1、人们在那里高谈着灵感的东西,而我却像首饰匠打金锁那样地劳动着把一个个小环非常合适地联接起来。 Where people talk about inspiration of things, and I was like a jeweler play golden as labor to one loop very suitable connected.

2、人们在那里高谈阔论着天气和灵感之类的东西,而我却象首饰匠打金锁链那样精心的劳动着,把一个个小环非常合适地连接起来。 People there rhetoric about weather and inspiration and the like things, and I was like a jeweler gold chains that careful labor, the very suitable to connect one loop.上一页12下一页

3、任何倏忽的灵感事实上不能代替长期的功夫。 Any sudden inspiration in fact can not replace the long-term effort.

4、句句夜深得 Every night, the heart out of the sky to.

5、天才就是百分之一的灵感加上百分。 Genius is one percent inspiration and one percent.

6、天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的灵感。 Genius is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration.

7、天才的十分之一是灵感,十分之九是血汗。 Genius is 1/10 inspiration and 9/10 perspiration.

8、当夫运思落笔时,觉心手间勃勃欲发之势,便是机神初到之候。 When the husband started thinking, feeling more and more exuberant potential between you and God is beginning to the time machine.

9、得之在俄顷,积之在平日。 The product in EQing, on weekdays.

10、思风发于胸臆,言泉流于唇齿。 In his speech that Si Quan, mere lip.

11、情之所至,诗无不至;诗之所至,情以之至。 The feeling of the place, poetry is all to; the poem to the feeling of the.

12、文人的灵感都是在饭后茶余生发的;事务不忙的人才会变得聪明起来。 Scholars are inspired by the rest of the rest of the tea hair; business is not busy people will become smart.

13、有时忽得惊人句,费尽心机做不成。 Sometimes suddenly amazing sentence, the hard way to do.

14、欲为平易近人诗,下笔情深不自持。 To write poetry not feeling amiable and easy of approach, self-sustaining.

15、灵感——这是一个不喜欢采访懒汉的客人。 Inspiration: This is not a love lazy guest interview.

16、灵感全然不是漂亮地挥着手,而是如健牛般竭尽全力工作的心理状态。 Inspiration is not entirely a beautiful hand, but as the health of cattle to work hard to do the psychological state.

17、灵感是**,写在纸上是射精。 Inspiration is the climax, written on paper is ejaculation.

18、灵感是一个不喜欢拜访懒汉的客人。 Inspiration is not a love lazy guest visit.

19、灵感,是天才的女神。她并不步履蹒跚地走过,而是在空中像乌鸦那么警觉地飞过的,她没有什么剽带给诗人抓握,她的头是一团烈火,她溜得快,像那些白里带红的鹤,教猎人见了无可奈何。 Inspiration, the goddess of genius. She doesn't hobbled walk, but in the air like a crow so alert passing, she did not what nimble bring gripped by a poet. Her head is a ball of fire, she slipped quickly, like the white red crane, teach hunter saw the helpless.

20、灵感,是由于顽强的劳动而获得的奖赏。 Inspiration, a reward for hard work.

21、贫困,你是人类艺术的源泉,你将伟大的灵感赐予诗人。 Poverty, you are the source of human art, you will be a great inspiration to the poet.

22、饮似长鲸快吸川,思如渴骥勇奔泉。 Drink like long whale fast absorbing Sichuan, thinking such as Ji Yong Quan ran thirst.
