1、亲情,人间至情,母爱,人间至爱。 Family, human love, maternal love, human love.

2、天大地大,母亲为大。 Mother is the greatest.

3、天空广阔,比不上母亲的博爱广阔。 The sky is vast, not as vast as mother's fraternity.

4、太阳温暖,比不上母亲的真情温暖。 The warmth of the sun is not as warm as mother's true feelings.

5、当你失败时,想想你的母亲。 When you fail, think about your mother.

6、当你孤独时,想想你的母亲。 When you are lonely, think about your mother.

7、当你寒冷时,想想你的母亲。 When you are cold, think about your mother.

8、彩虹鲜艳,比不上母亲的快乐鲜艳。 The rainbow is not as bright as my mother's happiness.

9、您是一堵挡风的墙,为儿女挡风避寒。 You are a windproof wall for your children.

10、母亲像参天的大树,让我感觉凉爽。 My mother is like a towering tree, which makes me feel cool.

11、母亲包容天下,母亲也需要扶助。 Mother is tolerant and needs help.

12、母亲您是大河,把我这小舟送到对岸。 Mother, you are the river, take my boat to the other side.

13、母亲您是雨伞,在我困难时保护着我。 Mother, you are an umbrella, protecting me when I am in trouble.

14、母亲是一朵花,让我学会了倾听。 Mother is a flower, let me learn to listen.

15、母亲是御寒的冬衣,时刻给我温暖。 Mother is the winter clothing to keep warm.

16、母亲是身上的被,没有她会感到寒冷。 Mother is the quilt on her body. She would feel cold without her.

17、母亲的四季,牵挂着你在外的冷暖。 Mother's four seasons, care about your warm and cold outside.

18、母亲的年轮,记载着你人生的轨迹。 Mother's ring, records the track of your life.

19、母亲,喜悦快乐时分享的朋友。 Mother, a friend who shares joy and happiness.

20、母亲,是孤独飘荡时心灵的港湾。 Mother is the harbor of the soul when she is alone.

21、母亲,是彷徨忧伤时踏实的臂腕。 Mother is a steadfast armband when hesitating and sad.

22、母爱之情,惊动天地,感泣鬼神。 Mother's love stirs the world and makes people cry.

23、母爱像春天的暖风,吹拂着你的心。 Maternal love is like the warm wind in spring, blowing your heart.

24、母爱如一束阳光,温暖我冰冷的心窝。 Maternal love is like a bunch of sunshine, warm my cold heart.

25、母爱如雪,无处不在,落满心间。 Maternal love is like snow, everywhere, falling in my heart.

26、母爱无私无声,无边无价。 Maternal love is selfless and silent, boundless and priceless.

27、母爱是一份香包,把祝福带给子女。 Mother's love is a sachet that brings blessings to children.

28、母爱是一段蜡烛,把美好无私奉献。 Maternal love is a candle, the beautiful selfless dedication.

29、母爱是一缕春风,抚平脸颊的沉重。 Maternal love is a wisp of spring breeze, smoothing the heaviness of the cheek.

30、母爱是一首田园诗,悠遥清净。 Maternal love is an idyllic poem, leisurely and pure.

31、母爱是云,化作及时的雨。 Mother's love is a cloud, turned into timely rain.

32、母爱是伟大的,是用金钱买不起的。 Maternal love is great and can't be bought with money.

33、母爱是光,照亮我心中的每一处角落。 Mother's love is light, illuminating every corner of my heart.

34、母爱是冬雪,白洁纯净无瑕。 Maternal love is snow in winter, white and pure.

35、母爱是启明星,提醒着我黎明的到来! Maternal love is the star, reminds me of the dawn!

36、母爱是夏荷,红花莲子一家。 Maternal love is Xiahe, honghualianzi family.

37、母爱是多言的,却都是独一无二的。 Maternal love is wordy, but it is unique.

38、母爱是山,让你依靠的山。 Mother's love is a mountain that you can rely on.

39、母爱是指明灯,引领着我前进的方向。 Mother's love is the light that guides my way forward.

40、母爱是清泉,滋润着我干涸的心灵。 Maternal love is the spring, moistening my dry heart.

41、母爱是灿烂的阳光,炽热而光明。 Maternal love is the bright sunshine, hot and bright.

42、母爱是盎然的绿地,芳菲而宜人。 Maternal love is a green land full of fragrance and pleasant.

43、母爱是雨,滋润久旱的树。 Mother's love is the rain, moistening the drought tree.

44、母爱是雷,冲击人生的雷。 Mother's love is thunder, the thunder of life.

45、母爱是风,吹散失望的风。 Mother's love is the wind, which blows away disappointment.

46、母爱,人世间最无私的爱。 Maternal love is the most selfless love in the world.

47、母爱,让平凡创造奇迹。 Maternal love, let the ordinary create a miracle.

48、母爱,让笑容战胜阴霾。 Maternal love, let the smile overcome the haze.

49、母爱,让阳光不分昼夜。 Maternal love, let the sun day and night.

50、白头老母遮门啼,挽断衫袖留不止。 The old white headed mother covered the door and cried. She broke her shirt and left her sleeves.