1、一分信誉十分财,十分信誉黄金来。 A cent of credit is very rich, very good credit gold.

2、一分生意,十分服务。 A business is a great service.

3、一家开店百家求,针头线脑不可丢。 One shop, one hundred, can't be lost.

4、一条信息,一笔财富。 A piece of information, a fortune.

5、一辣解三馋,一热顶三鲜。 A spicy solution of three appetites, a hot top three fresh.

6、三三见九,不如二五一十。 Three to nine is better than two to ten.

7、下不了高梁本,喝不到老白干。 If you can't get off the high beam, you can't drink old white stuff.

8、不怕货拥,就怕货冷。 Not afraid of goods, but afraid of cold goods.

9、人无我有,人有我精。 I have no one, but I have my essence.

10、人是钩子眼是秤,人心才是定盘星。 Man is the hook, the eye is the scale, the heart is the star.

11、人清帐不混,就帕昧良心。 If you don't mix up, you will lose your conscience.

12、借鸡下蛋,借地生财。 Borrow chicken to lay eggs, borrow land to make money.

13、半做主人半做客,一分行贷一分钱。 Half as a host, half as a guest, a branch loan a cent.

14、和为贵,忍为高。 Harmony is precious, tolerance is high.

15、坏心眼子,耍秤杆子。 A bad heart plays with a steelyard.

16、处理的东西没好货。 There's nothing to deal with.

17、大利大为,小利小为,无利不为。 Big profits, big profits, small profits, small profits, no profits.

18、宁在饭前跑断腿,莫在饭后磨破嘴。 It's better to break a leg before a meal than to grind your mouth after a meal.

19、当面银子对面钱,算盘珠上不让人。 Face to face silver, opposite money, abacus beads do not let people.

20、待客莫说等一等,礼貌用语我就来。 Don't say wait for a moment. I'll come.

21、懂政策知行情,巧运用生意兴。 Understand the policy, know the market, skillfully use business.

22、才高八斗,商贾居首。 The merchants are the most talented.

23、无奸不商,无利不发。 No business without treachery, no profit without profit.

24、无奸不商,无巧不艺。 No treachery, no business, no skill.

25、有利必有害,人容天不容。 Good will do harm, and man will tolerate heaven.

26、有货不愁客,有酒不愁喝。 If you have goods, you don't worry about customers; if you have wine, you don't have to worry about drinking.

27、水涨船高,价随市变。 The price changes with the market.

28、水里无鱼白撒网,人无本领莫经商。 If there is no fish in the water, cast a net in vain. If a man has no skill, he should not go into business.

29、种地要紧,买卖要勤。 It's important to cultivate land, and to do business frequently.

30、笛要吹在眼上,话要说在点上。 The flute should be played on the eye, and the words should be on the spot.

31、经商不理财,纯属瞎胡来。 Business without financial management is sheer nonsense.

32、缺为贵,少为鲜。 Lack is precious, less is fresh.

33、说话要规矩,浮燥没人理。 You should be polite when you speak, and no one will pay attention to your frivolity.

34、货真价实,童叟无欺。 The goods are genuine and the old are not cheated.

35、货问三家成行家。 Ask three experts.

36、钱财要明慎,糊涂生弊端。 Money should be prudent, and ignorance will lead to malpractice.

37、问遍千家,必成行家。 If you ask a thousand people, you will become an expert.

38、闹市是中心,寸土值千金。 Downtown is the center, an inch of land is worth a thousand dollars.

39、随行就市,水涨船高。 Follow the market, the tide rises and the boat rises.

40、龙多不治水,精干出效益。 Longduo doesn't control the water, so it can bring benefits.