1、一个人有了远大的理想,就是在最艰苦难的时候,也会感到幸福。——徐特立 A man has a great ideal, that is, in the most difficult times, it willalso feel happy.

2、一个人的价值,应该看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。——爱因斯坦 The value of a man should be judged by what he contributes, not what he has achieved.

3、一个人的理想越崇高,生活越纯洁。——伏尼契 The more lofty the ideal of a man is, the more pure life is.

4、一个人的真正伟大之处就在于他能够认识到自己的渺小。——保罗 The real greatness of a man is that he is able to realize his insignificance.

5、一个人要实现自己的梦想,最重要的是要具备以下两个条件:勇气和行动。——俞敏洪 The most important thing for a person to realize his dream is to have the following two conditions: courage and action.

6、一切活动家都是梦想家。——詹·哈尼克 All the activists are dreamers.

7、一种理想,就是一种力。——罗曼·罗兰 A kind of ideal is a kind of force.

8、不参加变革社会的斗争,理想永远是一种幻影。——吴运铎 Without taking part in the struggle to change society, ideals are always a phantom.

9、不戚戚于贫贱,不汲汲于富贵。——陶渊明 An empty sack, not engrossed in their wealth.

10、不要怀有渺小的梦想,它们无法打动人心。——歌德 Don't have small dreams, they can't move people.

11、世上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。——苏格拉底 The happiest thing in the world is to struggle for the ideal.

12、世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。——苏格拉底 The happiest thing in the world is to struggle for the ideal.

13、人活着总是有趣的,即便是烦恼也是有趣的。——亨利·门肯 People are always fun to live, and even annoyance is interesting.

14、人生应该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。——萧楚女 Life should be like a candle, from the top to the end, all the time.

15、人生最困难的事情是认识自己。——特莱斯 The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.

16、人生最高之理想,在求达于真理。——李大钊 The highest ideal of life is in the truth.

17、人生的价值,并不是用时间,而是用深度去衡量的。——列夫·托尔斯泰 The value of life is measured not by time, but by depth.

18、人的活动如果没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空虚而渺小。——车尔尼雪夫斯基 People's activities will become empty and small if they arenot encouraged by the ideal.

19、人的理想志向往往和他的能力成正比。——约翰逊 The ideal ambition of a man is often in direct proportion to his ability.

20、人类惟有在实现自己美好理想的过程中才能前进。——季米里亚捷夫 Human beings can only move forward in the process of realizing their good ideals.

21、人类的心灵需要理想甚于需要物质。——雨果 The human mind needs idealism more than the need for material.

22、伟大的理想惟有经过忘我的斗争和牺牲才能实现。——乔万尼奥里 Great ideals can only be realized through the struggle and sacrifice of the unselfish.

23、但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚。——郭小川 I hope every time memories, do not feel guilty for life.

24、你们的理想与热情,是你航行的灵魂的舵和帆。——罗曼·罗兰 Your ideals and enthusiasm are the rudders and sails of the soul of your voyage.

25、做人不可有傲态,不可无傲骨。——陆陇其 A man should not be proud, proud and can not do without.

26、先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。——屠格涅夫 Believe in yourself first, and then others will believe you.

27、凡事以理想为因,实行为果。——鲁迅 All things take the ideal as the cause and carry out the fruit.

28、劳动受人推崇。为社会服务是很受人赞赏的道德理想。——杜威 Labor is admired. Social service is a very admired moral ideal.

29、勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。惟贤惟德,能服于人。——刘备 Do not take evil as smallas it is, do not be small and not. Only virtuous virtues can be given to people.

30、古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。——苏轼 Li ancient events are not only the ability above common people also have a firm and unflinching will.

31、君子喻于义,小人喻于利。——孔丘 The gentleman knows what is right; the mean person keeps his mind only on gains。

32、启发我并永远使我充满生活乐趣的理想是真、善、美。——爱因斯坦 The ideal that enlightens me and always fills me with the fun of life is true, good, and beautiful.

33、在理想的最美好世界中,一切都是为最美好的目的而设。——伏尔泰 In the ideal world of the best, everything is for the best purpose.

34、壮心未与年俱老,死去犹能作鬼雄。——陆游 Not every years old and still, still can make the male die.

35、大丈夫行事,论是非,不论利害;论顺逆,不论成败;论万世,不论一生。——黄宗羲 Her acting on non interest, whether on; clockwise, regardless of the success or failure of eternal life, no matter.

36、大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里。——李白 Mirs day with the wind, the ninety thousand rise directly to a high position.

37、夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。——诸葛亮 The husband gentleman, static to self-cultivation, frugal and Germany to support non indifferent to Ming, quiet Zhi yuan.

38、如意算盘,不一定符合事实。——奥地利 Wishful thinking is not necessarily true.

39、如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪个码头,那么任何风都不会是顺风。——小塞涅卡 If one does not know which wharf he is going to, then any wind will not be the wind.

