1、一个成功的创业者,三个因素,眼光、胸怀和实力。 A successful entrepreneur, three factors, vision, mind and strength.

2、一定要在阳光灿烂的时候去修屋顶,不要等到雨已经下的很大了才去修屋顶,那麻烦就大了。 Be sure to repair the roof when the sun is shining, do not wait until the rain has been great to repair the roof, it is a big trouble.

3、三个忘记:忘记年龄、忘记病痛、忘记恩怨。 Three forget: forget age, forget pain, forget.

4、不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵,但是一个当不好士兵的将军一定不是好将军。 A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, but a general who is not a good soldier is certainly not a good one.

5、不是你的公司在哪里,有时候你的心在哪里,你的眼光在哪里更为重要。 Where is your company, sometimes where your heart is, where your eyes are more important.

6、不管你拥有多少资源,永远把对手想得强大一点。 No matter how many resources you have, always think of your opponent a little bit more powerful.

7、世界上最不可靠的就是关系。 The most unreliable in the world is the relationship.

8、中国电子商务的人必须要站起来走路,而不是老是手拉手,老是手拉着手要完蛋。 Chinese e-commerce people have to stand up and walk, rather than always hand in hand, always hand in hand to be finished.

9、互联网像一杯啤酒,有沫的时候最好喝。 The Internet is like a glass of beer, the best time to drink when there is mo.

10、人还是要有梦想的,万一实现了呢? People still have to have a dream, in case to achieve it?

11、什么是团队呢?团队就是不要让另外一个人失败 What is a team? The team is not to let the other person fail, do not let the team any one failure.

12、什么都想自己干,这个世界上你干不完。 Do everything you want to do, you can't finish the world.

13、今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天很美好,但是绝大多数人死在明天晚上,见不着后天的太阳。 Today is very cruel, tomorrow is more cruel, the day after tomorrow is very beautiful, but the vast majority of people died in tomorrow night, can not see the day after tomorrow of the sun.

14、今天很痛苦,明天会更痛苦,后天很美好,但是我们都死在了明天的晚上。 Today is very painful, tomorrow will be more painful, the day after tomorrow is very beautiful, but we all die in the evening of tomorrow.

15、以前我的生活就是工作,以后我的工作就是生活。 Before my life is work, my job is to live.

16、任何一个失败的人是最容易找借口的,人们总是为失败找借口,不为成功找方向。 Anyone who fails is the most easyto find excuses, people always find an excuse for failure, not for the success of the direction.

17、伟人的巨大魅力来自他的平凡。 The great charm of a great man comes from his ordinary.

18、做小了,一定要做到独特。 A small, must be unique.

19、做战略最忌讳的是面面俱到,一定要记住重点突破,所有的资源在一点突破,才有可能赢。 Do the most taboo strategy is attends to every detail, certainly must remember key breakthrough, all resources in a breakthrough, only then has the possibility to win.

20、公关是个副产品,由于你解决了以后会逐渐传出去,这才是最好的公关。 PR is a by-product, because you will be able to gradually spread out later, this is the best public relations.

21、六人当中有人杰,七人当中有混蛋。 There are six VIP, seven people which bastard.

22、其实很多人的问题是因为他们回答的全是对的。 In fact, a lot of people's problems because they are all answered.

23、创业路上需要**,执着和谦虚,**和执着是油门,谦虚是刹车,一个都不能缺少。 Entrepreneurial road needs passion, dedication and humility, passion and dedication is the accelerator, modesty is the brake, one can not be missing.

24、发不出工资是领导者的耻辱。 No wage is a disgrace to the leader.

25、名声让我忧心,我见过太多飞上天空然后摔下的人了。 Fame makes me worry. I've seen too many to fly up to the sky and fall down.

26、启迪,我觉得启迪这两个字,我认为知识是可以灌输的,但是人类的智慧是启迪的,是唤醒的。 Enlightenment, I feel that the two words, I believe that knowledge can be taught, but the wisdom of mankind is enlightened, is awakened.

27、周瑜是被自己气死的,诸葛亮根本没气。 Zhou Yu was mad, Zhu Geliang does not have the gas.

28、喜欢的东西自己努力赚钱买。 Like the things you try hard to make money to buy.

29、在今天的商场上已经没有秘密了,秘密不是你的核心竞争力。 In today's shopping malls have no secret, the secret is not your core competitiveness.

30、天生我材必有用,我不相信有一流的人才,我只相信有一流的努力。 I am born to be useful, I do not believe that there is a first-class talent, I believe that only with first-class efforts.

31、如果你看了很多书,千万别告诉别人,告诉别人别人就会不断考你。 If you read a lot of books, don't tell others, tell others will continue to test you.

