1、一叶浮萍归大海,人生何处不相逢。 One leaf is the sea, the life is not met.

2、不在乎不在乎的,在乎值得在乎的。 Don't care about it, care about it.

3、不怕天,不怕地,就怕自己不争气。 Fear not the heavens, but fear the earth.

4、不是伤心就会哭,不是快乐就会笑。 If you are not sad, you will cry, not when you are happy.

5、不爱我的我不想,讲的洒脱却感伤。 Don't love me I don't want, talk of free but sentimental.

6、不管以后如何, No matter what happens in the future, it's important to be happy every day.

7、人生包含着一天,一天象征着一生。 Life consists of a day, a day a life.上一页12下一页 I will be with you, and I will be happy tomorrow.

8、人生就像斗地主,一切都是未知数。 Life is like a landlord, everything is unknown.

9、人类与野兽相伴,痛苦与快乐并存。 Man and beast go together, pain and happiness coexist.

10、任何不为人知的情感,存在即合理。 The existence of any unknown emotion is reasonable.

11、你否定我的现在,我决定我的未来。 You deny me now, I decide my future.

12、你总有让我想跟你共度余生的魔力。 You always have the magic that makes me want to spend the rest of my life with you.

13、你是牵动我全盘喜怒哀乐的小感情。 You are the little feeling that affects my whole happiness and sorrow.

14、你爱的只是回忆,还有不甘心失去。 All you love is memory, and not willing to lose.

15、你用你的演技,成功的把我我颓废。 You used your acting skills to make me decadent.

16、做个骄傲的男人,不娶平胸的女人。 Be a proud man, don't marry a flat-chested woman.

17、冬天虐我千百遍,我对被窝如初恋。 I have been a first love for my bed.

18、冷对人生淡相会,自默流泪何滋味? Cold to life light meeting, from the mo tears what flavor?

19、出了差错了才后悔自己就没有用心。 It is a mistake to regret that you have no intention.

20、刀子划的不深不浅。还不足以致命。 The knife is not shallow. Not enough to kill.

21、华丽的背后。不是沧桑。而是肮脏。 Behind the gorgeous. It's not vicissitudes. It's dirty.

22、单单你的名字,就够我爱一世的了。 Your name alone is enough for me.

23、原来我爱你很容易说,但不容易做。 It turns out that I love you is easy to say, but not easy to do.

24、只恨初见美如玉,更怨人间太匆匆。 Hate the first sight of beauty, but the world is too hasty.

25、只有自己架起的支柱才是最牢固的。 Only the pillars that you build are the strongest.

26、可能不舍得的,不是你,而是昨天。 It's not you, it's not you, it's yesterday.

27、喜欢你,那种想把你娶回家的喜欢。 Like you, the one who wants to marry you.


29、宁愿俩个人抱怨,不要一个人挂念。 I'd rather two people complain than hang up.

30、宁愿假装洒脱,也不愿卑微的苛求。 Better to pretend to be free than to be humble.

31、就这样陪着你,愿明天幸福依然在。If you remove your head, I can admit that you are handsome.

32、年华一去不复返,事业放弃在难成。 It is a long time to get back.

33、年少不轻狂,到老了拿什么说当年。 Young and undazed, to old what to say.

34、当初的誓言太完美,让相思化成灰。 The original oath is too perfect to let the lovesickness into ashes.

35、悲伤逆流成河,我为谁而不顾一切。 Sorrow goes against the river, for whom I am desperate.

36、我、只适合做妻子,不适合做情人。 I'm just a wife, not a lover.

37、我一直在你身后,只差你一个回头。 I have been behind you, only you a turn back.

38、我们之间的爱情,永远画不上句号。 The love between us never ends.

39、我们只是朋友,也只能够只做朋友。 We are just friends and can only be friends.

40、我们永远活在对方心中,不离不弃。 We will always live in each other's heart, never abandon.

41、我们都没有错,只是放手比较好过。 We're all right. It's better to let go.

42、我叫泓,所以你的欺骗如洪水涌来。 My name is hong, so your deception is flooding in.

43、我宁可痛快的哭,也不要牵强的笑。 I would rather cry than make a farfetched smile.

44、我想让你牵我的手、从心动到古稀。 I want you to take my hand, from heart to ancient.

45、我是光棍我可耻,我给国家浪费纸。 I'm ashamed of being single. I'm wasting paper on the country.

46、我永远是你,翱翔天空最美的彩虹。 I will always be you, the most beautiful rainbow in the sky.

47、我爱你没有保留,我爱你就到最后。 I love you is not preserved, I love you is the end.

48、我爱你,没有什么目的,只是爱你。 I love you, no purpose, just love you.

49、我的生命里不是朋友,便是陌生人。 My life is not a friend, but a stranger.

50、我的胖只是暂时,你的丑才是永恒。 My fat is only temporary, your ugliness is eternal.

51、我还没有初恋,不知爱情有多甜蜜。 I still have no first love, I don't know how sweet love is.

52、有人说,没有面包的爱情会饿死的。 Some say that love without bread will starve to death.

53、横眉冷对奸夫耻,松土甘为裙底牛。 He is ashamed of the adulterer, and the turkith is a nepotig.

54、永不放弃是你梦想实现的唯一秘诀。 Never give up is the only secret to your dream.

55、狼的狼性给了人,人的人性给了狗。 The Wolf of the Wolf sex gives the human, human humanity to the dog.

56、生死情谊不抛弃,轮回转世是兄弟。 The camaraderie is not abandoned, the reincarnation is a brother.

57、相爱如饮酒,淡了无味,烈了伤喉。 Love is like drinking, it's tasteless, it's burning up your throat.

58、离开你以后我没有心跳,没有呼吸。 I didn't have a heartbeat, I didn't breathe when I left you.

59、脑袋空空不要紧,关键是不要进水。 The key is not to get into the water.

60、自古以来帅哥配美女,美女配*! Since ancient times handsome boy matches beautiful woman, beauty match dog excrement!

61、若能一切随他去,便是世间自在人。 If he could go with him, he would be at home.

62、街灯下的橱窗,有一种落寞的温暖。 The window in the street lamp, there is a kind of lonely warmth.

63、被爱人抱住时,就像拥有了全世界。 Being hugged by a lover is like having the world.

64、西门大官人和金莲的真挚爱情故事。The sincere love story of the west gate official and golden lotus.

65、诺言在美,终究敌不过时间的改变。 The promise is in the United States, but the enemy does not change in time.

66、输不起的人,往往就是赢不了的人。 People who can't afford to lose can't win.

67、退一步天高地阔,让三分心平气和。 Take a step back and make your peace.

68、酒到喝时方恨少,肉遇减肥才嫌多。 When it comes to drinking, it is not enough to lose weight.

69、青春终将散场,唯独记忆永垂不朽。 Youth will be scattered, but memory will never die.

70、风景依然如画,只是观看需要代价。 The landscape is still picturesque, it's just a price to watch.

71、风若能为莪停留,便会为莪停留。 If the wind can stay for me, you will stop for me.

72、高尚的娱乐,对人生是宝贵的恩物。 A noble entertainment is a valuable boon to life.
