1、一切事物的可爱皆因它们的用途。 Use of all things because of their lovely.
2、一直面向阳光,你就不会看到阴暗。 Always face the sun, you will not see the dark.
3、世上最好最美的事物是看不到甚至触摸不着的。必须用心才能感受到。 The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. Must be hard to feel.
4、世界上最美丽的东西,看不见也摸不着,要靠心灵去感受。 The most beautiful things in the world, can not see also touched, to rely on the heart to feel.
5、世界大部分不幸也许都有补救之法,但其中最不幸的却无药可救,那就是人类的冷漠。 Unfortunately, most of the world may have remedy, but one of the most unfortunate but incurable, it is human indifference.
6、乌云遮不住太阳,邪恶终将被打倒,真正的胜利永远属于正义。 Dark clouds cover the sun, the evil will eventually be overthrown, the real victory will always belong to justice.
7、也许人就是这样,有了的东西不知道欣赏,没有的东西又一昧追求。 Perhaps this is the people, the things I do not know to appreciate, not things and pursue.
8、也许人类的悲哀便在于此,拥有的东西不去珍惜,对于得不到的却永远渴望。 Perhaps the sorrow of mankind lies in this, have the things not to cherish, but for the never to be forever.
9、人世间,正真没有光明的黑暗是无知和麻木的黑夜。 In this world, there is no light in the darkness is ignorance and numbness of the night.
10、人生最大的灾难,不在于过去的创伤,而在于把未来放弃。 The greatest tragedy in life is not in the past, but in the future.
11、他们费心尽力、冥思苦想,让我的缺陷变成了美好的标志,让我在无力改变的阴影里平静而愉快地走着自己的人生之路。 They try tobother, contemplate, let my defects into a beautiful sign, let me in the shadow of inability to change the calm and happy to walk the road of your life.
12、但无论如何艰辛,结果总是无比美妙。 But in any case hard, the results are always very wonderful.
13、信心是一种心境,有信心的人不会在转瞬之间就消沉沮丧。 Faith is a state of mind, faith is not in you depressed in a wink.
14、像夏洛克,犹大,甚至魔鬼这一类人也都是好端端的车轮上的一根断了的车轴,总有一天会修好的。 Like Sherlock, Judah, and even the devil and the kind of people are also good on wheels a broken axle, one day will be repaired.
15、充分利用每一个感官,通过自然给予你的几种接触手段,为世界像你显示的所有愉快而美好的细节而自豪吧! Take full advantage of each of the senses, by giving you some of the means of contact, for the world as you show the details of all the pleasant and happy and proud of it!
16、只要有信心、恒心与毅力,人类的潜能往往能达到某种我们难以想象的情度。 As long as there is confidence, perseverance and perseverance, human potential can often reach some kind of emotional level we can not imagine.
17、只要朝着阳光,便不会看见阴影。 As long as the sun, they will not see the shadow.
18、善用你的眼睛吧,犹如明天你将遭到失明的灾难。 Use your eyes as if tomorrow you will be blinded by the disaster.
19、嗅闻所有鲜花的芳香,品尝每一口佳肴吧,犹如明天你再不能嗅闻品尝。 Smell the fragrance of all the flowers, taste every dish, like tomorrow you can't smell the taste.
20、在我一生漫长的黑夜里,我读过的和人们读给我听的那些书,已经成为了一座辉煌的巨大灯塔,为我指示出了人生及心灵的最深的航道。 In the long dark night of my life, the books I have read and read to me have become a magnificent beacon for me to show the deepest channels of my life and my soul.
21、在我假象的有视觉的有限时间里,我应当挑选一把要是,能在最短的时间内去开启藏有最大宝藏的地方。 In my illusion of vision of a limited time, I should choose a if, can in the shortest time to open the hidden treasures of the greatest place.
22、在我的那个寂静而又黑暗的世界里,根本就不会有温柔和同情。 In my world of silence and darkness, there would be no tenderness and compassion.
23、夏日流逝,用什么来安慰我的寂寞,惟有那绚丽多彩的秋叶。 The summer passed, with what to comfort my loneliness, but the bright and colorful autumn leaves.
24、她和其他正常人一样各具品性,各怀心志,请不要担心 She has the same character and other normal people, each with his mind, please don't worry, I believe that Every cloud has a silver lining., where there is a will, there is a.
25、好好儿利用你的眼睛吧,就像明天你将遭到失明的灾难。 Make good use of your eyes, as if you were going to be blind tomorrow.
26、妖魔嬉笑着爬出殿堂。上帝却视而不见,无动于衷。 Laughing outdemons hall. God is blind, indifferent.
27、对于凌驾命运之上的人来说,信心就是生命的主宰。 Confidence is the master of life for those who are above the destiny of life.
28、当一扇幸福之门关闭时,就会有另一扇就会打开。但我们经常盯着那扇关闭的门,而对新开启的门却熟视无睹。 When the door of happiness closes, another opens. But often we look so long at the closed door, but turned a blind eye to the open door.
