1、一生奉献于两个神明,即荣誉与英勇。 Life dedicated to the two gods, that is, honor and bravery.
3、上天赋予的生命,就是要为人类的繁荣和平和幸福而奉献。 God-given life, is to be dedication for the prosperity of human peace and happiness.
4、人品等于财富,奉献等于积蓄。 Virtues are equal to fortunes, and giving is equal to saving.
5、人,就应该像牛一样劳作,像土地一样奉献。 Man, you should work like a cow, like land, dedication.
6、你曾经过我的世界,我奉献你阳关灿烂。 Have you ever after my world, I offer you sunny.
7、创业信念:执着追求,甘于奉献。 Business belief: pursuit, dedicated.
8、别人无私的奉献,你是否当成理所当然? Others unselfish dedication you for granted?
9、办教育讲的是奉献,不要张口闭口就谈待遇。 Office of education is dedicated, don't talk about mouth closed treatment.
10、善良并不是无私奉献,而是在不损害自己利益的情况下,做出的奉献。 Kindness is not selfless dedication, but without prejudice to its own interests, make the commitment.上一页12下一页
11、喜欢一个人,就是可以为他奉献一切,甚至是青春。 Like a person, is the ability to sacrifice everything for him, even the young.
12、在**中我们需要能有所奉献的人,而不是想有所收获的人。 We need in politics man, have something to give not men who have something to get.
13、奉献的一方需要勇气,接受奉献的一方更需要勇气。 To accept and party need courage it takes more courage to one side.
14、布施,奉献自己,成就他人,扶持众生。新的人生开始! Others alms, their dedication, achievement, support all beings. Start a new life!
15、当你服务他人的时候,人生不再是毫无意义的。 When you serve others, no longer life is meaningless.
16、我们应当在不同的岗位上,随时奉献自己。 We should be in different positions, to devote himself at any time.
17、我们必须奉献于生命,才能获得生命。 We have to give to life, life can be attained.
18、我应当生活得仿佛我的生命完全是为了别人的利益而存在似的。 I should live as if my life is completely in order to exist in the interests of others.
19、我把十年的青春,奉献到你十年的沧桑上。 I have ten years of youth, dedicated to the you ten years of vicissitudes of life.
20、我把心中的热血奉献给你,让后,你就让我的血,流到了地上。 I put the blood of the heart dedicated to you, then, you let my blood flow to the ground.
21、我有时候,奉献的人需要勇气,被奉献的人更需要勇气。 I sometimes, people need courage, to offer is dedicated people need more courage.
22、我没有别的东西奉献,唯有辛劳泪水和血汗。 I don't have anything else, only toil tears and sweat.
23、把别人的幸福当做自己的幸福,把鲜花奉献给他人,把棘刺留给自己! The happiness of others astheir own happiness and flowers dedicated to others, the thorns to yourself!
24、把我热血奉献给我的青春,红配绿,是无畏无惧。 My blood to my youth red with green, is fearless.
25、拼却老红一万点,换将新绿百千重。 But spelling old red point, change the green BaiQian heavy. At the end of a deadwood, boil, dedication, is the burning of the salary.
26、捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去。 Holding a heart, don't take half a grass.
27、最怕的就是你奉献了所有的爱的人不愿意将他所有的爱奉献给你。 The most afraid of be you give all the people don't want to love him all my love to you.
28、有时候,你能奉献给别人的最美好的礼物,是保持缄默。 Sometimes, you can be the best present to others, is to remain silent.
29、来到这个世界上,唯一能做的贡献只有奉献自己的一生。 Came to this world, only can do contribution only dedicated his life.
30、永远勿需真情,也无法换来真爱。但须奉献灵魂,即可改变一生。 Don't need to love forever, also cannot buy true love. But must give the soul, can change life.
31、没有奉献精神,创业很难实现。 Without dedication, business is difficult to achieve.
32、爱不是刻意地追求,是不由自主奉献所有。 Love is not deliberately pursue, are all spite of devotion.
33、爱情存在于奉献的欲望之中,并把情人的快乐视作自己的快乐。 Love exists in dedication of desire, and the lover's happiness as his own happiness.
34、真正的朋友是什么?是奉献,而不是占有! A true friend is? Is giving, not possession!
35、真诚也有被误解的时候,但为了爱,我仍把心真诚地奉献。 Sincerely have misunderstood, but for the sake of love, I am still devote your heart sincerely.
36、脑中回忆着过去,眼泪奉献给此刻。 Mind remembering the past, the tears at the moment.
37、自己无私奉献过的事,不是白费的,自己开心就是值得了。 Their selfless dedication things, not in vain, oneself happy is worth it.
38、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。 Oneself live, is to make others a more beautiful.
39、若不能奉献真诚,又何必微笑相对。 If not sincere dedication, relative why smile.
40、要求于人的甚少, Request for little, give people very much, this is the style of the pine tree.
41、要重返生活就须有所奉献。 To return to life is has contributed to.