1、一个人的孤独是病人的逃避,另一个人的孤独是对病人的逃避。 One's loneliness is the escape of the patient, and the other's loneliness is the escape from the patient.
2、一个人若是知道自己为什么而活,就能忍受任何生活。 If a man knows why he lives, he can endure any life.
3、一般而言,母亲爱儿子身上的自己胜过爱儿子。 Generally speaking, the mother loves his son himself better than his son.
4、不相信自己的人总是在说谎。 People who do not believe in themselves are always lying.
5、不能服从自己的人,就要服从他人。这是有生命者的本性。 If you can't obey yourself, you must obey others. This is the nature of the living.
6、不要停在平原,不要登上高山,从半山上看,世界显得最美。 Don't stop in the plain, don't climb up the mountain. From half the mountain, the world looks the most beautiful.
7、与你身份相称的权力的份额,决定着等级的高下;剩下的都是孬种。 With your status power share, determines the level of the competition; the rest is.
8、习惯会使我们的双手伶俐而头脑笨拙。 Habits make our hands clever and our minds clumsy.
9、人的精神有三种境界:骆驼、狮子和婴儿。 There are three realms of human spirit: camels, lions and babies.
10、人类根本就是不平等的,况且,他们也不应该是平等的。 Human beings are fundamentally unequal, and besides, they should not be equal either.
11、人类的痛苦,莫过于在大海中渴死。 The pain of man is nothing more than dying of thirst in the sea.
12、人类,若不能超越自己,将是何等可悲的东西! What a sad thing that human beings will be if they can't surpass themselves!
13、他想要自己一个人走,因为他喜欢独行。 He wants to walk alone because he likes to walk alone.
14、你今天是一个孤独的怪人,你离群索居,总有一天你会成为一个民族! You are a lonely person, today you live alone, one day you will become a nation!
15、你想要他对你有好感吗?那你必须在他面前显得局促不安。 Do you want him to have a good feeling for you? Then you have to look awkward in front of him.
16、信仰就是不想知道真相是什么。 Faith is not wanting to know what the truth is.
17、先暗示自己前面没有了路,那即便事实上有路你也不会见到了。 It's a hint that you don't have a road in front of yourself, and you won't see it even if you actually have a way.
18、凡不能杀死我们的,终使我们更加强大。 All that can not kill us will make us stronger.
19、凡具有生命者,都不断的在超越自己。而人类,你们又做了什么? All those who have life are constantly surpassing themselves. And man, what did you do?
20、受苦的人没有悲观的权利! The suffering man has no right to be pessimistic.
21、只有那登上最高山巅的人,才能嘲笑生命中所有真假游戏的悲哀。 Only the climb the highest mountain, to laugh at all true game in the life of sorrow.
22、国家所说的一切都是谎言,国家所拥有的一切都来自偷盗。 Everything the state says is a lie, and everything the state owns comes from stealing.
23、在和羞于表达自己感受的人们交往时,务必要会掩饰装糊涂。 When you are in contact with people who are ashamed to express their feelings, be sure to hide the confusion.
24、在现实中,希望是所有*中最糟糕的,因为它延长了一个人的痛苦。 In reality, hope is the worst of all the scourge, because it prolongs one's suffering.
25、在群众中你可以发现自己是寂寞的,但是却永远是不单独的。 You can find yourself lonely in the masses, but you can never be alone.上一页12下一页
26、在需要面前,一切理想主义都是虚伪的。 In the face of needs, all idealism is hypocritical.
27、大多数人只需极少的乐趣就能感受生活的美好,人是多么容易知足啊! Most people only need little fun to feel the beauty of life, how easy people are enough to be satisfied with!
28、大胜的最大好处,莫过于解除了胜利者对失败的恐惧感。 The greatest advantage of a great victory is to relieve the victor's fear of failure.
29、女人忘记如何妩媚动人的速度越快,学会憎恨他人的速度也就越快。 The faster women forget how to be charming and moving, the faster they learn to hate others.
30、如果你从一开始就不打算为自己的梦想负责,那你将永远无法实现它们。 If you don't intend to be responsible for your dreams from the beginning, you will never be able to achieve them.
31、如果没有音乐,生活就是一个错误。 If there is no music, life is a mistake.
32、婚姻不幸福,不是因为缺乏爱,而是因为缺乏友谊。 Marriage is not happy, not because of lack of love, but because of lack of friendship.
33、寂寞是一种心的疾病。单独是一种治疗。 Loneliness is a heart disease. Alone is a kind of treatment.
34、对于纯粹的认知者而言,知识无关紧要。 For pure cognition, knowledge is insignificant.
35、希望是万恶之首,它不断延长着人们的痛苦。 Hope is the first of all evil, it continues to prolong the pain of people.
36、希望是最坏的魔鬼,因为他延长了人类的痛苦。 Hope is the worst of the devil, because he has extended the suffering of mankind.
37、平淡的生活,往往是最危险的。 A dull life is often the most dangerous.
38、幸福是一种力量增加和阻力被克服的感觉。 Happiness is a sense of strength and resistance to be overcome.
39、幸福追逐我。这是由于我不追女人,而幸福就是一个女人。 Happiness chases me. This is because I do not chase women, and happiness is a woman.
