1、一定要提防愿意和你分享的人去分享了你的人! Must be wary of willing to share with you to share your man!

2、与朋友分享快乐,能与你分享悲伤我便不能只把你当朋友。 Can share the happiness with friends, share sadness with you I will not only bring you as a friend.

3、人世间,能与你分享幸福的不是爱人,能分享艰难的,一定是。 In the world, to share happiness with you is not love, can share the hard, must be.

4、人们问我为什么社会反对我。我必须分享发生于我的东西,在那个分享中,我变得反社会了。 People ask me why societyagainst me. I have to share in my things, in the share, I'm becoming anti-social.

5、人生很长,需要分享。 Life is very long, need to share.

6、你的明媚与忧伤,从来不与我分享。 Your bright and beautiful and sad, never share with me.

7、分享不但能改变他人的命运,也能改变自己的命运,所以越是有成就的人,越懂得分享。 Share not only can change the fate of others, also can change their destiny, so the more successful people, the more know how to share.

8、分享不累,独享才累! Share not tired, exclusive to tired!

9、分享爱,分享时光,分享精彩瞬间。互联网搬运工! Share love, sharing time and share the moment. Internet porter!

10、分享美丽,便是美丽。美丽要分享,分享即美丽。 Share the beautiful, is beautiful. Beautiful to share, to share the beauty.

11、听着电台,想找你分享,那么此刻的你在干嘛,有好东西,会想到跟我分享吗? Listen to the radio, you want to find a share, then what are you doing at the moment, there are good things, can think of to share with me?

12、和一个不尊重自己的人分开,我会伤心么?不会,既然分享不了人生的快乐,也就没必要在一起分享折磨 And a don't respect themselves apart, I will be sad? No, now that don't share the joy of life, also don't need to share together上一页12下一页 Of course we can share the happiness together, and do our best to share and provide happiness.

13、喜欢是愿与你分享,爱是与你分享的同时还想替你分担。 Love is willing to share with you, love is to share with you at the same time also want to share for you.

14、喝酒,也是一种分享吧,分享酒中的愉悦和酒后的迷茫,分享彼此的过去和温暖的回忆。 Drink, is also a kind of share, share the joy and drunk wine of confusion, share each other's past and warm memories.

15、在寻求帮助的时候你可能是失去选择性的,在分享快乐的时候你一定是由选择性的。 When seeking help you could be losing selective, when share the happiness to you must be selective.

16、孤独如影随形,无需分享也无法分享 Lonely shadow, do not need to share also is unable to share

17、寂寞,就是当你一个人内心空虚地时候,却无人能和你分享。 Lonely, is when you'reempty inside a person, no one can share with you.

18、对于我的生活,更愿意分享一首歌。 For my life, more willing to share a song.

19、幸福这个东西啊,一定是要和别人分享的。无论多么豪华的蛋糕,如果没有人一起分享的话就毫无意义。 Happiness this thing ah, must be to share with others. No matter how luxurious cakes, there's no point if no one to share.

20、幸福,是拿来分享的。 Happiness is to share.

21、当你可以跟一个人不说话,分享片刻寂静,且不会觉得尴尬,那一刻你就会明白,你遇到了对的人。 When you can talk to a person not share a moment of silence, and do not feel embarrassed, that moment you will understand, did you meet the right person.

22、快乐是可以和每个人分享的,而悲伤却只能分享给信任的人。 Happiness is to share with everyone, but sadness can only be Shared with trust.

23、快乐是越分享越多,痛苦是越分享越少 Happiness is the share, the more pain is to share the less

24、想要拥有一个苗条的身材,把你的食物与那些饥饿的人分享。 Want to have a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

25、愿意将富足与你分享的男人,他可能很喜欢你;愿意将最缺少的东西与你分享的男人,他必定很爱你。 Willing to rich man to share with you, he may be very like you;Will the lack of things to share with you a man, he must love you very much.

26、我们分享着同样的姓氏、同样的星座,却分享不了同样的话题。 We share the same last name, the same constellation, but could not share the same topic.

27、我们当然能分享快乐,尽己所能地分享K提供快乐。 Rather than sad, to share the happiness in this matter, to be more lonely!

28、我最不愿意分享的就是零食和在乎的人,但是我特别喜欢跟在乎的人分享零食。 I am not willing to share the snacks and care about people, but I especially like to share with people who care about snacks.

29、我需要好多独处的时间,可当我分享时,你若不能够与我一起分享,我又会感到失落,变得很抽风。 I need a lot of time alone, but when I share, if you are not able to share with me, and I feel lost, become very convulsions.

30、挥霍,就是把自己不珍惜的东西拿出来与人分享;慷慨,就是把自己最珍贵的东西拿出来与人分享。 Profligacy, is to take out the things they do not cherish and share; Generous, is to bring out their most precious things to share with people.

31、曾经你是我心里的秘密,现在终于可以和你分享所有的秘密。 Once you are my secret in my heart, now finally can share with you all the secrets.

32、有一种孤独是原以为找一个能与自己分享痛苦的人很难,后来发现找一个能分享自己喜悦的人更难。 There is a kind of loneliness is thought to find a man who can share with your pain is difficult, then find a man who can share their joy.

33、朋友是跟你分享快乐的人而不是分享你痛苦的人,不要做一个唠叨的抱怨者。 A friend is a person who can share the happiness with you not share your pain, don't be a nag.

34、每天都想发生点什么可以相互分享 Want to happen something can share each other every day. The last is black and white so it's not every day can share.


36、热衷于分享的人每天都在费力地证明着自己的快乐,忘了真正的快乐无需证明,无法分享! Keen to share every day in effort to prove their own happiness, forget the true happiness without proof, unable to share!

37、爱,在当中分享生命历程,而不需要拥有或占有对方生命。 Share of love, in the life course, and need not be owned or possession of each other's life.

38、能分享他人痛苦的,是人;能分享他人快乐的,是神。 Can share pain to others, is a person; Can share happiness to others, is god.

39、被分享的人收获微薄和分享的内容形成鲜明对比,这样的分享是炫耀。 Be Shared small harvest and share the contents of the contrast, this share is showing off.

40、要把喜欢的东西分享给值得分享的人,要把温暖的怀抱给予真正懂你的人。 To share the thing like to worth sharing, to the warm arms give really understand you.
