1、一勤生百巧,一懒生百病。 A diligent birth makes a hundred skillful, a lazy birth makes a hundred diseases.

2、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。 An inch of time and an inch of gold make it difficult to buy an inch of time.


4、不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 If you don't go to the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's son.

5、不到江边不脱鞋,不到火候不揭锅。 Do not take off your shoes until you reach the river, or uncover the pot until you reach the fire.

6、不听老人言,吃亏在眼前。 Suffer will at present if you do not listen to the old man's advice,

7、不怕一万,只怕万一。 Not afraid of 10,000, just afraid of 10,00

8、不怕一万,就怕万一。 If you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of ten thousand.

9、不怕人不请,就怕艺不精。 If you are not afraid of being invited, you are afraid of being inexperienced.

10、不怕学不成,只怕心不诚。 Don't be afraid to fail in learning, just be afraid to be sincere.

11、不怕少年苦,只怕老来穷。 He is not afraid of the hardships of young people, but of the poverty of old people.

12、不怕山高,就怕脚软。 If you are not afraid of mountains, you are afraid of feet.

13、不怕百事不利,就怕灰心丧气。 If you are not afraid of pepsi's disadvantage, you are afraid of frustration.

14、不怕穿得迟,就怕脱得早。 Not afraid to wear late, afraid to take off early.

15、不懂装懂,永世饭桶。 Do not pretend to understand, eternal bucket.

16、不担三分险,难练一身胆。 It is difficult to practise courage without taking three risks.

17、不挑担子不知重,不走长路不知远。 No burden, no weight, no long road, no distance.

18、不磨不炼,不成好汉。 No man is a good man unless he is tempered.

19、东西越用越少,学问越学越多。 The less you use things, the more you learn.

20、乖子看一眼,呆子看到晚。 A good boy takes a look, a fool sees the night.

21、人在世上练,刀在石上磨。 Man practices in the world, and knives grind on stones.

22、人多计谋广,柴多火焰高。 There are many people and many plans, but many firewood and fire are high.

23、人往大处看,鸟往高处飞。 People look up and birds fly up.

24、人往高处走,水往低处流。 People go up and water flows down.

25、人心隔肚皮,看人看行为。 People's hearts are separated from their bellies, and people see their actions.

26、人怕没理,狗怕夹尾。 People are afraid of ignorance and dogs are afraid of tail-clipping.

27、人横有道理,马横有缰绳。 A horse has a reins.

28、人过留名,雁过留声。 People leave their names, geese leave their voices.

29、今日有酒今朝醉,明天倒灶喝凉水。 Today there is wine, today drunk, tomorrow pour stove to drink cold water.

30、内行看门道,外行看热闹。 The expert watches the doorway, the layman watches the lively.

31、力是压大的,胆是吓大的。 Force is strong, courage is frightening.

32、勤人睡成懒人,懒人睡成病人。 Hard sleepers become lazy, lazy sleepers become sick.

33、勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。 Diligence is a cash cow, and thrift is a treasure trough.

34、口说无凭,事实为证。 There is no basis for words, but facts are proof.

35、吃饭吃米,说话说理。 Eat rice for dinner and make sense.

36、多个朋友多条路,多个冤家多堵墙。 Many friends and many roads, many enemies and many walls.

37、多行不义必自毙。 He who commitsmany acts of unrighteousness will die.

38、天上豆英云,地上晒死人。 Beans and Yingyun clouds in the sky and people on the ground are sunned to death.

39、天上钩钩云,地上雨淋淋。 Sky hook clouds, rain on the ground.

40、天无二日,人无二理。 Every day has two days, and every man has his own reason.

41、好汉不提当年勇。 A good man does not mention his bravery.

42、好男不争财和产,好女不争嫁时衣。 Good men don't fight for wealth and property, good women don't fight for fashion clothes.

43、小人记仇,君子长志。 Villagers bear grudges, gentlemen have long aspirations.

44、少年易老学难成,一寸光阴不可轻。 Teenagers are apt to learn from the old, but hard to achieve. An inch of time is not light.

45、山高有攀头,路远有奔头。 There are climbing heads in the mountains and running heads in the distance.

46、帮人要帮到底,救人要救到头。 Help people to the end, save people to the end.

47、帮助别人要忘掉,别人帮己要记牢。 Help others to forget, help others to remember.

48、常说口里顺,常做手不笨。 It is often said that a smooth mouth is not a clumsy hand.

49、平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚。 Usually do not burn incense, temporary embrace Buddha's feet.

50、弱者坐待时机,强者制造时机。 Weak people wait for the opportunity, strong people make the opportunity.

51、强中自有强中手,能人背后有能人。 A strong man has a strong master, and a capable man has a capable man behind his back.

52、无理心慌,有理胆壮。 Unreasonable panic, reasonable courage.

53、早起多长一智,晚睡多增一闻。 How early to get up is wisdom, and how late to go to bed is news.

54、明人不做暗事,真人不说假话。 An honest man does not do secret things, but a real man does not tell lies.

55、有雨山戴帽,无雨云拦腰。 There are rainy mountains with hats and no rainy clouds.

56、朋友千个少,敌人一个多。 A thousand friends and one enemy.

57、木尺虽短,能量千丈。 The wooden ruler is short, but its energy is enormous.

58、树老半空心,人老百事通。 Old trees are half hollow, old people know everything.

59、树老根多,人老识多。 There are many roots in trees, but many people know.

60、水不平要流,理不平要说。 If water does not flow, it is not reasonable to say so.

61、水不流会发臭,人不学会落后。 If water does not flow, it will stink. People do not learn to lag behind.

62、水深难见底,虎死不倒威。 It's hard to see the bottom of the water.

63、清早宝塔云,下午雨倾盆。 Pagoda clouds in the early morning and rain in the afternoon.

64、满瓶不动半瓶摇。 The full bottle will not move and the half bottle will shake.

65、滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。 The grace of dripping water should be reported by the gushing spring.

66、炕上有病人,地上有愁人。 There are sick people in the Kang and sad people on the ground.

67、砍柴上山,捉鸟上树。 Cut firewood up the hill and catch birds up the tree.

68、离家十里路,各处各乡风。 Ten miles away from home, the local customs everywhere.

69、穷人不攀高亲,落雨不爬高墩。 Poor people do not climb high relatives, rain does not climb high piers.

70、粗茶淡饭能养人,破衣破裤能遮寒。 Coarse tea and light rice can support people, ragged clothes and pants can cover the cold.

71、精益求精,艺无止境。 Keep improving, art is endless.

72、细水长流,吃穿不愁。 Thin water flows long, no worries about food and clothing.

73、老鼠过街,人人喊打。 When the mice cross the street, everyone shouts and beats.

74、耐心虽苦,成果却甜。 Patience is bitter, but results are sweet.

75、花儿凋谢不再开,光阴一去不再来。 Flowers wither and no longer open. Time is gone and no longer comes.

76、见强不怕,遇弱不欺。 Do not be afraid of the strong, do not deceive the weak.

77、败家子挥金如粪,兴家人惜粪如金。 The loser spends money like dung, while the rejuvenating family cherishes dung like gold.

78、路是弯的,理是直的。 The road is curved and straight.

79、路遥知马力,日久见人心。 Lu Yaoyao knows horsepower, and has seen people's hearts and minds for a long time.

80、酒逢知己千杯少,话不投机半句多。 A thousand drinks are not enough for a confidant, but half a sentence is not speculative.

81、香花不必须好看,会说不必须能干。 Fragrant flowers don't need to look good, they say they don't need to be competent.
