1、一个人出门,发现忘记带耳机。 A person went out and found that he forgot to bring headphones.

2、一个人的忍耐是有限的,悲伤请适可而止。 One's patience is limited. Please stop grieving.

3、一个女人一切心伤的过往,都是与爱情有关。 All a woman's sad past is related to love.

4、今晚难熬,明晚也是,每晚都是。 It's tough tonight, tomorrow night, every night.

5、从相遇到离开,我欠自己良多,但不欠你分毫! From meeting to leaving, I owe myself a lot, but I don't owe you a cent!

6、伤过了,幸福,还会远吗? Hurt, happiness, will be far away?

7、你上下都好看,远近都迷人,却横竖都不属于我。 You are beautiful up and down, charming far and near, but you don't belong to me.

8、你不再温暖如初,我也变得不像我。 You are no longer warm as before, and I am not like me.

9、你再晚睡,不想找你的人还是不会找你。 If you stay up late, those who don't want to look for you still won't look for you.

10、你没有不舍,我也不好意思难过。 I'm sorry you didn't give up.

11、你玩的都是套路,辜负我的都是深情。 What you play is routine, and what fails me is affection.

12、你离开了我,还附送折磨,只有天晓得我该怎么做。 You left me with torture. Only God knows what I should do.

13、冁然而笑的制造更多幻想,骄傲的飞翔,用力的追寻。 Smile suddenly to create more fantasy, proud of flying, hard to pursue.

14、别再和好,就没有重蹈覆辙。 Don't make up again, you won't make the same mistake again.

15、即便是被命运百般捉弄,也要努力活的精彩。 Even if you are teased by fate, try to live a wonderful life.

16、原来幸福就是隐藏自己的伤,就算是流泪也要笑着。 The original happiness is to hide their own injuries, even tears also want to smile.

17、只要结果是和你在一起,不管过程如何。 As long as the result is with you, no matter how the process.

18、后来不懂爱的人慢慢懂了,懂爱的人却不敢再爱了。 Later, people who don't understand love gradually understand, but people who understand love dare not love again.

19、回头发现,你不见了。 Looking back, you're gone.

20、城市揉进雨里,凉意生在初夏。 The city rubs into the rain, the coolness is born in the early summer.

21、夜晚的冷清,让我想起曾经的甜蜜。 The coldness of the night reminds me of my sweetness.

22、如果下雪不打伞,是不是我们就可以一路走到白头。 If we don't take umbrellas when it snows, can we walk all the way to Baitou.

23、如果我假装说要走,你能不能什么也不想就挽留? If I pretend to leave, can you hold on without thinking about anything?

24、如果我没有认识你,那该多好啊。至少我不会伤心。 If only I didn't know you. At least I won't be sad.

25、如果有机会让我遇见你吧,我不想一个人! If I have a chance to meet you, I don't want to be alone!

26、对不起,只因为我还爱着你。 Sorry, just because I still love you.

27、山盟虽在,锦书难托。 Although the mountain alliance is there, the brocade book is hard to trust.

28、当阳光刺疼了我的眼,眼泪也模糊了我的视线。 When the sun hurt my eyes, tears blurred my vision.

29、很可笑,可笑我为什么还这么在乎你。 It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous why I still care about you so much.

30、念旧的人活得像个拾荒者,不动声色却满心澎湃。 Nostalgic people live like a scavenger, silent but full of emotion.

31、我们说好的不分离,现在只剩下我一个人。 We agreed not to separate. Now I'm the only one left.

32、我快乐还是忧伤,你从没在乎过。 I am happy or sad, you never care.

33、我把生活想得太简单,所以所有的狼狈都是意料之中。 I think life is too simple, so all the confusion is expected.

34、我爱你,是我独家的记忆。 I love you. It's my only memory.

35、我知道你很难过,感情的付出不是真心就会有结果。 I know you are very sad, emotional pay is not sincere, there will be results.

36、我羡慕所有人的爱情,却恨透了你的背叛。 I envy everyone's love, but hate your betrayal.

37、放弃是因为曾经拥有,幸福是因为历经苦难。 To give up is to have, to be happy is to have suffered.

38、时间真的可以改变很多东西,比如曾经幼稚的想法。 Time can really change a lot of things, such as once naive ideas.

39、有些人,抓住了就是抓住了,错过了就是错过了。 Some people, seize is to seize, miss is to miss.

40、有时候,你开的玩笑太多,便没人肯相信你的认真。 Sometimes, if you make too many jokes, no one will believe you seriously.

41、栀子花盛开的美丽,而心痛却无止境的蔓延。 Gardenia blooming beauty, and heartache but endless spread.

42、每个人都在不断变,只是变的时间不一样罢了。 Everyone is constantly changing, just changing at different times.

43、没有不散的宴席,没有舍不得的人。 There is no banquet that does not end, and there is no one who is reluctant to give up.

44、烟对肺不好,咖啡对胃不好,爱情对心脏不好。 Smoke is bad for the lungs, coffee is bad for the stomach, and love is bad for the heart.

45、独自一人走天涯,不管伤痕累累。 Go to the end of the world alone, no matter how scarred.

46、真正的吃惊表情转瞬即逝,超过一秒钟便是假装的。 The real surprise is fleeting, more than a second is fake.

47、眼里没有星辰,也没有大海,更没有你。 There are no stars, no sea and no you in my eyes.

48、趁年轻,走自己想走的路。没理由,不去闯。 When you are young, go the way you want to go. There's no reason not to rush.

49、躺在星空下、跟你说关于我们的回忆。 Lying under the stars, telling you about our memories.

50、需要热情主动维系的任何关系,都让我感觉到累。 Any relationship that needs enthusiasm and initiative makes me feel tired.