1、一无所有就是我拼的理由。 There's no reason to fight.

2、一杆长枪在手,天下**归我有! A lance in hand, the world I have to chrysanthemum!

3、上坟的时候注意点别点错技能。 "When the attention point do not wrong skills.

4、不再沉寂的活着,我要重启我的骄傲。 No longer silent alive, I want to restart my pride.

5、不是一辈子的人就别说一辈子的话。 Not a lifetime of people do not say a lifetime of words.

6、不是每个人能像我一样害怕失去你。 Not everyone can be afraid of losing you like I do.

7、不要拿你的曾经,去评论我的未来。 Don't take your once, to comment on my future.

8、中国人妖哪家强,涞源晶华找妞妞。 Chinese Simon what is strong, Laiyuan Jinghua findgirl.

9、为了衣锦还乡我早就不敢泪眼两行。 I would not cry for a homecoming for two.

10、人生就像一盘棋,一步错步步错。 Life is like a game of chess, onestep wrong step by step wrong.

11、但愿人长久 Danyuanrenchangjiu, there is no longer a bachelor.

12、你们家里没厕所吗,你来这里乱喷? You don't have a toilet at home, do you come here?

13、你左脑是水,右脑是粉,一动就成糊。 Your left brain is water, the right brain is easily into a paste powder.

14、你是个什么选手在这儿和我鬼扯? What player are you here with me?

15、你替她挡了酒,就不再是我的英雄。 You stop the wine for her, it's no longer my hero.上一页12下一页

16、你永远是我的唯一,其他的我谁都不要。 You will always be my only, the other I do not.

17、你火力猛不猛,关键得看谁捧。 Your firepower is not fierce, the key to see who holds.

18、你的长相就是毁三观的代表。 Your appearance is destroyed three concept.

19、你笑的样子晴朗了所有的天空。 You're smiling all the way up the sky.

20、你给我倾城时光,我给你一世温暖。 You give me the time, I give you warmth.

21、侥幸的人生,活不出人样。 Lucky life, not live out people like.

22、俗话说天妒英才,所以人还是蠢点好。 As the saying goes, genius, so people still silly good.

23、八戒别以为你站在路灯下就是夜明猪了。 Don't think you stand in the street light is the night bright pig.

24、关于明天的事,我们后天就知道了。 About tomorrow, we will know the day after tomorrow.

25、别把我的宽容当做你不要脸的资本。 Don't put my tolerance as you shameless capital.

26、别说我冷,暖的时候你没珍惜而已。 Don't say I'm cold, warm when you didn't cherish it.

27、原谅我在你想我的时候不能陪在你身边。 Forgive me I can't be with you when you think of me.

28、只想念不联系只关注不打扰。 Only miss not only concern not to bother.

29、只是在适当的时候遇到了你。 Just met you at the right time.

30、只有彼此在乎,才配拥有幸福。 Only care about each other, only with happiness.

31、只要你过得比我好,死的一定早。 As long as you live better than me, die early.

32、咱掏心掏肺地说吧,你能撑起一青楼。 I Taoxintaofei to say, you can prop up a brothel.

33、在一天是一天吧毕竟离开是必然的。 In one day is a day, after all, it is inevitable to leave.

34、坠入情网的女人老爱自作多情。 The old woman fall in love love love.

35、大哥,把你脸上的分辨率调低点好吗? Big brother, is it good to put the resolution on your face?

36、天下乌鸦一般黑,天下基佬一大堆。 The crow is black, the world a lot of gay.

37、失望到了尽头心便不会再瞎闹。 Down to the end of heart will never fool around.

38、女人不花心,又怎么对得起貌美如花。 The woman did not bother, and how beautiful.

39、女生只会欺负对她好的男生。 The girls will only bully to her boy.

40、好喜欢你看不惯我又干不掉我的样子。 Good love you could not understand me and do not drop me.

41、如果最后能在一起晚点真的无所谓。 If we can finally be together, it really doesn't matter.

42、姐不是蒙娜丽莎,没必要对谁都微笑。 Elder sister is not Monalisa, no need to smile to everyone.

43、宁可胖的精致,也不要瘦的雷同。 Would rather fat delicate, also do not thin the same.

44、屁,就是你吃下去的食物们不屈的灵魂。 Fart, is the food you eat the indomitable soul.

45、彪悍的人生不需要解释! Tough life does not need to explain!

46、待你长发及腰,我便咔嚓一刀。 To be your long hair and waist, I will click a knife.

47、心冷之后,殷勤是我最不需要的东西。 When the heart is cold, the attention is the thing that I do not need.

