1、一个国家的科学水平可以用它消耗的数学来度量。 The scientific level of a country can use it to use mathematics to measure.

2、上帝之存在是因为数学是相容的,而魔王之存在是因为我们不能证明数学是相容的。 The existence of god is because mathematics is compatible, but the existence of the Lord because we can't prove that mathematics is compatible.

3、不管数学的任一分支是多么抽象,总有一天会应用在这实际世界上。 No matter how any branch of mathematics abstraction, will one day be used in the actual world.

4、假如别人和一样深刻和持续地思考数学真理,他们会作出同样的发现的。 If someone as deeply and constantly thinking and mathematical truth, they will make the same discovery.

5、发现每一个新的群体在形式上都是数学的,因为我们不可能有其他的指导。 Found that each new groups are mathematical in form, because it is impossible for us to have other guidance.

6、在数学中最令我欣喜的,是那些能够被证明的东西。 In mathematics the most delighted me, are those who can prove.

7、在数学中,我们发现真理的主要工具是归纳和模拟。 In mathematics, we found that the truth is the main tool and simulation.

8、大自然是用数学语言写成的书。 Nature is the book written in mathematical language.

9、如果别人思考数学的真理像我一样深入持久,他也会找到我的发现。 If other people's thinking of mathematical truth deep lasting, like me, he will find me.

10、宇宙的伟大建筑是现在开始以纯数学家的面目出现了。 The great buildings of the universe is now pure mathematician face appeared.

11、所谓特殊的数学才能,不妨说是非常确切的记忆力加上异常敏锐的注意力。 The so-called special mathematical ability, might as well say it's very exact memory and unusually keen attention.

12、掌握数学思想,就是掌握数学的精髓。 Master mathematics thought, is to grasp the essence of mathematics.

13、数学中最牢固的三角形状,在感情上恰恰是最脆弱的关系。 In mathematics, a triangular shape, the strongest in the emotional relationship is themost vulnerable.

14、数学主要的目标是公众的利益和自然现象的解释。 Mathematics the main goal is public interests and the interpretation of the natural phenomena.

15、数学家本质上是个着迷者,不迷就没有数学。 Fascinated mathematicians in essence is a person, no fan, no maths.

16、数学并不会使人脱离现实世界,恰恰相反,数学牵引着现实,让人更加接近现实,让现实更加清晰。 Mathematics does not make people out of the real world, on the contrary, mathematics leads the reality, let people more close to reality, let the reality more clearly.

17、数学指出函数的极大值往往在最不稳定的点取到,人追求极端就会失去内心的平衡。 Mathematics is pointed out that the maximum of the function is often in the most unstable points to get, people pursuit of extreme balance will lose heart.

18、数学方法渗透并支配着一切自然科学的理论分支。它愈来愈成为衡量科学成就的主要标志了。 Mathematical method penetration and dominate all branches of natural science theory. It becomes more and more become a symbol of the primary measure of scientific achievements.

19、数学是一种理性的精神,使人类的思维得以运用到最完善的程度。 Mathematics is a kind of rational spirit, makes possible the use of the human mind to the point of the most perfect.

20、数学是各式各样的证明技巧。 Mathematics is a wide variety of skills.

21、数学是打开科学大门的钥匙。 Mathematics is the key that opens the door to science.

22、数学是研究现实生活中数量关系和空间形式的数学。 Mathematics is the study of quantitative relationship between real life and space form of math.

23、数学是科学的女王,而数论是数学的女王。 Mathematics is the queen of science, and the arithmetic is the queen of mathematics.

24、数学是科学的皇后。 Mathematics is the queen of science.

25、数学的尽头是哲学,哲学的尽头是神学 Math is at the end of philosophy, philosophy is at the end of theology. So, I am on the way to philosophy, dead in the world of mathematics.

26、数学的最终目的是不需要智能的思考。 The ultimate goal of mathematics is not to need to smart thinking.

27、数学虐我千百遍,我待数学如初见。 Mathematics abuse my hundreds of times, I stay mathematics such as first.

28、新的数学方法和概念,常常比解决数学问题本身更重要。 New mathematical methods and concepts, often more important than itself to follow in solving math problems.

29、没有那门学科能比数学更为清晰的阐明自然界的和谐性。 Without the discipline than math more clearly clarify the harmony of nature.

30、物理是上帝的游戏,数学是上帝的游戏规则。 Physics is god's game, mathematics is the rules of the game of god.

31、突然感觉数学和我相距很遥远,语文是我的太阳,英语是我的月亮,而数学只是天边一颗闪也不闪的星星。 Suddenly feel math and I are very far apart, the language is my sun, English is my moon, and mathematics is a flash of nor flash star sky.上一页12下一页

32、经济学的尽头是数学,数学的尽头是哲学,哲学的尽头是神学。 The end of the economics is at the end of mathematics, mathematics is philosophy, philosophy is at the end of theology.
