1、一周工作的疲倦,祝福到你面前虽然不常见面,友谊从未断线。 The weariness of a week's work greetings to you, though seldom seen, friendship never breaks.

2、一周的忙碌终于到了头,开心轻松的时候,千万别让他溜走,多想点办法享受哟。 A week of busy finally came to an end, happy and relaxed time, do not let him slip away, more ways to enjoy yo.

3、周末两天,尽情休闲,把忙碌挤干,让烦恼靠边,跟好运相伴,与快乐见面。 Weekend two days, enjoy leisure, busy squeeze dry, let trouble aside, with good luck, and happy to meet.

4、周末了,愿你忘记烦恼,好好休息。 Weekend, may you forget your worries and have a good rest.

5、周末了,朋友,常开心,常联络。 Weekend, friends, often happy, often contact.

6、周末到,尽情歌唱,让快乐飞进你的窗;烦恼释放,让岁月的诗句写满幸福的诗行。 Come on weekends, sing to your heart's content, let joy fly into your window, let worry be released, let the verses of the years fill the lines of happiness.

7、周末又至,友情常在,短信言未尽,唯愿友健康。 At weekends, friendship is always there.

8、周末多多聚会,友情最为珍贵,朋友真心相对,生活添点趣味,天天快乐相随! Weekend gatherings, friendship is the most precious, friends sincerely relative, life add a little fun, happy every day!

9、周末悄悄来到,与轻松手拉手,与快乐肩并肩, Weekends come quietly, hand in hand with ease, shoulder to shoulder with joy, say goodbye to troubles, and put stress aside.

10、周末悄然又来到,赖床休闲把茶泡。手机要关机,轻松不相离。祝您周末愉快! The weekend came quietly, and the tea was soaked in leisure. Mobile phones need to be switched off. Have a nice weekend!

11、周末来临,愿你保持愉快的心情,快活到老! When the weekend comes, I hope you will be happy and happy.

12、周末来临,短信发发,只为送上祝福,愿你开心快乐! When the weekend comes, text messages are sent out to send you blessings.

13、周末款款而来,心儿乐得要飞;阳光晒去疲惫,新鲜空气洗肺。 When the weekend comes, the heart will fly, and the sun will dry away, and the fresh air will wash the lungs.

14、周末相聚比蜜甜,开心快乐时常伴。 The weekend is better than honey.

15、在这个周末里,希望忙碌了一个星期的您能够好好地休息。 I hope you can have a good rest this weekend.

16、工作是船,成绩是帆,周末是港湾;洗去疲惫,绽开笑脸,周末大团圆;醒来是笑,睡去是甜,短信送去祝愿。 Work is a boat, achievement is a sail, weekend is a harbor; wash away tiredness, open a smiling face, weekend reunion; wake up is a smile, sleep is sweet, send a message to wish.

17、忙碌了一周的您感觉累吗?但愿我微不足道的问候,能驱除您一周的疲劳!周末愉快开心! Do you feel tired after a week's busy work? I hope my little greeting can dispel your fatigue for a week! Have a nice weekend!上一页12下一页

18、朋友,又是一个周末,忙完了一星期的工作,愿你过得快乐和满意! Friends, it's another weekend. After a week's work, I wish you a happy and satisfied life.

19、朋友,又是一个美丽的周末,愿你过得开心快乐! Friends, it's a beautiful weekend. May you have a good time!

20、朋友,祝你开心每一秒,快乐每一天,周末快乐。 Friends, I wish you every happy second, happy every day, happy weekend.

21、每一个周末,只能送出一份幸福,那我送的,永远是你。 Every weekend, you can only send one happiness. Then I will send you forever.

22、浓浓情谊,深深祝福,绵绵怀念,切切问候。愿你周末快乐,健康如意! Deep friendship, deep blessing, memories, greetings. May your weekend be happy and healthy!

23、盼望着,盼望着,周末来了,开心和愉快,幸福和满足,思念和祝福,也随着这条短信一起来了! Looking forward to, looking forward to, the weekend has come, happy and happy, happy and satisfied, miss and blessings, along with this message came!

24、祝愿你的周末时光,美妙异常,轻松愉快。 May your weekend be wonderful, relaxing and enjoyable.

25、送一份美丽让周末好心情,送一份关怀让您骄傲,送一份青春让您不老,送一份梦想让您实现。 Send a beautiful weekend good mood, send a care to make you proud, send a youth to make you old, send a dream to let you realize.

26、问候一声:周末好,愿凉爽的夏风吹走的是您的烦恼,带来的是一整个星期的好运。 Greetings: Good weekend. May the cool summer breeze blow away your troubles and bring a whole week of good luck.