48、忘不掉也要忘掉,做不到也要做到。 Forget not to forget to forget, do not have to do.

49、忽然发现,一滴眼泪都变的那么奢侈。 Suddenly found that a drop of tears have become so luxurious.

50、怪我当初没有把她看穿。 No wonder I didn't see her right.

51、感谢你用离来的方式教会我坚强。 Thank you for the way you used to teach me how to be strong.

52、我不会刻意讨好你要走要留我不强求。 I won't try to please you to go to stay I don't insist.

53、我不信命,我只信双手去打。 I don't believe in life. I just believe in both hands.

54、我喜欢你却支支吾吾说不出来。 I love you but hesitated to say.

55、我是我。不必讨你喜。 I am me. You don't have to ask for your love.

56、我有感情洁癖,不能独有的我不要。 I have feelings of cleanliness, not unique to me not.

57、我有我的范儿,你们模仿不起的范儿。 I have my fan son, you can not imitate the fan.

58、我期待邂逅你我命中命中注定的爱。 I look forward to meeting you and I miss the love.

59、我爱我自己,情敌多点好吗? I love myself, rival more good?

60、我猜你在等一个不爱你的人爱上你。 I guess you're waiting for someone who doesn't love you.

61、我的字典里没有分手只有丧偶。 I didn't break up only widowed.

62、我的骄傲,不允许你来践踏。 My pride, don't allow you to trample.

63、我突然发现我同桌的同桌你好漂亮。 I suddenly found my sit at the same table, you are beautiful.

64、我要的爱情,就是你妈变我妈。 I want the love, is your mother change my mother.

65、我认真的时候,请你不要开玩笑。 When I'm serious, please don't make fun of me.

66、我这么出色,连猪都不瞧我一眼。 I'm so good, even the pigs don't look at me.

67、是我的你别动,不是我的你也给我放那。 Is my you move, not me you also put that to me.

68、是敌是友,别是狗。 Enemy is a friend, don't be a dog.

69、树欲静而风不止,我欲恋而她不在。 The tree is quiet and the wind is more than the wind, I want to love and she is not in.

70、桀骜不驯的女人才能称王。 Wild and intractable woman to win.

71、每个懂爱的人都会遇到一个不懂爱的人。 Everyone who knows love will meet a person who does not know how to love.

72、流氓子爱纹身穷人做梦都想开大奔。 Rogue love tattoo poor dreaming to drive benz.

73、清明节这是要逼我烧书的节奏啊! Ching Ming Festival this is to force me to burn the rhythm of the book ah!

74、清晨醒来阳光和你就是我想要的未来。 Wake up in the morning sunshine and you are the future I want.

75、爱自己就别让自己讨好自己讨厌的人。 Don't let yourself to please yourself.

76、状态是干出来的,而不是等出来的。 The state is dry, not waiting.

77、玩就大方的,爱就稳妥的。 Play is generous, love is safe.

78、用2B形容你,人家铅笔不乐意! Using 2B to describe you, people are not willing to pencil!

79、痴心不改将以情葬死海。 Chixinbugai will be buried in Dead Sea.

80、相爱的人怎么会输给距离败给时间。 How can people love lost distance lost to time.

81、看着你走在我的身后会有种安全感。 Watching you walk behind me there will be a sense of security.

82、笑是最真实的伪装泪是最*的释放。 Laughter is the most true camouflage tears are the most free release.

83、等我回来,就请你从我心里搬出去。 When I come back, please get out of my mind.

84、给你的青春怎么能没有喜怒哀乐。 How can not give you the passions of youth.

85、老衲法眼一睁,就知道你是个妖孽。 My eye open, you know you are an evildoer.

86、脑袋空不要紧,关键是不进水。 Head empty does not matter, the key is not water.

87、记住,劳资活着不是为了取悦任何人。 Remember that labor and capital are not living to please anyone.

88、谁三言两语撩拨了情意。 Who spun it in two words or three.

89、谁都以为自己会是个例外。 Who thought they would be an exception.

90、贱人好比狗,见人就乱吼。 Bitch like dogs, no screaming.

91、赖床是对周末最起码的尊重。 Stay in bed for a weekend at least respect.

92、跟我玩你指定输,整不好还得哭。 You assigned to play with me, the whole is not good to cry.

93、长不过执念短不过善变。 Long but short but fickle obsession.

94、长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极。 Everlasting longing for you does not have, short lovesickness infinite.

95、问女能有几多丑,恰似王八小九九。 Asked the woman to have many ugly bastard, like