29、当一道快乐之门关上了,另一道门会随之打开。但是,我们常常眷恋着那道关上了的门,而看不见另一道门已经打开了。 When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But often we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has been opened.
30、当夜幕降临,我能看到人造光明,而体验到双重的喜悦。这是人类的天才在大自然规定为黑夜的时候,为扩大自己的视力而发明创造的。 When the night falls, I can see the artificial light, and experience the joy of the double. This is the genius of man in the nature of the night time, for the expansion of their vision and the creation of the.
31、当我们尽力而为时,我们从不知道有什么样的奇迹会出现在我们的生命,或是在另一个人的生命里。 When we do our best, we never know what miracle will appear in our life, or in another person's life.
32、心还在,希望便不会消失。 Heart still, hope will not disappear.
33、悲观主义者决不会发现星球的秘密,不能航行到未知的大陆,也不能为人类的灵魂打开一个新的天堂。 The pessimist will never discover the secrets of the stars, and cannot sail to the unknown land, or open a new paradise for the human soul.
34、我一直在哭,一直在哭,哭我没有新鞋子穿。直到有一天,我发现有人没有脚。 I have been crying, has been crying, crying, I have no new shoes to wear. Until one day, I found someone had no feet.
35、我们不能停住脚步;我们要时时刻刻充实自己,好为尽善尽美的明日奉献出我们努力的成果。 We can not stop the pace; we have to enrich themselves every moment, good for the perfect tomorrow, we are dedicated to the results of our efforts.
36、我们最可怕的敌人不是怀才不遇,而是我们的踌躇,犹豫。将自己定位为某一种人,于是,自己便成了那种人。 Our worst enemy is not a talent, but we hesitate, hesitate. Position yourself as a person, so you become the kind of person.
37、我努力求取知识,目的在于希望日后能活用,为社会人类贡献一点力量。 I try to acquire knowledge, to hope behind it for human society to contribute a little force.
38、我只看我拥有,不看我没有的。 I only see I have, do not see I do not have.
39、我没有触摸过星星的轮廓,也没有触摸过月亮的光辉,但是我相信,上帝在我的心中点亮了两盏灯:一盏大的用于白天,一盏小的用于夜晚。 I have not touched the outline of the stars, and have not touched the brightness of the moon, but I believe that God in my heart lit two lights: a large for the day, a small for the night.
40、我的任务是练习,练习,不断地练习。失败和疲劳常常将我绊倒,但一想到再坚持一会儿就能让我所爱的人看到我的进步,我就有了勇气。 My job is to practice, practice and practice. Failure and fatigue often trip me up, but I have the courage to think that I can make the person I love see my progress for a while.
41、我的生命充满了活力,就像那些朝生夕死的小昆虫,把一生挤到一天之内。 My life is full of vitality, like those little insects of the life into transient, one day.
42、我的身体是不*的,但我的心却是*的,我且要摆脱身体的躯壳,飞到人群中,沉浸在欢乐的海洋中。 My body is not free, but my heart is free, and I want to get rid of the body shell, fly into the crowd, immersed in the ocean of joy.
43、我的身体虽然不*,但我的心是*的。且让我的心超脱我的躯体走向人群,沉浸在喜悦中,美好的人生吧! My body is not free, but my heart is free. And let my heart out of my body into the crowd, immersed in the joy of a better life!
44、我盼望世界能早一天实现和平,让人类过得更幸福,到那时,人们就不必再期待身后的天堂了。 I want the world to be a day of peace, to make people live more happy, then, people do not have to look forward to the heaven behind.
45、我要把别人看到的当成我的太阳,别人听到的当成我的乐曲,别人嘴角的微笑看作我的快乐。 I would like to see others as my sun, others to hear the music as my music, other people's mouth smile as I am happy.
46、我觉得生命太短促了,不值得把它花费在怀恨和记仇上。 I think life is too short, not worth it to spend in the bitter and vengeful.
47、把你活着的每一天当做你的最后一天。 Make every day of your life as your last day.
48、把活着的每一天看作生命的最后一天。 To live every day as the last day of life.
49、把脸一直向着阳光,这样就不会见到阴影。 Keep your face to the sun, so you won't see the shadow.
50、抚摸每一件你想要抚摸的物品吧,犹如明天你的触觉将会衰退。 Touch each object you want to touch, as if tomorrow your touch will decline.
51、握手,无言胜有言。有的人拒人千里,握着冰冷冷的手指,就像和凛冽的北风握手。有些人的手却充满阳光,握住它使你感到温暖。 To shake hands, without words or words. Some people resist holding cold fingers, and like the north wind shake hands. Some people's hands are full of sunshine, hold it makes you feel warm.
52、教育的最佳成果是宽容。 The best result of education is tolerance.
53、既不想为自己辩解,也不想埋怨任何。 Neither want to defend himself, nor to blame any.
