1、一别两宽各自生欢,不念过去不畏将来。 One another and two broad have their own joys, not to read the past and fear the future.

2、万籁俱寂的晚上我偷偷把爱埋葬。 I secretly bury love in the evening of silence.

3、不同的爱情,却有类似的伤。 Different love, but there are similar injuries.

4、不是我不爱了,是我该滚了。 It's not that I don't love it, it's time I get out of it.

5、不要再辜负,我的退出,你应该幸福。 Don't let go of it again, my exit, you should be happy.

6、人生就像茶几,上面摆满了杯具。 Life is like a tea table, and it is filled with cups and utensils.

7、伤害我的人,总有一天我要笑着看你哭。 The one who hurt me will one day smile and see you cry.

8、你就像场戏剧,随时随地转换面具。 You're like a drama, changing masks anytime and anywhere.

9、你的眼睛下雨了,淋湿了我所有的骄傲。 It's raining in your eyes, it's all my pride.

10、你的身边好拥挤,我没法靠近你。 You are so crowded that I can't get close to you.

11、保持不变,这才是我。 Keep it unchanged, that's me.

12、假装幸福太悲哀,不如流着泪坦白。 Pretend happiness is too sad, so let's confess with tears.

13、先动心的都是孙子,被爱的都是爷。 First of all, all the grandchildren are attracted, and the ones loved are masters.

14、别忘了你还有我,我会一直在你身边。 Don't forget you and me. I'll be by your side all the time.

15、原谅我百毒不侵,只因身后空无一人。 Forgive me for being inviolant, because there is no one behind me.

16、可爱谁来买单,悲伤谁来掩埋。 Who is lovely comes to pay, who is sad to bury.

17、听闻青春,十有九狂。 Hearing of youth, ten have nine crazy.

18、和爱的人吵架,和陌生人讲心里话。 Quarrel with the loved ones and talk to strangers.

19、回首不见从前,再见已非少年。 Looking back, I can't see you again. Goodbye is no longer a teenager.

20、在敢爱敢恨的年纪、我们却都逃避了。 At a age of love and hate, we all escaped.

21、女人说我们必须装傻。才能活到男人心中。 Women say we have to be silly. Only to live in the heart of men.

22、如今的绝情,冷淡,谁的杰作。 Now the most desperate, cold, whose masterpiece.

23、宁为自己而哭,也不为他笑。 Rather cry for yourself than laugh for him.

24、寂寞,是你心里有人。 Loneliness, is you have a person in mind.

25、就当我是空气吧,起码你还需要我。 Just when I'm air, at least you need me.

26、平生不会相思,才会相思,便害相思。 In ordinary life, we will not think of each other, and we will harm each other.

27、当你克服你的恐惧,没有人能打败你。 When you overcome your fears, no one can beat you.

28、心若向阳,无谓悲伤。 If the heart is sunny, it is no sorrow.

29、总是喜欢追忆,喜欢回顾,喜欢眷恋。 Always like to remember, like to review, like to love.

30、您有自己的读者,而我只是个渡轮。 You have your own readers, and I'm just a ferry.

31、想要看清事实,就需要一些疼痛。 To see the facts, it takes some pain.

32、想问你,我是不是你那一份独一无二? Want to ask you, am I your one and only?

33、我不是傻,其实我懂,你爱的人不是我。 I am not stupid, actually I understand, you love people are not me.

34、我为你写的情书,被六月的风带走了。 The love letter I wrote for you was taken away by the wind of June.

35、我为你而去。最后,我想离开我的尊严。 I'll go for you. Finally, I want to leave my dignity.

36、我以为我们很接近,却始终保持着距离。 I thought we were close, but we kept distance.

37、我在回忆的涡轮里,寻找我们相爱的证据。 I was in the turbine of memories, looking for evidence of our love.

38、我在表达对你的感情,何尝不是一种讽刺? I am expressing my feelings for you. What is not a satire?

39、我已经筋疲力尽了,还是得不到你。 I'm exhausted, I still can't get you.

40、我想我会藏好我的伤,像你希望的那样。 I think I'll hide my injuries, as you would like.

41、我无心伤你,而你却字字刺痛我的心。 I have no heart to hurt you, but you are stabbing my heart.

42、我知道现在除了承诺,并不能给你什么。 I know that now, except for promises, I can't give you anything.

43、我脾气不好,也容忍不了。 I'm not in a good temper and can't stand it.

44、我难免有暧昧之处,因为风的缘故。 I am bound to have ambiguity because of the wind.

45、控制不住的是情绪,抑制不住的是感情。 What can't be controlled is emotion, but what can't be suppressed is emotion.

46、斑驳的记忆。残留,你我的身影。 Mottled memory. I am still, you and me.

47、明明是孤独,却骗自己说是*。 It is lonely, but it is free to deceive yourself.

48、有一种心情,叫相见恨晚。 There is a mood, called meet hate late.

49、有一种感觉总在失眠时,才承认是相思。 There is a feeling always in insomnia, only admitted to be Acacia.

50、白日梦做多了,难免夜晚会失眠。 Daydreaming is too much, it is inevitable that night party sleepless.

51、真希望在原地等,就可以等到一个未来。 I wish I could wait in place, and I could wait for a future.

52、胖子就别钻牛角尖了,钻不进去的。 Fat people don't drill the corner, they can't get in.

53、花碎后,绚烂在叶下的是一片茫然。 After the flowers are broken, the gorgeous under the leaves is a blank.

54、茫茫人海,找不到A踪影。 The vast sea of people, can not find your trace.

55、衣服破了可以缝,心碎了只有疼。 Clothes can be sewn when they are broken, and only pain is broken.

56、越是在乎,越是心痛。 The more care, the more heartache.

57、这一场来历不明的幸福,我看不到出路。 I can't see the way out of this unknown happiness.

58、这城市那么空,这回忆那么凶。 The city is so empty, and the memory is so fierce.

59、难过的是,失去和拥有都由不得我。 Sadly, I can't lose and own.

60、韶华易逝,红颜易老。 Time is easy to die, and the red face is easy to grow old.