1、“爱”和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。 "Love" is the same as the charcoal. Burn up, can't get it to cool.

2、“爱”和炭相同,烧起来,得设法叫它冷却。让它任意着,那它就要把一颗心烧焦。 "Love" and the same charcoal, burning, need to call it to cool. Let it wilfully, it will put a heart burnt.

3、不过是做作出来的悲哀,只有表面,没有真心。 But is affectation of sadness, only surface, not really.

4、两个人知道是秘密,三个人知道就不是秘密吗? Two people know it's a secret, three people know is not a secret?

5、为了对你的爱,我会全力与时间争战,他要摧毁你,我却要把你的青春再现。 In order to love you, I will to fight against time, he will destroy you, but I will put your youth again.

6、他并没有消失什么,不过感受了一次海水的变幻,他成了副理珍奇的瑰宝。 What he did not disappear, but feel the change of the water at a time, he became assistant manager exotic treasures.

7、你可以放纵你的眼睛,让它们多看几个世间的美人。 You can indulge in your eyes, let them see more beauty in the world.

8、全世界是一个舞台,所有的男女都是演员。 The world is a stage, and all the men and women are actors.

9、名字并不重要,我们所称的玫瑰,换一个名字也同样芬芳。 The name is not important, what we call a rose, change a name would smell as sweet.

10、和一个男人相处,多了解他而不必太爱他;和一个女人相处,应多爱她,别试图完全了解她。 And a man to get along with, know more about him and not too love him; Get along with a woman, should be more love her, don't try to understand her.

11、够了,不在有了,就算有也不像以前那样美了。 Enough is enough, not have, even if have also isnot as beautiful as before.

12、她用她的死亡证明她还活着。 She use her death to prove she is still alive.

13、她要是不爱听空话,那就用礼物去博她的欢心,无言的珠宝较之流利的言辞,往往更能打动女人的心。 If she don't want to talk, then use the gift to her heart, wordless jewelry than fluent words tend to be more able to impress a woman's heart.

14、如果人们不对悲伤屈服,过度的悲伤不久就会自己告终的。 If people don't grief to yield, excessive sorrow will end soon.

15、如果这是个错误,而我真的有错,那就当我从未写过,也从未有人真正爱过。 If it was a mistake, but I'm really wrong, that's when I never wrote, nor ever truly loved.

16、对于一个男人,你不必很爱他,但要了解他;对于一个女人,你不必多了解她,但你要很爱她。 For a man, you don't have to love him very much, but to understand him; For a woman, you don't need to know more about her, but you must love her very much.

17、当一个人爱他的国家的时候,他的国家才会尊重他。 When a man loves his country, his country will respect him.

18、恋人的声音在晚间多么清婉,听上去就像最柔和的音乐! How silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues by night, like softest music!

19、恋爱是盲目的,恋人们瞧不见他们自己所干的傻事。 Love is blind, and lovers look not see their own do silly things.

20、我如今知道了宇宙皆空,除非有你的情充实其中。 I now know that the universe is empty, unless there is a you feeling full.

21、我比昨天多爱你一点,又比明天少一点。 I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

22、我爱您只是按照我的名分,一分不多,一分不少。 I love you just as my birthright, and a few points, one portion.

23、我爱情的愿望是极其卑微的,我并不想遇见一个更美好的人。 I love desire is extremely low, I don't want to meet a better person.

24、我的爱就像是建筑在别人地面上的一座华厦, My love is like building a xanadu in other people on the ground, because of the wrong direction, make me a hard in vain.

25、我的爱情的野心使我备受痛苦,希望和狮子匹配的驯鹿,必须为爱而死。 My love's ambition to my misery, hope and the lion matching reindeer, must die for love.

26、我看他年纪轻轻,就这么愁眉苦脸,到老来只好一天到晚痛哭流涕了。 I saw him at a young age, so pull a long face, to old to have to work day and night crying.

27、没有受过伤的人,才会讥笑别人身上的伤痕! No injury, would laugh at others scar!

28、爱和炭相同。烧起来,得没法叫它冷却。 Love is the same as coal. Burn up, can't get it to cool.

29、爱情不过是一种疯狂。 Love is a kind of crazy.

30、爱情也像海一样深沉,我给人的越多,我自己就越富,因为这两者都是没有穷尽的。 Love is deep like the sea, Igive a person, the more I more rich, because both are there is no end.

31、爱情是生命的火花,友谊的升华,心灵的吻合。如果说人类的感情能区分等级,那么爱情该是属于最高的一级。 Love is the spark of life, the sublimation of friendship, the anastomosis of the mind. If human feelings can distinguish between level, then love should be belong to the highest level.上一页12下一页

32、爱情的道路永远崎岖多阻。 The path of love always rugged.

33、爱情的野心使人倍受痛苦。 Ambition makes people much pain of love.

34、爱情的鲜艳的容色和热烈的心,也会因困苦而起了变化。 Love the bright color and a warm heart, will also be changed due to thepoor.

35、爱情里要是掺杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。 If love with nothing to do with its own calculation, that is not true love.

36、爱的力量是和平,从不顾理性、成规和荣辱,它能使一切恐惧、震惊和痛苦在身受时化作甜蜜。 The power of love is peace, never regard rationality, the rules, it can make all fear, shock and pain when the pain into sweet.

37、爱,不在眼里,它在心中。 Love, not in the eye, it is in the heart.

38、爱,和炭相同,烧起来,得想办法叫它冷却。让它任意着,那就要把一颗心烧焦。 Love, is the same with the coal, burn, have to think of some way to call it to cool. Let it wilfully, that will put a heart burnt.

39、狂暴的快乐会产生狂暴的结局,就像火与火药的亲吻,在最得意的瞬间烟消云散。 Wild joy will produce violent ending, like fire and gunpowder kisses, the most proud moment.

40、男人的发誓只会让女人背叛他! Men swear will only make women betray him!

41、真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明。 True love cannot be expressed in words, loyalty behaviour is the best explanation.

42、讨老婆不在乎姿色,有良心的女人才值得我去爱她。 A wife doesn't care about the feminine beauty, women with a conscience is worth me to love her.

43、请不要以我的泪作你的镜子,你顾影自怜,我将要永远流泪。 Please don't with my tears for your mirror, you sorry, I will never shed tears.

44、那些自负才情的人,实际上往往是些傻瓜。我知道我自己没有才情,因此也许可以算作聪明人。 Those who own talents, and in fact is often some fool. I don't know my own talents, so may be classified as a wise man.