32、小公司的战略就是两个词:活下来,挣钱。 Small company's strategy is two words: live, earn money.

33、年轻人如果心存对未来的崇敬,对今天的认真踏实,对昨天的感恩,就会有机会。 If young people feel the respect for the future, for today's earnest and steadfast, for yesterday's Thanksgiving, there will be a chance.

34、成立公司,组织的目的是让平凡的人做出不平凡的贡献。 The establishment of the company, the purpose of the organization is to make ordinary people to make extraordinary contributions.

35、我们不能企求于灵感。灵感说来就来,就像段誉的六脉神剑一样。 We cannot seek for inspiration. The inspiration that come, like Duan Yu's Six Meridian Swords.

36、我们在社会上,比聪明已经没机会了,比勤奋那你更没机会,唯一能比的就是未来。 We in the community, than the smart has no chance, than the hard work that you have no chance, the only than is the future.

37、我们必须学会尊重和理解别人。很多时候发现我们缺的不是钙,而是爱! We must learn to respect and understand others. Many times we find that we are short of calcium, but love!

38、所有的创业者应该多花点时间,去学习别人是怎么失败的。 All the entrepreneurs should spend more time to learn how others fail.

39、把自负抛弃以后,情商就会高起来。 After you abandon the ego, emotional intelligence will be high.

40、改变是痛苦,但不改变会更加痛苦。 Change is pain, but not change will be more painful.

41、明白自己有什么,明白自己要什么,明白自己放弃什么。 Understand what you have, know what you want, and what you give up.

42、最优秀的创业一定是简单的!优秀公司一定是简单的! The best business is a simple one! Good company must be simple!

43、有时候把自己长项藏起来,弱项暴露出来没关系,这是我的建议。 Sometimes his long hidden weaknesses exposed, never mind, this is my suggestion.

44、每一笔生意必须挣钱,免费不是一个好策略,它付出的代价会非常大。 Every business must make money, free is not a good strategy, it will pay the price will be very big.

45、熬那些很苦的日子一点都不难,因为我知道它会变好。 It's not hard to get through the hard times, because I know it will get better.

46、玩硬件中国人不行,玩软件玩脑袋,中国人绝不比美国人差。 Chinese people do not play hardware, playing software to play the head, the Chinese people are not worse than the americans.

47、琴棋书画;琴是乐,乐是开心,乐是跟天堂相通的;棋是舍得;书是定力;画是想象力。 Music is the music, fancies of men of letters; music is happy, music is connected with heaven; chess is willing to book; concentration; painting is imagination.

48、生存下来的第一个想法是做好,而不是做大。 The first idea to survive is to do a good job, not to do it.

49、知识是可以灌输的,但是智慧是启迪的、唤醒的。 Knowledge can be taught, but wisdom is enlightened and awakened.上一页12下一页

50、短暂的**不值钱,长久的**才是赚钱的。 Short passion is not worth the money, long passion is to make money.

51、短暂的**是不值钱的,只有持久的**才是赚钱的。 Short of passion is not valuable, only lasting passion is to make money.

52、管理需要学问,领导力是门艺术! Management requires knowledge, and leadership is the art of the door!

53、聪明是智慧者的天敌,傻瓜用嘴讲话,聪明的人用脑袋讲话,智慧的人用心讲话。 Wisdom is the natural enemy of the wise, and the fool speaks with his mouth, and the wise man speaks with his head, and the wise man speaks with his heart.

54、胸怀要像大海一样大。 Mind to be as big as the sea.

55、要少开店、开好店,店不在于多,而在于精。 To open a shop, a good shop, shop is not much, but in essence.

56、记住,关系特别不可靠,做生意不能凭关系,做生意也不能凭小聪明。 Remember, the relationship is particularly unreliable, do business can not rely on the relationship, do business can not rely on small smart.

57、过了头的创意会让团队伤心。 Over the head of the creative team will be sad.

58、这个世界不是因为你能做什么,而是你该做什么。 This world is not because of what you can do, but what you should do.

59、银行不改变,我们就改变银行。 Banks do not change, we change the bank.

60、阿里巴巴的六脉神剑就是阿里巴巴的价值观:诚信、敬业、**、拥抱变化、团队合作、客户第一。 Alibaba six pulse divinesword is Alibaba's values: integrity, dedication, passion, embrace change, team work, customer first.

61、首富生活很痛苦,人人都围着我的钱转。 Life is very painful, everyone around me.

62、马云支招女人如何成功:不抱怨及懂得欣赏男人。 How Ma weapon success with women: do not complain and appreciate the man.