54、曾经喜欢过和深爱过,就永远不会失去,因为它们成了你的一部分。 Once loved and loved, never lose, becausethey become part of you.
55、曾经我因为没有鞋子而哭泣,直到有一天,我看见一个人,他没有脚。 Once I cried because I had no shoes, until one day, I saw a man, he had no feet.
56、有时我在想,把每一天当作生命的最后一天,不失为一条极佳的人生法则。 Sometimes I think, every day as the last day of my life, it is an excellent rule of life.
57、有时我想,要是人们把活着的每一天都看做是生命的最后一天该有多好啊!这可能就显出了生命的价值。 Sometimes I think that if people live every day as if it was the last day of their lives! This may show the value of life.
58、有生活目的的人,能承受任何打击。世界上最可怜的人就是那些空有视力却无远见的人。 People who have the purpose of life, can withstand any blow. The most poor people in the world are those who have vision but have no vision.
59、死亡只是从这个房间搬迁到那个房间,可是我可能跟别的人不太一样,因为我在那个新的房间就可以用眼睛看到东西了。 Death just moved from the room to that room, but I may not be the same with other people, because I can see something in the new room.
60、殊不知,生命是脆弱的,当所有的假设变成现实时,一切已为时太晚。因此,无论是在什么样的年代,爱和勇气都是我们生存的基础。 As everyone knows, life is fragile, when all the assumptions become reality, everything is too late. So, no matter what kind of age, love and courage are the foundation of our existence.
61、每个老师都能把孩子领进教室,但并不是每个老师都能使孩子学到真正的东西。 Every teacher can take the children into the classroom, but not every teacher can make children learn something real.
62、每当我不高兴的时候,我一定会躲进花丛,把哭泣的脸藏进那些湿润柔嫩的树叶之中,他们的清香能安慰我,一会儿,我的坏情绪就不见了。 当我不开心时,我会藏在花朵中,哭泣的脸藏在湿嫩的叶子中,它们的芬芳可以使我暂时放松,我的不良情绪消失了。
63、永远不要垂下头。要高昂着头,直面这世界。 Never hang your head. To hold the head high and face the world.
64、爱是摸不着的,但你却能感到她带来的甜蜜。 Love is not touch, but you can feel the sweetness of her.
65、爱有点儿像太阳没出来前天空的云彩。 Love a little like the sun did not come out before the clouds of the sky.
66、生命要不是一场大冒险, 要不然就是一无所有。 Life is not a great adventure, or nothing.
67、生活,要么是场大胆的冒险,要么什么都不是。 Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
68、知识教人学会爱,给人以光明和智慧。 The knowledge teaches the human to learn to love, to give the person with the light and the wisdom.
69、知识给人以爱,给人以光明,给人以智慧。 Knowledge gives to love, to give to light, gives to wisdom.
70、神使我眼不能见,耳不能听,因而也无法说话,是想通过这种残缺而给世上的残弱者一些启示。 God has made my eyes can not see, and ears can't hear, and therefore can not speak, is to think through this kind of incomplete and give some enlightenment to the world the weak residual.
71、聆听乐曲的妙音,鸟儿的歌唱,管弦乐队的雄浑而铿锵有力的曲调吧,犹如明天你将遭到耳聋的厄运。 Listen to the music of voices, the song of the birds, forceful and sonorous and forceful strains of an orchestra, as if tomorrow you would be stricken deaf.
72、虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难终究会被战胜的。 Though the world is full of suffering, it will be overcome.
73、虽然我的眼睛看不到太阳,看不到闪电,看不到春天变绿的树枝,但是它们并没有因此不存在。 Although my eyes can't see the sun, I can't see the lightning, I can't see the green branches of the trees in spring, but they don't exist.
74、虽然这个世界充满了苦难,但是也充满了很多解决克服的方法。 Although the world is full of suffering, it is also filled with a lot of ways to overcome it.
75、视觉的敏锐度不在于我们能够看到多少,而在于我们内心的感觉。 Visual acuity does not lie in how much we can see, but in what we feel inside.
76、请记住,一个太爱自己的人,往往就是灭亡自己的人。 Remember, a man who loves himself too much, is often the one who is destroyed.
77、读一本好书就是与一颗伟大的的心灵对话。 Reading a good book is a great spiritual conversation with a great soul.
78、这些知识,像一道道彩虹,点亮了海伦心中的灯,照亮了她的内心世界,也架起了海伦和这个世界沟通的桥梁! These knowledge, like a rainbow, lit up the light in Helen's heart, lit up her inner world, but also set up a bridge of communication between Helen and the world!
79、青春的光辉是如此灿烂,令人不敢直视,那种天不怕地不怕的劲儿真叫人羡慕。 The light of youth is so bright, it is not dare to look directly, the kind of day is not afraid of the strength of the strength of the people really envy.
80、黑暗将使人更加珍惜光明,寂静将使人更加喜爱声音。 Darkness will make people more appreciative of sight, silence will make people more like sound.