1、不劳而获的珍宝,不如劳动得来的羊羔。 Better a lamb by labor than a treasure by no labor.
2、人的生产生活,离不开劳动啊! People's production and life are inseparable from labor!
3、人,生而为劳动;鸟,生而为飞翔。 Man is born to work; birds are born to fly.
4、但得众生皆得饱,不辞羸病卧残职。 However, all living beings are satisfied and do not resign from the position of lying sick and disabled.
5、劳作带来利益,创造带来快乐。 Work brings benefits, creation brings happiness.
6、劳动人民堪伟大,创业建设兴华夏。 The working people are worthy of greatness, pioneering and building to prosper China.
7、劳动人民,是最美的。 The working people are the most beautiful.
8、劳动使人充实,劳动令人快乐。 Labor makes people full and labor makes people happy.
9、劳动使人勤奋,劳动让你得到快乐。 Labor makes people diligent, and labor makes you happy.
10、劳动使人的生活,变得富有并有质量。 Labor makes people's life rich and quality.
11、劳动创造未来,拼搏成就梦想。 Labor creates the future and hard work makes dreams come true.
12、劳动创造财富,不劳动者不得食。 If labor creates wealth, it is impossible for workers to eat.
13、劳动可以使平时变为节日。 Labor can turn peacetime into a festival.
14、劳动支撑了,世界! Labor supports the world!
15、劳动教养了身体,学习教养了心灵。 Labor brings up the body and learning brings up the mind.
16、劳动点亮,生命的灯。 Labor is the light of life.
17、劳动的伟力,抵达梦想的彼岸。 The great power of labor, to reach the other side of the dream.
18、大事业来自于小进步。 Big business comes from small progress.
19、如果不付出劳动,就不可能得到收获。 If you don't work, you can't get something.
20、幸福劳动,劳动带给你更多幸福! Happy labor, labor brings you more happiness!
21、春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes.
22、灵感,是由于顽强的劳动而获得的奖赏。 Inspiration is a reward for hard work.
23、热爱劳动,精彩人生。 Love labor, wonderful life.
24、科学是到处为家的。 Science is everywhere for home.
25、美好生活,劳动创造。 A better life is created by labor.
26、美好生活,需要靠劳动去创造。 A good life needs to be created by labor.
27、自己的手就是大自然的统治者。 Your hand is the ruler of nature.
28、贤者不悲其身之死,而忧其国之衰。 The sage is not sad about his death, but worried about the decline of his country.
29、赖其力者生,不赖其力者不生。 He who depends on his strength will live, and he who does not depend on his strength will not live.
30、辛勤的劳动者,最伟大的人! Hard worker, the greatest man!