1、一个人的旅程,没有人知道我多孤单。 A person's journey, no one knows how lonely I am.

2、人之所以会撒谎,是为隐藏内心的脆弱。 The reason why people lie is to hide their inner vulnerability.

3、人心难测,十世为情。 It's hard to measure people's minds. Ten generations are feelings.

4、人生只活一世,不如随缘一些,就会轻松自在一些。 Life is only one life, it is better to go along with the fate of some, will be more relaxed.

5、人的桃花运,跟生理周期一样,都是一阵一阵的。 People's peach blossom luck, like the physiological cycle, comes and goes.

6、从朋友走成了前男友,到底爱错了什么步骤。 From a friend to an ex boyfriend, what's wrong with love.

7、他不再是我的世界,因为我的世界已塌陷。 He is no longer my world, because my world has collapsed.

8、你并不内向,只是不想搭理在你心中不重要的人。 You are not introverted, just don't want to take care of the unimportant people in your heart.

9、你把我当成什么,害我如此难过。 What do you think of me to make me so sad.

10、你放过我,我也放过你。 You let me go, and I'll let you go.

11、你是我心中,最明媚的伤痕。 You are the most beautiful scar in my heart.

12、你绝情、我断义、从此直线永平行! You are heartless, I break righteousness, from now on straight line forever parallel!

13、别太相信你的回忆里面那个人不一定同样想你。 Don't trust your memory too much. The person in it may not miss you as well.

14、因你常说没关系,他便不觉对不起。 Because you often say it doesn't matter, he doesn't feel sorry.

15、多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心! Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to give up!

16、失而复得的感情能维持多久,就如破镜难重圆。 How long can the lost and recovered feelings last? It's like a broken mirror.

17、如果可以,多想和你在一起。 I want to be with you if I can.

18、如果流浪是你的天赋,我愿耗尽一生去追逐。 If vagrancy is your talent, I would like to spend my life chasing it.

19、嫉妒,是一个人发自内心地对另一个人最大的认可。 Jealousy is one person's biggest recognition of another from the bottom of his heart.

20、对不起,我们的结局只能以背影告别。 I'm sorry, our ending can only say goodbye with our back.

21、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另壹种明白。 When tears flow down, we know that separation is another understanding.

22、心痛压抑,触碰泪点。 Heartache, depression, touching tears.

23、怪自己记忆力太好,无法抹去你给的爱和恨。 Blame oneself memory is too good, cannot erase the love that you give and hate.

24、我不在乎任何人的看法。不管你们说我的好还是坏。 I don't care what anyone thinks. No matter you call me good or bad.

25、我想知道,我们用青春到底能抱住多少悲伤。 I want to know how much sadness we can hold with our youth.

26、我这一生只为你流泪,只为你奋斗,也只爱你一人。 I only shed tears for you, struggle for you and love you all my life.

27、把犯的起的错,能错的都错过,应该还来得及去悔过。 If you miss all the mistakes you can make, you should have time to repent.

28、挽留总说不出口,思念却没有更改过。 Retention is always hard to say, but missing has not changed.

29、摘不到的星星、总是最闪亮的。 The stars that cannot be picked are always the brightest.

30、故事还长别失望,有没有爱都别慌。 The story is still long, don't be disappointed, don't panic with or without love.

31、既然挂着就上线,至少让我知道你还没死。 Now that you're on the line, at least let me know you're not dead.

32、明明感情总是善良,残忍的是人会成长。 Clearly feelings are always good, cruel people will grow up.

33、明明是他先靠近我的,可是最后却是我舍不得。 It is clear that he came close to me first, but I was reluctant to give up in the end.

34、明知道,再怎么挽回也只是空气。 I know that no matter how to recover it, it's just air.

35、曾经,那么深爱着彼此。如今,我们却形同陌路。 Once, so deeply in love with each other. Now, we are strangers.

36、每当你不在时,我就像是活在一个人的世界里。 Whenever you're not there, it's like I'm living in a human world.

37、没有你的世界,连呼吸都是压抑的。 In the world without you, even breathing is oppressive.

38、浅浅,神奇的太阳花女孩,在黑暗中跳着白色舞蹈。 Shallow, magical sunflower girl, dancing White Dance in the dark.

39、爱像水墨青花,何惧刹那芳华。 Love is like ink blue and white, not afraid of the moment.

40、牢牢地记住,此刻之后我们将变成陌生人。 Keep in mind that after this moment we will become strangers.

41、独一无二,无可取代,是你存在的意义。 Unique, irreplaceable, is the meaning of your existence.

42、现在的我活得很开心,人不人鬼不鬼的。 Now I live a happy life, people are not ghosts are not ghosts.

43、生命的意义不在于长短,活的潇洒比什么都重要。 The meaning of life does not lie in the length, the life is more important than anything.

44、看着你的笑在别人眼中燃烧,我却找不到一个拥抱。 Looking at your smile burning in other people's eyes, I can't find a hug.

45、花丛路人扰清梦,道是花香诱人醉。 Flowers, passers-by disturb the dream, the road is attractive flowers drunk.

46、若你我今生无法再见,又怎说相约到永远。 If you and I can't see each other in this life, how can we say we will meet forever.

47、越是被遗弃,越要争口气。 The more abandoned, the more competitive.

48、过去就是过去。再念也是过去。 The past is the past. It's the past.

49、这辈子对女人不好的男人,下辈子全部变成七度空间。 Men who are not good to women in this life will become seven dimensional space in the next life.

50、那繁华落尽,留下的只有遍地忧伤。 The prosperous fall, leaving only sadness everywhere.