1、一个人越敢于担当大任,他的意气就越风发。 The more a person to take on responsibilities, his back to the more energetic.

2、一个人,要替自己的所作所为担负全部的责任。 A person, to all of the responsibility for their own actions.

3、一个有责任的人,是没有死亡的权力的。 A responsible person, it is not the power of death.

4、世间的人要对法律负责任。修行的人要对因果负责任。 The person must be responsible for the legal thing in the world. Man of practice must be responsible for cause and effect.

5、人只因承担责任才是*的。这是生活的真谛。 Because responsibility is freedom. This is the true meaning of life.

6、人生来就是要担负责任的,唯一不用担负责任的只有死人。 To take responsibility in life, the only only the dead don't have to take responsibility.

7、人生须知负责任的苦处,才能知道尽责任的乐趣。 Information responsible suffering in life, to know the pleasure of responsibility.

8、人生须知道有负责任的苦处,才能知道有尽责任的乐处;责任是要解除了才没有,并不是卸了就没有。 Must know how responsible suffering in life, to know there is responsibility of joy; Responsibility is to remove the didn't, and is not removed, there is no.上一页12下一页 The responsibility of the man will try my best to do what can do.

9、企业家的境界:把关爱注入大地,把责任写上天空。 The state of entrepreneurs: the love into the earth, the responsibility to write the sky.

10、你不可能代替谁负起责任。这里好比沙漠,我们大家只能适应沙漠。 You can't replace who take responsibility. Here is like a desert, we can only adapt to the desert.

11、你若希望你的孩子总是脚踏实地,就要让他们负些责任。 If you want your children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.

12、历史和哲学负有多种永恒的责任,同时也是简单的责任。 Have a variety of eternal responsibility history and philosophy, and is also the responsibility of the simple.


14、否定责任是让人不去承担责任。 No responsibility is to let a person not to bear the responsibility.

15、对恋人的每一次承诺都要放上天平,这天平的另一端放的对社会的责任。 Lovers every promise to put balance, this put the other end of the scale of social responsibility.

16、尊重他人的有责任感的孩子,产生于爱和管教适当结合的家庭中。 Respect other people's children sense of responsibility, have an in discipline appropriate combination of love and family.

17、当劳动是种快乐时,生活是美的;当劳动是一种责任时,生活就是奴役。 When work is a kind of happiness, life is beautiful. When work is a duty, life is slavery.

18、我不知道什么叫做在一起,我只知道什么叫负责任。 I don't know what is called together, I know only that what is responsible.

19、我们不能将我们的责任交给下一代人! We can't our responsibility to the next generation!

20、我觉得如果我说喜欢她,就有责任一直喜欢下去,但任何责任对我来说,都太重了。 I think if I say like her, I have a responsibility to continue to be like, but any responsibility to me, is too heavy.

21、我认为,对一切来说,只有热爱才是最好的教师,它远远胜过责任感。 I think, for everything, only love is the best teacher, it is far better than the senseof responsibility.

22、提出目标是管理人员的责任,实际上这是他的主要责任。 Goal is the responsibility of the management is put forward, in fact, this is his main responsibility.

23、有人说:爱,是一种责任。原来责任,就是一辈子。 Someone says: love, is a kind of responsibility. Responsibility, is a lifetime.

24、每个人都有其生来的责任,丢弃责任的人,是可耻的。 Everyone has the responsibility, born discarding the responsibility, is shameful.

25、沉默是把选择权和两难困境一起交给心急如焚的对方,是不负责任,是躲避伤害。 Silence is the dilemma to choose and to prepare each other together, is irresponsible, is to avoid damage.

26、没有喜欢就不会有责任感,没有责任感喜欢也不能长久。 There is no love there would be no sense of responsibility, sense of responsibility like cannot last.

27、没有比演员更幸运的人了。他们可以不负任何责任而得到荣誉。 No more fortunate than actors. They can not take any responsibility and honor.

28、爱和责任往往是一起的,先一步爱了,后面就必然会承担责任。 Love and responsibility are often together, first step of love, behind will inevitably bear the responsibility.

29、爱是一种责任,不爱了,也要尽到责任。 Love is a kind of responsibility, the love, also want to their duty.

30、生命,如果跟时代的崇高的责任联系在一起,你就会感到它永垂不朽。 Life, if the associated with the era of high responsibility, you will feel it is immortal.

31、男人除了情感就剩下责任了,但责任对一个男人来说蛮重的。 Leaves the responsibility for men in addition to feelings, but pretty heavy responsibility for a man.

32、男子汉的责任就竭尽全力去做能够做到的事。 Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, but never an opportunity.

33、绝不往身上挪责任,但也绝不惧怕承担责任。 Never covered in little responsibility, but not afraid of responsibility.

34、能力越大,责任就大。 With great power comes great responsibility is big.

35、*意味着责任,这就是为什么大多数人都畏惧它的缘故。 Liberty means responsibility. That is why most people are afraid of it.

36、*的第一个意义就是担负自己的责任。 The first meaning of freedom is his own responsibility.

37、责任是你们上辈子的事,我的责任就是放弃责任。 Shangbeizi thing responsibility is to you, my responsibility is to give up responsibility.

38、责任者是为了背负责任而存在的。 Responsible to take responsibility.

39、责任,责任就是一切,至高的愉悦,最深的悲伤。 Responsibility, the responsibility is everything, and the high, the deepest sorrow.

40、领导者的责任,归纳起来, The leader's responsibility, sum up, the main is an idea, with two things.