40、如果不献身给一个伟大的理想,生命就是毫无意义的。——何塞·黎萨尔 Life is meaningless without giving to a great ideal.

41、如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。——陶铸 Like smoke, forget the past, the bottom of the heart of the world wide.

42、常求有利别人,不求有利自己。——谢觉哉 We often seek to benefit others, not for the benefit of yourself.

43、志不强者智不达。——墨翟 There is no wise man who has no wisdom.上一页12下一页

44、志当存高远。——诸葛亮 The ambition is to remain high.

45、我们的斗争和劳动,就是为了不断地把先进的理想变为现实。——周扬 Our struggle and labor are to constantly turn the advanced ideal into reality.

46、我们的理想,不管怎么样,都属于未来。——奇雷特 Our ideals, whatever it is, belong to the future.

47、春天不播种,夏天就不生长,秋天就不能收割,冬天就不能品尝。——海涅 Spring does not sow, summer will not grow, autumn can not be harvested, and winter can not be tasted.

48、有理想的人,生活总是火热的。——斯大林 With ideal people, life is always hot.

49、梦境总是现实的反面。——伟格利 Dreams are always the opposite of reality.

50、梦想一旦被付诸行动,就会变得神圣。——阿·安·普罗克特 Once a dream is put into action, it will become sacred.

51、梦想家命长,实干家寿短。——约·奥赖利 A dreamer has a long life, and a real man has a short life.

52、梦想家的缺点是害怕命运。——斯·菲利普斯 The shortcoming of the dreamer is the fear of fate.

53、梦想是人们与生俱来的重要宝物之一,它等待你的珍视和实践。——邹金宏 Dream is one of the most important treasures that people are born with, and it waits for you to cherish and practice.

54、梦想绝不是梦,两者之间的差别通常都有一段非常值得人们深思的距离。——古龙 The dream is not a dream, and the difference between the two usually has a distance that is worth thinking deeply.

55、梦是心灵的思想,是我们的秘密真情。——杜鲁门·卡波特 Dream is the mind of the mind, it is our secret true feelings.

56、母鸡的理想不过是一把糠。——罗马尼亚 The ideal of a hen is just a chaff.

57、毫无理想而又优柔寡断是一种可悲的心理。——培根 Without ideal and indecision is a sad mentality.

58、沉沉的黑夜都是白天的前奏。——郭小川 The dark night is the prelude to the day.

59、没有理想,即没有某种美好的愿望,也就永远不会有美好的现实。——陀思妥耶夫斯基 There is no ideal, that is, there is no good wish, and there will never be a good reality.

60、没有理想,就达不到目的;没有勇敢 Without an ideal, there is no purpose; without courage, nothing can be achieved.

61、理想与现实之间,动机与行为之间,总有一道阴影。——爱略特 Between the ideal and the reality, between the motive and the behavior, there is always a shadow.

62、理想是世界的主宰。——霍桑 Ideal is the master of the world.

63、理想是人生的太阳。——德莱赛 Ideal is the sun of life.

64、理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。——托尔斯泰 The ideal book is the key to wisdom.

65、理想的人是品德健康才能三位一体的人。——木村久一 The ideal man is the man of the trinity of moral health.

66、理想,能给天下不幸者以欢乐。——高尔基 Ideal can give joy to the unfortunate.

67、生命的全部的意义在于无穷地探索尚未知道的东西。——左拉 The whole meaning of life lies in the endless exploration of what has not been known.

68、生活中没有理想的人,是可怜的人。——屠格涅夫 There is no ideal man in life, a poor man.

69、生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。——张闻天 The ideal of life is to live an ideal life.

70、生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样可口!——郭小川 Life like this cup of liquor, again and again without refining ah, will not be so delicious!

71、白日莫闲过,青春不再来。——林宽 There is no leisure for the day, and the youth will not come.

72、真正美丽的东西必须一方面跟自然一致,另一方面跟理想一致。——席勒 What is really beautiful must be in line with nature on the one hand, on the other hand, in conformity with the ideal.

73、神圣的工作在每个人的日常事务里,理想的前途在于一点一滴做起。——谢觉哉 The holy work is in every person's daily affairs, the ideal future lies in a little bit.

74、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。——王勃 The harder pressed, the stronger, do not fall Albatron ambition.

75、老骥伏枥,志在千里;烈士暮年,壮心不已。——曹操 Laojifuli, One aims for the far-off future. martyrs Munian, in high aspirations.

76、贫不足羞,可羞是贫而无志。——吕坤 Poverty and lack of shame can be ashamed to be poor and not ambitious.

77、路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。——吉鸿昌 The road is foot out, history is written by people. Every step of man's action is writing his own history.

78、迎着阳光开放的花朵才美丽,伴着**理想的爱情才甜蜜。——莫贵英 The flowers that open to the sun are beautiful, and the love of the revolutionary ideal is sweet.

79、青年人的特点在于他们抱有作理想事业的宏大志愿。——加里宁 The characteristic of the young people is that they have great ambition to make an ideal cause.
