1、不怕失败者,则必成功。 If you are not afraid of failure, you will succeed.

2、不敢生病,因为没有人照顾! I dare not be sick, because no one is looking after me!

3、不管你是否察觉,生命都一直在前进。 Life goes on whether you realize it or not.

4、人之心胸,多欲则窄,寡欲则宽。 A man's mind is narrow if he wants more, broad if he wants less.

5、人可以被毁灭,但不可以被打败。 Man can be destroyed, but not defeated.

6、人生,没有一条路是白走的。 Life, there is no way to go for nothing.

7、仅有自我强大,才不会被别人践踏。 Only when we are strong can we not be trampled by others.

8、今年再大的事,到了明年就是故事。 No matter how big this year is, next year is the story.

9、你的努力,决定了你的未来。 Your efforts determine your future.

10、你自管努力,上天自有安排。 You are in charge of your own efforts, and God will make your own arrangements.

11、你若不成长,谁来替你坚强。 If you don't grow up, who will be strong for you.

12、你阳光,世界也会因你而光彩。 You sunshine, the world will be brilliant because of you.

13、再成功的人,也有失败的时候。 No matter how successful you are, there will be times of failure.

14、努力付出,岁月不会辜负你。 Work hard, time will not let you down.

15、只以微笑面对,做尘世间最好的自己。 Just smile and be the best self in the world.

16、只有全力以赴,梦想才能起飞。 Only with all efforts can dreams take off.

17、哭了没人疼,我就自己擦眼泪。 Cry no one hurt, I wipe my own tears.

18、唯累过,方得闲。 Only tired, then leisure.

19、在厄运中崛起,我们坚强了。 Rising in the face of adversity, we are strong.

20、在心里埋下火种,逆风也能燃烧。 If you plant fire in your heart, it will burn against the wind.

21、在绝望中重生,我们成熟了。 Born again in despair, we are mature.

22、坚强的女人是会哭,但绝不会认输。 Strong women cry, but never give up.

23、如果命运不宠你,请你别伤害自己。 If fate doesn't favor you, please don't hurt yourself.

24、宁可清贫自乐,不可浊富多忧。 It is better to be poor and happy than to be rich and worried.

25、当你停止尝试时,就是失败的时候。 When you stop trying, you fail.

26、心存他人,真情就会回报你。 Take care of others, and the truth will return to you.

27、怎能轻易被打败,我们只会越来越强。 How can we be defeated easily? We will only become stronger and stronger.

28、想干总有办法,不想干总有理由。 There is always a way to do it, there is always a reason not to do it.

29、成功者绝不放弃,放弃者绝不成功。 Winners never give up, quitters never succeed.

30、我不敢偷懒,因为我还要生活。 I dare not be lazy, because I have to live.

31、我不敢说累,因为我没有成就。 I dare not say tired, because I have not achieved.

32、我们走得太快,灵魂都跟不上了。 We went so fast that our souls couldn't keep up.

33、改变,永远不嫌晚。 It's never too late to change.

34、放弃,不是生命的绝对。 Giving up is not the absolute of life.

35、放心吧,你一定可以做得到的。 Don't worry, you can do it.

36、放手去做,执着坚持。 Let go and stick to it.

37、更新你的思想,你就能获得新生。 Update your mind, and you'll get new life.

38、最终能决定你到哪里的,只有你自己。 In the end, you are the only one who can decide where you are going.

39、有恒心,有毅力,百折不挠不认输。 Perseverance, perseverance, perseverance and never give up.

40、有理想,有目标,攒足力量向前冲。 Have ideal, have goal, gather enough strength to rush forward.

41、未来美不美,取决于你现在拼不拼。 The beauty of the future depends on whether you spell it now or not.

42、海到无边天作岸,山登绝顶我为峰! When the sea reaches the boundless sky, I will be the peak of the mountain!

43、烦恼的时候,换个思维去排解。 When you are upset, change your mind to solve it.

44、生命不息,奋斗不止。 Life goes on, struggle goes on.

45、生如夏花之灿烂,死如秋叶之静美。 Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

46、生活的滋味,甘苦互依,咸涩共存。 The taste of life depends on each other, salty and astringent.

47、生活,你给我压力,我还你奇迹! Life, you give me pressure, I return your miracle!

48、目标再远大,终离不开信念去支撑。 No matter how ambitious the goal is, it cannot be supported without faith.

49、相信自己,你就一定可以做得到! Believe in yourself, you can do it!

50、经历付出了代价,也锤炼了成长。 Experience paid a price, but also tempered growth.

51、给自己一次机会,给自己一次改变。 Give yourself a chance, give yourself a change.

52、自卑的时候,换个想法去对待。 When you feel inferior, change your mind.

53、自己选择的路,跪着也要把它走完。 Choose your own way, kneel and walk it out.

54、要成功,需要跟成功者在一起。 To succeed, you need to be with the winners.

55、许多事情,坚持坚持,就过来了。 Many things, stick to it, and come.

56、读好书,走好路。 Read a good book, walk a good road.

57、谁有进取的意志,谁就干得成。 Whoever has the will to forge ahead will succeed.

58、追求让人充实,分享让人快乐。 Pursuit makes people full, sharing makes people happy.

59、青春如此短暂,可却还没学会珍惜。 Youth is so short, but we haven't learned to cherish it.

60、面对失败,不必要低头。 In the face of failure, there is no need to bow.

61、领导力不是训练人,是选对人。 Leadership is not about training people, it's about choosing the right people.

62、风吹雨打知生活,苦尽甘来懂人生。 The wind and rain know life, and the bitterness and the willingness to understand life.

63、鸟贵有翼,人贵有志。 Birds have wings, people have aspirations.