally important, and afford their own special responsibility.

5、人民应该为法律而战斗,就像为了城墙而战斗一样。 People should fight for the law, just like in order to fight the wall.

6、以法治国铸伟业,秉德安民兴中华。 Lawfully cast feats, grasp, daughter of zhongshan China.

7、任何人无义务控告自己。 Anyone has no obligation to accuse yourself.

8、位虽卑不忘报效祖国,权既重常思服务人民。 Although a low don't forget to serve the motherland, the weight is heavy, contemplate service people.

9、倘若世上没有坏人,也就不会有好的律师。 If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers.

10、关系案、人情案是一种假币,它只有通过法官的贪妄得以行之。 GuanXiAn, RenQingAn is a counterfeit money, it is only through the judge of jump line.

11、刑为盛世所不能废,而亦盛世所不尚。 Punishment will not pass by time, and also not yet prosperous time.

12、刑罚知其所加,则邪恶知其所畏。 Punishment is known by its addition, to know the fear of evil.

13、制定法律法令,就是为了不让强者做什么事都横行霸道。 Law statute, is in order not to let thestrong do what matter all bullying.

14、千里之行始于足下,公正执法始于廉明。 Every journey begins with a single step, fair law enforcement began in the clean.

15、在*的国家里,法律就是国王;在专制的国家里,国王就是法律。 In democratic countries, the law is king; In authoritarian countries, king is the law.

16、堂堂正正做人,清清白白断案,勤勤恳恳工作,默默无闻奉献。 A dignified life, so do in vain, diligent work, unknown dedication.

17、宪法是国家的“灵魂”、具体生命和个别存在。 Constitution is the "soul", concrete and individual life.

18、带来安定的是两种力量:法律和礼貌。 Bring stability are two forces: law and politeness.

19、廉则不怒自威,公则明察秋毫。 Budget is not anger since wei, male, penetrative.

20、无倾向,无偏私,只认得这个理字;不附势,不阿强,但凭得一点公心。 No inclination, no groups, only know that word; Not attached to the potential, not strong, but with a little public interests above everything else.

21、有两种和平的**,那就是法律和礼节。 There are two kinds of violence of peace, that is the law and etiquette.

22、极端的法规,就是极端的不公。 Extreme rules and regulations, and is extremely unfair.

23、正义可以提升一个民族。 Justice can promote a nation.

24、法律又是什么呢?法律就是取得胜利、掌握国家**的阶级的意志的表现。 What is law? The law is the victory, the expression of the master class of national power of will.上一页12下一页

25、法律只但是是咱们意志的记录。 Law is only but we will record.

26、法律吸吮穷人的膏血,而富人却掌握着权柄。 Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule in the hands of the authority.

27、法律就像旅行一样,必须为明天做准备。它必须具备成长的原则。 Laws are like travel, must prepare for tomorrow. It must have the principle of growth.

28、法律是人民道德观念的具体化。 Law is the embodiment of people's morality.

29、法律是沉重的,生活是轻松的,把法律看得越重,就会生活得越轻松! Law is heavy, life is easy, the harder they read the law, will live more easily!

30、法律有效力,国民便昌盛。 Legal effectiveness, national prosperity.

31、法律永远不会产生伟大的人物,只有*才能造成巨人和英雄。 Law will never produce a great man, only freedom can cause giants and hero.

32、法律的基本意图是让公民尽可能的幸福。 The law is the basic intention of let citizens happiness as much as possible.

33、法律的生命从来不是逻辑,而是经验。 The life of the law has never been a logical, but experience.

34、法律的真理知识,来自于立法者的教养。 The truth of the legal knowledge, upbringing from lawmakers.

35、法律职业的社会地位是一个民族文明的标志。 Social status of the legal profession is a national symbol of civilization.

36、法律被抹杀便产生专制*。 The law was worthy to produce *.

37、法律,在它支配着地球上所有人民的场合,就是人类的理性。 Law, it dominates all people on earth, is human reason.

38、法治应当优于一人之治。 The rule of law should be better than one.

39、牺牲公正是法官的耻辱, Sacrifice justice is a disgrace to the judge, sacrifice for justice is the judge's honor.

40、犯罪总是以惩罚相补偿;只有处罚才能使犯罪得到偿还。 Always to punish crime phase compensation; Can only make the crime punishment be paid back.

41、疏法胜于密心,宽令胜于严主。 Dredging method is better than secret heart, and the width is better than a strict master.

42、真想解除一国的内忧就应依靠良好的立法,不能依靠偶然的机会。 Really want to remove a country's domestic legislation should rely on the good, can't rely on chance.

43、*就是做法律许可范围内的事情的权利。 Freedom is the right within the scope permitted by law.

44、身披法袍,心存道义。慎独、慎言、慎判。 Wearing robes, moral. Self-supervision, silence, sentence carefully.

45、车轻道近,则鞭策不用;鞭策之所用,道远任重也。刑罚者,民之鞭策也。 Car light nearly, spur not; A long way to propel the use of long also. Punishment, the people of the spur also.

46、这天的法律未必明天仍是法律。 This law may not tomorrow is still legal.
