1、一直以来,感谢你对我的包容,感谢你对我的呵护,感谢你关注我的一举一动。 Thank you for your tolerance, for your care, for your attention to my every move.

2、为他人弯腰,拾起善意的心情;为他人着想,换来真切的感激。 Bend over for others, pick up a good mood, and give others a real appreciation.

3、人世间,最难忘的是情,最珍贵的是缘,最痛苦的是失去,而最美好的则是感恩。 In the world, the most unforgettable is love, the most precious is the fate, the most painful is to lose, and the best is gratitude.

4、人生于天地之间,戴天地之大恩,时时保有一颗感恩的心最为可贵。 Life is between heaven and earth. It is most precious to keep a grateful heart at all times.

5、人生旅程上,您丰富我得心灵,开发我得智力,为我点燃了希望得光芒,谢谢您! On the journey of life, you enrich my soul, develop my intelligence and light up my hope. Thank you.

6、任何言语已无法表达心中对您的感激。由衷感谢! No words can express your gratitude. Thank you very much!

7、你像春天里的新叶,沐浴在温暖的阳光下,纯净如一片碧玉。 You are like a new leaf in spring, bathed in warm sunshine, pure as a jasper.

8、你的友情,在我生活里就像一盏灯,照亮了我的心灵,使我的性命有了光彩! Your friendship, like a lamp in my life, illuminates my heart and makes my life glorious!

9、兄弟,感谢你一直以来对我的关心, Brother, thank you for your concern and help to me. I will remember your kindness to me.

10、千里之行,积于跬步;万里之船,成于罗盘;感谢领导平日的指点,才有我今天的成就。 A journey of a thousand miles is a step, a ship of ten thousand miles is a compass, and thanks to the leaders for their advice, I can achieve today's success.

11、因为能认识你而感到难忘,因为喜欢上你而感到快乐,会因为能得到你的爱而感到满足。 It's unforgettable to know you, happy to like you, and satisfied to be loved.

12、大恩不言谢,以后有什么用得上我的,尽管说!“患难见真知”,谢谢你帮我度过难关! Don't say thank you. What will be useful for me in the future? Thank you for helping me through the difficulties.

13、心灵的花朵需要永爱来浇灌,感激的世界需要用真情来装点。 The flower of the soul needs to be watered forever, and the grateful world needs to be decorated with true feelings.

14、怀有一颗感恩的心,能帮助你在逆境中寻求希望,在悲观中寻求快乐。 A grateful heart can help you find hope in adversity and seek happiness in pessimism.

15、感恩是用一颗充满爱的心来感受,是用一颗宽广的心来体会,使用一颗感谢的心来对待。 To meet and say goodbye, sail and sail away is the end of past happiness and the beginning of happiness in the future.

16、感恩,可以让世界更美丽;感恩,可以让爱情更亲密;感恩,同样可以让友情更顺利。 Thanksgiving can make the world more beautiful; Thanksgiving can make love more intimate; Thanksgiving can also make friendship more smooth.

17、感谢你真诚地携手送给我更多的温柔,往事无须频频回首,爱神在向我俩点头。 Thank you for your sincere hand in hand to give me more tenderness, the past need not look back, love is nodding to us.

18、感谢磨难,让我成长;感谢挫折,让我努力;感谢失败,给我经验;感谢成功,给我喜悦。 Thank you for the tribulation, let me grow; thank you for the setbacks, let me work hard; thank you for the failure, give me experience; thank you for the success, give me joy.

19、我支持你,今天你不仅是在正确的轨道上。你的课程设置为我们其余的。我很感激! I support you, and you are not only on the right track today. Your courses are for the rest of us. I appreciate it!

20、拥有感恩的心,你会感谢善良的人们给予你的每一份善意,无论相识不相识。 With a grateful heart, you will be grateful for every kindness that good people give you, whether you know someone or not.

21、换一种角度去看待人生的失意与不幸,怀着感恩的心生活,生活将赐予你灿烂的阳光。 Look at the frustration and misfortune of life in a different way. Live with gratitude and life will give you bright sunshine.

22、柳阴下别百般惆怅,同窗数载少年情长,望征程千种思绪,愿友情化为奋进的力量! Liu Yinxia do not all kinds of melancholy, classmates for several years young love, looking forward to the journey of thousands of thoughts, friendship into the force of forging ahead!

23、百年轮回千年等,他世不做陌路人。物事人非性已改,依旧不泯养鱼恩。 He will not be a stranger. Things are not changed, but they still do not eat fish.


25、真是太谢谢您了,要是没有您,我都真不知道怎么办才好。 Thank you very much. Without you, I really don't know what to do.

26、衷心谢谢你为我所做的一切!谢谢你帮我,祝你快乐,愿你岁岁平安,事事如意。 Thank you very much for everything you've done for me. Thank you for helping me. I wish you happiness.上一页12下一页 Gratitude is felt with a loving heart, with a broad heart, with a thankful heart.

27、谢谢上天让那么多人进出我的生命,没有他们,我的生命不会越来越完整。 Thank heaven for letting so many people in and out of my life. Without them, my life will not be more and more complete.

28、谢谢你!总是在我最失落的时候出现,有你这样的好朋友在我身边,我真的感到很幸福。 Thank you! Always appeared in my most lost time, has you such good friend in my side, I really feel very happy.

29、谢谢您一直以来对我们的关心,愿所有的幸福都追随着您,祝你身体健康,万事如意。 Thank you for your concern for us all the time. May all happiness follow you. Wish you good health and all the best.

30、赐予我生命者,赐予我一粥一饭者,赐予我无尽关爱者,我心中都存有无限的感激。 Give me life, give me a meal of porridge, give me endless love, I have unlimited gratitude in my heart.
