1、亲爱的,儿童节来了,不管啥愿望,愿你快乐天天一个样。 Honey, Children's Day is coming. No matter what you wish, I wish you happiness is the same every day.

2、儿童节到了,祝你快快长大免我牵挂! Children's Day is coming. Wish you grow up soon so as not to worry about me!


4、儿童节快乐,永远童真的你!愿你永远保持一颗童心。 Happy Children's Day, you are always childish! May you always keep a childlike heart.

5、儿童节,愿你童心不老,快乐依旧,幸福永在,儿童节快乐! Children's Day, I wish you a child's heart is not old, happy still, happiness forever, happy Children's Day!

6、儿童节,祝你开心没烦恼,快乐来报到。 On Children's Day, I wish you happiness and no worries, happy to report.

7、儿童节,给自己心情放个假吧! Children's Day, give yourself a holiday!

8、六一儿童节来啦,祝福你,祝福我,祝福他,祝福我们大家! June 1 children's Day is coming, bless you, bless me, bless him, bless us all!

9、六一儿童节,祝福送到手,愿你找回那颗美丽的童心,幸福生活久又久。 On June 1, children's day, bless hands, wish you to find that beautiful childlike innocence and happy life for a long time.

10、在妈妈的眼里,你永远是妈妈小宝贝、小天使!妈妈永远爱你!儿童节快乐! In Mom's eyes, you are always Mom's baby and angel! Mother always loves you! Happy children's Day!

11、忙碌的生活中,迎来六一儿童节,放松心情,送上美好祝愿,祝你儿童节快乐。 In the busy life, welcome the children's day, relax, send good wishes, happy children's day.

12、愿你天天过六一,天天好心情。 May you have a good mood every day.

13、明天是儿童节,愿你重拾童年记忆,青春常在! Tomorrow is Children's Day. May your childhood memories be restored and your youth be always there!

14、祝大家童心常在,童趣常有,儿童节快乐! Happy Children's Day!

15、祝小朋友们节日快乐,学习进步。 I wish the children a happy holiday and progress in their studies.

16、童年是花朵,童年是种子,充满生机,富有活力,追忆童年,回味童年,快乐儿童节! Childhood is a flower, childhood is a seed, full of vitality, vitality, recall childhood, recall childhood, happy Children's Day!

17、童年最美,因为最真。年轻最好,因为一切皆有可能。祝六一儿童节快乐! Childhood is the most beautiful, because the most true. Youth is the best because everything is possible. Happy children's day.

18、让他们的欢歌笑语始终洋溢在脸上,象花一样绽放!让每天都是儿童节,快乐每一天! Let their joy and laughter always permeate their faces and blossom like flowers! Let every day be Children's Day, happy every day!

19、转眼间我们已经长大,在岁月的路途中我们并肩一起走,好朋友儿童节快乐! In a twinkling of an eye, we have grown up. On the way of the years, we walk side by side. Happy Children's Day to our good friends!上一页12下一页 Children's Day is approaching, I wish you a beautiful smile forever!

20、这是属于孩子们的节日,让我们放下我们的要求,我们的约束,让孩子们尽情快乐的过节吧。 This is a festival for children. Let's put aside our demands, our constraints and let the children enjoy the festival.

21、青春不老,保持纯真的心,拥有甜美的微笑,孩童般的皮肤,无忧无虑的生活状态。 Youth is not old, keep a pure heart, have a sweet smile, childlike skin, carefree life.