40、强烈的希望,比任何一种已实现的快乐,对人生具有更大的激奋作用。 Strong hope than any realized happiness, excitement has effect on life.
41、当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。 When you look at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.
42、当你完全离弃我时,我将回归于你。 When you completely abandon me, I will return to you.
43、成为你自己!你现在所做、所想、所追求的一切,都不是你自己。 Be yourself! What you do, what you think, and what you pursue is not yourself.
44、我不伟大,可是我寻求伟大。 I am not great, but I seek greatness.
45、我不喜欢那些紧张的心灵,同时也讨厌那些钻牛角尖者。 I don't love those tense mind, but also those who hate you.
46、我已经写够了这个世界,现在让这个世界来写我吧! I have alreadywritten enough of the world, now let the world write me!
47、我想教给世人以生存的意义:这就是超人,从人的乌云中发出的闪电。 I want to teach the world the meaning of survival: This is the superman, the lightning from the dark clouds of human beings.
48、我是奔流旁边的栏杆,能抓紧我的人,抓住我吧!可我不是你们的拐杖。 I'm the railing next to the flow. I can grab my people and grab me! But I'm not your crutch.
49、我最大的痛苦是孤独这种孤独归因于个人无法与世界达成公识。 My greatest pain is that loneliness, a solitude, is attributable to the fact that individuals can not achieve public awareness of the world.
50、我祈求我的高傲要永远伴随我的智慧。 I pray that my pride will always be accompanied by my wisdom.
51、所有深刻的东西都喜欢面具。 All the deep things like masks.
52、所有深刻的东西都喜欢面具。最深刻的东西甚至憎恶映像和比喻。 All the deep things like masks. The most profound things even hate images and metaphors.
53、所有深奥的东西都喜欢面具:最深奥的东西甚至憎恨外形和相似。 All profound things like masks: the most profound things even hate the shape and the similarity.
54、所有那些现代作家都是曾经幻想过要做画家的人。 All the modern writers are people who once fantasized about being a painter.
55、所谓的自制,就是要与心中的欲望争斗,控制自我,做自己行为的主人。 The so-called self-control is to fight with the desires of the heart, to control the self and to be the master of his own behavior.
56、所谓高贵的灵魂,即对自己怀有敬畏之心。 The so-called noble soul is the heart of awe.
57、未清醒之人的爱是乞丐的爱,未清醒之人的爱只不过是肉欲而已。 The love of a man who is not sober is the love of a beggar, and the love of a man who is not sober is only the flesh of the flesh.
58、每一种抱怨之中都掺杂着少量的报复。 Every complaint is mixed with a small amount of retaliation.
59、每个深深地遭受过痛苦的人,会从理智上变得倨傲不逊和怀有厌恶之情。 Each deeply suffered the pain of the people, will become haughty and with disgust from the reason.
60、没有一贯的蔑视,又怎能不断地欣赏呢? Without constant contempt, how can we continue to appreciate it?
61、没有真理,只有解释。 There is no truth, only explanation.
62、焦躁不安,是兵家最忌讳的一种情绪。 Restless, is a kind of mood a taboo.
63、生命中最难的阶段不是没有人懂你 The most difficult stage of life is not that no one knows you, but that you do not understand yourself.
64、生命是知识的途径。 Life is the way of knowledge.
65、生命没有了音乐,就如同是一场错误。 Life without music is like a mistake.
66、知道为什么而活的人,便能生存。 People who know why they live can survive.
67、精神就是杀进自己生命中的生命;它通过自己的痛苦增加自己的知晓。 That is the spirit of his life of life into it; increase their knowledge through their own pain.
68、糟糕的记忆力的好处在于你可以多次第一次享受同一件好事。 The advantage of bad memory is that you can enjoy the same good for the first time.
69、自己既感到痛苦,也叫别人痛苦。 They feel pain, and they call others pain.
70、自我贬低的人,是想获得提升。 The self degrading person is to get the promotion.
71、自爱者才能爱人,富裕者才能馈赠! The self loved one can love, and the rich can give it.
72、艺术的本质方面始终在于它使存在完成。 The essence of art is that it makes existence complete.
73、要先勇于相信你们自己和自己的内部!不相信自己的人必定永远在说谎。 Have the courage to believe in yourself and your own interior. People who do not believe in themselves must always lie.
74、要真正体验生命,你必须站在生命之上。 To truly experience life, you must stand on your life.
75、许多人浪费了整整一生去等待符合他们心愿的机会。 Many people have wasted a whole life to wait for the opportunity to meet their wishes.
76、读书给我更多的憩息,引导我散步在别人的知识与灵魂中。 Reading gives me more rest, I walk in the knowledge and guide the soul to others.
77、谁若是想创造超越自己的东西,我便认为他具有最纯洁的意志。 If anyone wants to create something that transcends himself, I think he has the most pure will.
78、贪婪和爱情,可能只是同一个欲望的两种说法罢了。 Greed and love may be only the two saying of the same desire.
79、需要朋友的愿望暴露了我们的弱点。 The desire for friends exposes our weaknesses.
80、高贵的灵魂,是自己尊敬自己。 The noble soul is self respectful.