1、一个人宁可剩下一双手,也不剩下一张嘴。 A man would rather have two hands than a mouth.

2、一个人总得慷慨一点,才配受人感谢。 One must be generous to be appreciated.

3、一切财富,都由劳动者创造。 All wealth is created by workers.

4、一日三餐的粮食蔬菜,源于农民的劳动。 Three meals a day of food and vegetables, from the labor of farmers.

5、不付出劳动就不会有收获。 No work, no gain.

6、不是靠天吃饭,全靠两手动弹。 It's not about relying on the weather, it's all about two hands.

7、世界如此灿烂,生活如此美丽。 The world is so brilliant and life is so beautiful.

8、人生的历程,就是劳动的历程。 The course of life is the course of labor.

9、劳动使人忘忧。 Labor makes people forget their worries.

10、劳动创造价值,奋斗拥抱幸福。 Labor creates value, struggle and embrace happiness.

11、劳动就是享受,劳动本身就是快乐。 Labor is enjoyment, and labor itself is happiness.

12、劳动既创造物质价值,也创造精神价值。 Labor creates both material value and spiritual value.

13、劳动是一切财富之源。 Labor is the source of all wealth.

14、劳动是人生最光荣的事、最快乐的事情。 Labor is the most glorious and joyful thing in life.

15、劳动是最可靠的财富。 Labor is the most reliable wealth.

16、劳动是生命的法则,也是它最美的果实。 Labor is the law of life and its most beautiful fruit.

17、劳动是长命百岁的艺术的必要条件之一。 Labor is one of the necessary conditions for the art of longevity.

18、劳动能使人忘忧。 Labor can make people forget their worries.

19、劳动,是财富和幸福的源泉。 Labor is the source of wealth and happiness.

20、她在辛勤的工作中,她在艰苦的劳动里! She is in hard work, she is in hard work!

21、好自夸的人没本事,有本事的人不自夸。 A boastful man has no ability; a capable man does not boast.

22、尊严靠劳动争取,财富因劳动而产生。 Dignity depends on labor, and wealth comes from labor.

23、平日不劳动的人,一生都没有节日过。 People who don't work on weekdays have no festivals in their lives.

24、所有现存的好东西,都是创造的果实。 All the good things that exist are the fruits of creation.

25、日未出人已出,日落而人未归。 Before the sun goes out, man goes out, and after the sun goes down, man does not return.

26、科学不是可以不劳而获的。 Science can't be gained without effort.

27、美味佳肴香顾客,源于厨师的劳动。 The delicious food for customers comes from the work of chefs.

28、耀富炫贵太卑微,劳动人民才伟大! The rich and the expensive are too humble, the working people are great!

29、这双手,那么平凡,却不断创造着美好。 These hands, so ordinary, but continue to create a better.

30、采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁甜? Who are you working for and who are you sweet for?