1、一次感动一次流泪一次安慰最终回忆还是赢走了我的快乐。 Once touched tears once comfort memories still win away my happiness。

2、不属于自己、又何必拼了命的去在乎。 Does not belong to oneself, why spelled a life go to care about。

3、世上穷人那么多了,为什么还要算我一个。 The poor in the world so much, why should count me in。

4、两个人在一起最重要的是要彼此信任,而不是互相猜忌。 Two people together is the most important is to trust each other, rather than mutual suspicion。

5、中国的放假告诉了我一个道理,欠了的总是要还的! Holiday in China told me a truth, always also owe!

6、也许这只是一场梦,那么为什么你的微笑在回忆里散不去。 Perhaps it's just a dream, so why are you smiling in the memory scattered don't go。

7、以前的以前我很幸福,可是现在心已碎了,也没得什么好计较的。 Before before I am very happy, but now the heart has been broken, what also have no good care of。上一页12下一页

8、你不在,没有人再为了我的一句玩笑,拼了命。 You're not here, no one to I kidding, spelled a life。

9、你不知道,有些笑容,总以伤害自己为代价。 You don't know, some smiling face, always to hurt yourself。

10、你只有拥有了宁静的心灵,才能发现意想不到的美。 You only have the calm heart, to discover the beauty of unexpected。

11、你可以活在一个没有我的世界,可我却活在一个只有你的天空。 You can live in a world without me, but I live in a only your sky。

12、再也无法回到那挥臂呐喊的年纪,彼时你笑靥如花,张扬得漫山遍野又旁若无人。 Unable to return to the handwaving cry age, when you smile, make public slopes and money。

13、后来,我终于明白最珍贵的感情从来不用捧在手心。 Later, I finally understand the precious feelings never hold in the hand。

14、在深的记忆也敌不过一世的时间,在长的时间也敌不过错过的遗憾。 In the deep memory is the enemy of the time,but I also enemy but miss regret in long time。

15、女人胖是丰满,瘦是苗条,高是修长,矮是秀气。 Women fat is plump, thin is slim, high is slender, short is delicate。

16、女人连痛经都能忍了,男人为什么忍不住欲望! Women even can endure the pain, why men can't resist desire!

17、好想你可以看到沙滩上,那些字迹。 Good think you can see on the beach, the handwriting。

18、如果不是因为在乎,怎么会有这么多情绪。 If not for care, how can have so much emotion。

19、将薪比薪的想一下,算了,不想活了。 Will pay pay than think, forget it, don't want to live。

20、幸福为什么对我就这么苛刻,几次从我身边走过。 Happiness, why so hard to me, a few times past me。

21、幸福是什么?幸福就是你吃鱼,我吃肉,看着别人啃骨头。 What is happiness? Happiness is that you eat fish, I eat meat, looking at others chew bones。

22、当你难过的时候,我希望我能在你身边,尽全力让你笑起来。 When you are sad, I hope I can beside you, try my best to make you laugh。

23、当这个世界笑了,我也就合群的一起笑了。 When the world laugh, I will fit in with the laugh。

24、想的越厉害,吵的越厉害,伤的越重。 Want to the more powerful, the more powerful loud, the heavier injury。

25、我不会再像以前那样软弱,是你改变了我。 I will not be as weak as before, is that you changed me。

26、我不需要太多抱歉,我只要坦诚相待。 I don't need too much, I'm sorry, but I just be honest。

27、我们每个人都是梦想家,当梦走了,就只剩想家了。 Each of usis a dreamer, when dreams go, only want to home。

28、我可以爱的撕心裂肺,也可以走的干干脆脆! I can love tore heart crack lung, also can go dry simply brittle。

29、我想你,虽然对你不重要,但一定要记得,因为我会很开心。 I miss you, although is not important to you, but must remember, because I will be very happy。

30、我想知道哪天我喝醉了,一个人走在街头,会歇斯底里的喊出谁的名字。 I want to know which day I was drunk, a person walking in the streets, hysterical shout out who's name。

31、所谓的放假,不过是是换了个人少的地方做作业罢了。 The so-called holiday, but is a place where is less in the individual homework。

32、把脾气发出来那叫本能,把脾气忍回去那叫本事。 The temper to that call instinct, the temper bear back to that call。

33、明天越来越少,昨天越来越多。 Tomorrow is less and less, more and more yesterday。

34、明知道你的签名写的不是为我,而我却自欺欺人的对号入座。 Know your signature write is not for me, but I was self-deception accordingly。

35、是不是我不联系你,你也不会主动联系我。 I don't contact you, you will not take the initiative to contact me。

36、有些话说与不说都是伤害 Some words and don't say are hurt, some people stay and not leave。

37、有没有那么一个人,让你曾经发了疯的想,现在却拼了命的忘。 Have so a person, let you have mad want to, but now I spelled a life to forget。

38、母牛撞上高压线,真是牛逼带闪电。 Cow hit the high tension line, isreally cow force with lightning。

39、没有医保和寿险的,天黑后不要见义勇为。 No medical insurance and life insurance, don't do good after dark。

40、牵手拥抱亲嘴上床下床拜拜这就是所谓的爱情。 Hand in hand to embrace a kiss to go to bed bye bye this is the so-called love。

41、疼不疼只有自己知道,变没变只有自己懂。 Does it hurt only oneself know, become didn't change only oneself know。

42、笑自己多情的无所谓,其实也没真正爱过谁。 Laugh at my sentimental doesn't matter, actually didn't really loved who。

43、虽然你身上喷了古龙水,但我还是隐约能闻到一股人渣味。 Although you wear some cologne, I can vaguely smell a scum。

44、被生活压抑着的我,突然有了出家的念头。 Repressed by life, I suddenly had the idea of becoming a monk。

45、逝水流年的青春之痛,抵死纠缠的回忆之殇。 A mill time of youth, gore entanglement poignant memories。
