1、一个人的伤,谁愈? A person's injury, who heal?

2、一个人的,尘世清欢。 A person's, the world Qinghuan.

3、一直告诉自己,放弃你是最爱你的方式。 Always tell yourself that giving up on you is the best way to love you.

4、不碰了好像忘了,恐惧却在脑海住着。 Don't touch as if forget, fear is in mind.

5、不要什么都学别人,很容易迷失自己的。 Don't learn everything from others. It's easy to lose yourself.

6、世界之大,为何我们相遇,因为这就是爱。 The world is big, why we meet, because this is love.

7、他们给我十年,我要默笙一辈子。 They gave me ten years, and I want to live forever.

8、他让你红了眼眶,你却还笑着说原谅。 He makes your eyes red, but you still smile and say forgive.

9、会心碎的拥抱,适合浅尝,不适合深醉。 Heartbroken embrace, suitable for shallow taste, not suitable for deep drunk.

10、你不好,可是我就是忘不掉。 You are not good, but I just can't forget.

11、你是寂寞的,我是悲伤的,爱情是难过的。 You are lonely, I am sad, love is sad.

12、你的存在、是我唯一想要的等待。 Your existence is the only waiting I want.

13、你的眼泪流在他手中,冰冻成琥珀。 Your tears flow in his hands, frozen into amber.

14、你许了我一米阳光却给了我一世沧桑。 You promised me a meter of sunshine, but you gave me a lifetime of vicissitudes.

15、你走后,千百个人似你,但都不是你。 After you left, thousands of people like you, but none of them are you.

16、你骗我,你说会陪我到地老天荒得。 You lied to me, you said you would accompany me to the end of time.

17、全世界只有那么一个你,叫我如何不珍惜。 There is only one you in the world, how can I not cherish it.

18、其实你不爱我,只是刚好遇到我。 In fact, you don't love me. You just met me.

19、再甜的人,也有一个地方是苦的。 No matter how sweet people are, there is a place where they are bitter.

20、到了分岔口,你就该学会分道扬镳。 At the fork in the road, you should learn to go your separate ways.

21、即使再没心没肺,有时也不免忧伤。 Even if you are heartless, sometimes you are sad.

22、变得什么都理解,也都什么都无法相信。 To understand everything and believe nothing.

23、吾思伊人,夜里梦回。 I think of her and dream back at night.

24、她知道,既然不能开始,就只能离去。 She knew that since she could not start, she had to leave.

25、如果喜欢你是一种病,我愿意放弃治疗。 If like you is a disease, I am willing to give up treatment.

26、如果我们还只是过路人,多好! If only we were just passers-by!

27、当我笑的时候,其实我的心在撕裂。 When I laugh, my heart is tearing.

28、很久没再拥抱过,有的只是沉默。 I haven't hugged again for a long time. There is only silence.

29、徒留我一人,望你背影离我远去。 Leave me alone. I hope your back is far away from me.

30、微笑总比流泪强,这算不算伪装? Smile is better than tears. Is this a disguise?

31、忘乎所有,谨记己有。 Forget everything and remember what you have.

32、恍然你又在身旁,笑容星一般明亮。 Suddenly you're around again, bright as a star.

33、我也曾经亲手捏碎我在乎的东西。 I used to crush things I care about.

34、我们害怕失去,却始终没学会珍惜。 We are afraid to lose, but never learn to cherish.

35、我会学会忘记你,就像你忘记我一样。 I will learn to forget you, just as you forget me.

36、我就在你身后,你为什么不回头。 I'm right behind you. Why don't you look back.

37、我希望你丢掉我之后你是真快乐。 I hope you are really happy after you lose me.

38、我很喜欢你,可是好像只能到这儿了。 I like you very much, but it seems that I can only get here.

39、我穿上最美的外套,却从未等到你的拥抱。 I put on the most beautiful coat, but never wait for your hug.

40、把你放在心底,用回忆把你埋葬。 Put you in the bottom of my heart and bury you with memories.

41、既然选择了放手,就不该再回头。 Since we have chosen to let go, we should not go back.

42、曾经以为,爱上了你。 Once thought, fell in love with you.

43、最后,我们的幸福,终究还是是错过。 Finally, our happiness, after all, is missed.

44、月下问归人东篱黄昏约,是是非非。 Under the moon, I asked the returnees about the dusk of Dongli, right and wrong.

45、有些话,你随便的说,我却认真的难过。 Some words, you say casually, but I'm really sad.

46、每天只剩下四种感觉:困饿累烦! There are only four feelings left every day: sleepiness, hunger, tiredness!

47、水凉了可以再喝,可心凉了难以捂热。 When the water is cold, you can drink it again, but when the heart is cold, it's hard to cover the heat.

48、爱情里流过的眼泪,让时间慢慢来烘焙。 Tears in love, let time bake slowly.

49、生命,原来是一场无法回放的绝版电影。 Life turns out to be an out of print movie that can't be played back.

50、用力爱过的人,讲再见那一刻格外艰难。 For those who have loved hard, it is especially difficult to say goodbye.

51、终于心,在于心,可最后悔于心。 Finally, the heart, in the heart, can most regret in the heart.

52、缺席了你的从前,却不想缺席你的未来。 I miss your past, but I don't want to miss your future.

53、舍掉分量,得到质量,这就是所谓的舍得。 Give up the weight and get the quality. This is called giving up.

54、讨厌一个人,从来都不需要理由。 Hate a person, never need a reason.

55、诉不尽多年情话,到头来只一句好久不见。 I can't tell you my love story for many years, but I haven't seen you for a long time.

56、还有我来疼爱你,所以你无需孤独。 And I love you, so you don't have to be alone.

57、这世界很大,但终究还是没有第二个你。 The world is big, but there is no second you after all.

58、这就是我的方式,希望你是真的满意。 This is my way. I hope you are really satisfied.

59、雨淋湿了回忆,痛始终不说话。 Rain drenched memories, pain never speak.

60、风确定要走,云怎么挽留。 The wind is sure to go. How can the cloud stay.